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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dissociator

    LOL @ his weird post punk pop shit and that oversized coat that just ended up like some weird Lynch/Dali shit
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Are you quoting yourself and responding to yourself?

    No it's using backspace thinking I was responding to another.. its something to do in the quote box .. that didn't do it in the totse UI but does it in this black one.

    it's not coded well. not sure what I did exactly but I was quoting something else (probably Malice suicide?)

    Probably happen more often
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny posting in a fake news thread

    You never had to work a real physical exausting job in your lifetime I take it. I worked construction and poured cement, tore into blacktop to run underground lines and my pale ass did roofing all under the age of 21. I can tell you, that cart-boy shit tired your ass out bigtime. it's added to the list of simple but difficult to do all day long while trying to look presentable enough to bag peoples shit .. always "Too heavy".. "Too light, I can carry more than this". nothing fake about this news, Baby Doll!

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby says the fake coder

    Oh shitttt! see what lanny has to comeback with.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    If I have a fucking stroke from epilepsy, I'll rip your jamtail out, bitch.
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Immature cunt. cut that shit out
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Tell them you have ten out of ten pain until they give yiu somendat good.

    Although pain scale doesnt mean nearly as much as it use to. I aaud 8, which is albeit a bit too unbelievable after my car crash and she barely gave me flexiril.

    Yeah, there should be more than an emoji to tell me what I should rate pain at.

    Maybe I aimed to high. but if I show up at a fucking hospital ER room.. clearly I'm not well.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You're missing the point. I'm not saying someone didn't die, I'm saying we really have no concrete proof it's Malice.

    Unless you know his real face. like Jeff Hunter. there is more than one. but someone posted his face next to Meta

    Regarding, Malice..usually there is a Post Board often set up with his photo where people can say their last wishes. find that. it should have his photo.
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Call the authorities on who?

    Originally posted by Ghost Nobody loved malice thats why he's dead.

    All you fake ass people certainly didn't give a shit about him and just encouraged his degenerate behavior, I was the only one who called him out on it and now you are all crying over something you could have probably prevented if you weren't such brain dead fake fucks.

    You are just virtue signalling losers who think Malice liked any of you but actually he hated you all and that's why he stopped posting months before he killed himself.

    Hold on. Bullshit. I just thought at first it was an alt. I recall a PM conversation asking if I wanted to hook up with him in the city. I think duboce were the skateboard park is off 13th under the elevated highway. I declined, got weirded out because he was talking suicide back then. I had a friend who asked to borrow money and he 'Suicided" a week later. I didn't know this person Malice but it's weird he did this. or is it just an OD while a cry for help. he just did to much with no intent of suicide? but I wouldn't say I didn't give a shit about his situation.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Lol remember how zek convinced a girl to kill herself who wasn't really that depressed and then abandoned his kids after Clifford the big red bong cuckholded him and he became a woman? What the Fuck?

    whut the fuck happened between 2002 and 2017 on these spinoff sites ?

    Fucking CDC having similar incidents close to totse and it takes someone in the open eye to bring out this story? clearly American and Western Media is all nothing but shit propaganda to control politics and future governing.

    The one true thing Trump is right about. FAKE NEWS. it only comes out when someone is making a name for themselves and it's a potential threat for special interest in control.

    but other than that, Trump is a psycho with this wall he's trying to build.
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Lannny are you going to contact Authorities or will I have to be the rat fink to do so.

    I plan on this shit.. but am told (at my fucking age) to not chicken out and stick around. the world's end is probably soon for most of us the way shit is going.

    this person sounds a bit young. I think a welfare check is in need.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Satans children still pestering much?

    got them as members of all kinds of shit involving Government.. at all levels and branches.

    seems that 60s-70s fad is coming back with new recruits.
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Statement with followup A-E

    S:We both hate gays
    A:I don't hate gays. everyone that annoys me is a "Faggot" (non homosexual or whatever that means) use it as a schoolyard insult to this day.

    S:We both hate foreigners.
    A: I don't hate nationality nor ethnicity. I hate people who can't fucking assimilate to the rules of the fucking road of driving and or sidewalks. Walk as you drive.. to the right. Got damn it.

