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Lanny is basically the tech equivalent of a walmart employee

  1. #81
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm wounded

    Fake news bitch.

    its real news that you don't want to accept you fatty butt hole
  2. #82
    Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny posting in a fake news thread

    You never had to work a real physical exausting job in your lifetime I take it. I worked construction and poured cement, tore into blacktop to run underground lines and my pale ass did roofing all under the age of 21. I can tell you, that cart-boy shit tired your ass out bigtime. it's added to the list of simple but difficult to do all day long while trying to look presentable enough to bag peoples shit .. always "Too heavy".. "Too light, I can carry more than this". nothing fake about this news, Baby Doll!

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby says the fake coder

    Oh shitttt! see what lanny has to comeback with.
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