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Posts by Octavian

  1. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You're a brainwashed moron who would rather pay to have sex with a tranny rather than settle down and have kids

  2. Octavian motherfucker
    Man 2019 really sucked ass for me.
  3. Octavian motherfucker
  4. Octavian motherfucker
  5. Octavian motherfucker
  6. Octavian motherfucker
  7. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by cigreting whos dat fag
  8. Octavian motherfucker
    April hopes it stays illegal otherwise she'll have to start paying tax.
  9. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by cigreting m8 am on multiple hydros every day and smoke weed every day. My testosterone is pretty low i believe

  10. Octavian motherfucker
    Blue balls.

    1. Fag?

    2. Avoids females?

    - is he fag?

    - is he incel?

    - both?

    3. Asexual?
  11. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by HTS Also I suffer from extreme contentedness, which may not sound like a bad thing but the world can deteriorate around me and I basically don't give a shit 90% of the time. It makes me lazy, unhygenic, and dispassionate. I have very little drive to do anything because as the trash piles up around me and everything goes to shit, as far as my brain is concerned "this is fine".

    I found this last bit interesting and somewhat relatable. During periods of unemployment I could go weeks without venturing out the door unless to do my weekly shop etc. I would question whether this behaviour was normal, that maybe I should socialise regardless of having no monies at the time to do so? My friend Scott seems to get about considering having no money, I put this down to his inability to keep still (ADHD). All I know is during periods of having little money I can happily hibernate till better opportunities present themselves. It's these periods I feel that my life is most wasted somewhat.

    Then given my sober circumstances now I question what is to be done? Self improvement is a good thing no doubt about it, even Malice in his self imposed isolation mastered physical perfection. (I loved his perspicacious nature). I want a semblance of normality now I've rid myself of negative influences etc.

    I think I'll resign myself to further self improvement educationally for betterment of future career prospects. Getting this apartment bought would give me more security so I can fuck off and see the world without worrying about rent etc. I think after that it would be about seeing where to go from there really.
  12. Octavian motherfucker
  13. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by mmQ Hey. You're unsubscribed.

  14. Octavian motherfucker
    Ha! You fucking wish losers.

  15. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i was forced to be evaluated and then had to spend several hours being questioned over things i was being falsely accused of.

    Did you touch Kuwaiti boys' penises?
  16. Octavian motherfucker
  17. Octavian motherfucker
    4 for the whore
  18. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Leon.

    Originally posted by Grylls that hurt

  19. Octavian motherfucker
    3 votes already
  20. Octavian motherfucker
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