    S:problem is I can’t discriminate against foreigners because I look like one.
    A: Uhh, unless you're Indigenous to what is seen as North or South America for the past 5000 years or so.. We all looking like a foreigner? unless you're in the UK or some other European ass place.. can't help you there.

    S: you can’t discriminate against homos because folks automatically chalk up anything mean you produce as a hate crime.
    A: Don't say shit like "I'll kill a faggot because I hate gays" and or something like this. because.. you took away our little fun word. it just has that harsh F sound like "FUCK" or "FORCED" or "FREAKS" I don't know why it's funny. I had friends, clearly one gay.. and we would throw this at each other in highschool post highschool and PC was lame. tell us what the fuck to say. I didn't know some piece of shit redneck cunts would tie some gay guys up and beat them to death or leave them to die out in the cold (or anywhere America for that matter) and shit had to get all serious. someone lost their sons. Can't think of a situation where it involved daughters.. but maybe us guys should start calling each other dykes from here on in. maybe fgt, faggot, phaggot, faggoted, phaggoted, ngrfgt etc should all be werdfeltered by lannnster as "dyke"

    S:k, so how about i hate homos, and ya’ll hate foreigners, kk thanks.
    A: Just hate everyone equally. but use stereotype voices freely in the comfort of you aside with you and just you. be your bad self.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    that's being stirred up by emotions. that’s just insane to charge someone 10 years because they have a possession of a public viewing. it was one of the cruelist crimes in a single spree by one single person but what could possibly be a true reasoning behind such an "egregious" charge leading to 10 years in prison?
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria did you push 50 + carts at a time?

    close to it.. I think the mules can push closer to 75-100 .. but it's kind of pointless. it's easier to grab 40-50 and roll them in faster then those things take. run back and grab the others.
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost i cant wait until all boomers die

    I'm right on the end of that gen

    i think it's like 25 years long 41-65?

    I'm more X-Gen

    apparently X-gen doesn't exit? Im confused about that. I believe that use highschool graduation years and not birth years

    so 60-84 are boomers?
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano when they start getting dementia they are really pretty pathetic.

    i think dementia is not only a disease of the brain, but also of will. They just start giving up and refusing to think, causing the problem to intensify. They don't even attempt to listen anymore and have no patience.

    They repeat the word help over and over and go die now

    Is your mother or father sickened with this? You have to learn to take that pain and make fun of the situation and not the disease. You have to have a light hearted opinion of what the shit is happening. I can tell I'm getting it earlier than mom is (i mean age wise)

    it's the shits when they take your drivers license away because you might dose off.

    think about it. Sex is pointless, they try and take your cigs from you, they tell you 0 alcohol or maybe a glass of wine is fine but not if you're taking meds (and face it.. most likely you're taking medications several times a day)

    You don't really want to die you just want that lifestyle to die. so you often are heard saying you want to suicide.. no one would care. but deep down we know they don't mean it.

    All you have is morning callisthenic and maybe bingo or movie night once a week. with people older than you yelling out incoherenct grunt. (probably related to really good drugs)
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria The mule had pushed the carts up against the back of a van and started piling on each other
    there was a huge scratch mark from where the wheels had rammed up against the car

    I pushed nearly as many carts as a mule. We were the mules and we learned to steer them with accuracy. I never hit someones car

    I think I was 19-20 the last time I was a courtesy clerk yet we were union. union jobs usually pay 3-5 dollars more an hour with more hours offered and Medical and Dental offered.

    they don't even have unions for most cashier positions these days let a lone a bagger (courtesy clerk)
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria The exact equivalent to his job would be someone who cleans the bathrooms or a CSM

    in the tech world no one takes people like him seriously
    he's just a little weasel on a spinning wheel

    Just by chance, if you're some High Tech guru, that's harsh. Everyone has to start somewhere and he's probably doing just fine in the directions he's aiming for. plus he lives in the Bay Area gives him a huge advantage.

    otherwise, nice Zing!
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Once again, racism wasn't much of a thing on totse. unless people were just trying to trigger someone. I don't know what the hell went on at Zoklet but it attracted a much larger elective group.
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Python is code for secret government affairs, you are committing a felony under the national espionage act.

    they never did shit to Hogan and the Russian spy
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