I'm trying to submit a POST request using Burp Suite but I get a status 500 everytime. Without Burp Suite, the request goes through fine and some parameters on the web application change as desired. With Burp Suite, there is no change in the parameters with the application and I get a generic error page from the application.
When I have Burp intercepting, on the Intercept List there appears to be no response for the initial Post request. Not even a redirect. It just shows on the next sequence/line that an error page is requested. So I'm not sure what's going on but I assume a redirect.
When I request the same Post request using Repeater in Burp, I get a status 200 but the parameters don't change within the application.
I need to change the parameters programmatically in my source, so I need to know why I am getting the status 500 using Burp Suite.
I can't reveal the application due territorial instinct and probability of profit loss. But I will give out .001 in BTC to whoever helps me solve this issue.
Are you one of those ANTIFA guys?
Why are you so obsessed with polishforum?
2019-08-07 at 9:50 PM UTC
I get things for free as well. Most things.
More pictures so I can judge.
2019-08-07 at 9:40 PM UTC
When you look back on your life, do you ever really think about the different paths you could have taken along with the pros and cons of each choice?
Are you satisfied with your decision based on the fact that trying to hard is likely to result in stress and regretting not taking it easy, and not not trying hard enough is likely going to result in a lower quality of life?
2019-08-06 at 9:48 PM UTC
Ask a faggot anything
Without your cock and balls, would you wear panties?
2019-08-06 at 9:44 PM UTC
Ask a faggot anything
Would you rather lose your hands and feet or your cock and balls?
What could be next? What's the next thing?
2019-08-06 at 9:37 PM UTC
Ask a faggot anything
How does it feel paying for me?
2019-08-06 at 7:35 PM UTC
I only eat buffets at Indian food buffets.