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Posts by Octavian

  1. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Its morphine, codeine, and like 51 other alkaloids. Very strong stuff. People think because its legal its weak but it is literally liquid opium. I mean that's what opium is, the sticky stuff on the outside of poppy seeds. But they collect the sap rather than use dried food grade seeds with legally required low morphine content. Thats why you sometimes need as much as an lb for a cup of poppy tea.

    So could you OD having a brew? That would be somewhat funny. Also what does taste like?
  2. Octavian motherfucker
    Aldra you haven't updated the Iraq escalation thread. The US are launching some retaliatory strikes on Iranian backed militias.
  3. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I have a heart condition so my forearms and calves never got good bloodflow and remain small even when I've gone out of my way to work them out. Idk. My biceps are pretty big and so are my thighs. My shoulders too. People always ask me if I work out because I am pretty built in parts. But my forearms and calves will probably remain forever small.

    Got some circulation issues for sure. Sometimes i wake up to numb arms and i sleep flat on my back so i know im not sleeping on them. When i was doing poppy tea it got really bad because it lasts like 12h. Got kinda scary at times when I'd be up for 15min trying to get my arms un-numbed. Big part of why i stopped. My blood pressure is low enough.

    Heroin tea? I thought that would give you like a mild analgesic effect at most? I will have to bear that in mind when I'm ill as fuck or just achey all over.
  4. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by mmQ So speaking of self control. Here I got 6 beers in me and decided to go MY BAR. the bowler. The one where I get in fights and also dont and know everyone.

    I swore I wasnt gonna go there and then I did. Fine. I said. "Fine. Just go and play a shoe of blackjack and leave." That never happens.

    Long story short in walked in and saw Tim the Faggot (that's his real name) and said hi. We hugged and exchanged pleasantries and I said I'm gonna go check out the gambling end of the barn.

    I scooted down there amidst the throngs of faggot college kids and saw Michelle and told her to charge my phone and give me a Morgan coke. That happened.

    I said hi to Dave and Jameson two regulars that I know. I went to the BJ table and played alone for 3 hands and lost ten dollars right quick.

    Then two literal rich homosexuals came and sat on either side of me and just laughed and made a bunch of cringy blackjack comments while i sat there deadpan ignoring them and looking straight ahead while i played my 3 dollar hands and they played their 25 dollar hands.

    I won every hand lol and they lost most of theirs. I didnt acknowledge them even once because it was all disgusting to me. Vicki was the dealer who love but I told her I'm leaving and she said "no you cant go!" because she wanted me there but I said nah fuck this I'm not feeling it and I'm not playing at a table with two fags.

    So I went and cashed out with the girl who's son is named Garrett with two ts and I said thanks . I'm GARRET with one T. She knows that. It's a little joke between us. I tipped her a dollar and then went back up to see Michelle at the bar to ask for my phone and charger back and of course the native American girl that usually has ten native friends with her than always stir up shit with me was right there. I just smiled at her and she smiled back. Michelle gave me my charger and I saw Dave and fist bumped him and left.

    The end.

    I'm home now again. Fuck that place. Boring and obnoxious. I won 2 dollars total I guess .

    I love your stories. I read and visualise you doing all this and with you talking in the third person. I don't even know what you sound like.

    So did the rich fags hear your homophobic comments as you were leaving?

    I seem to be a magnet for homos, I think cause I talk with my hands and give off homosex vibes. I always have an almost volcanic rage deep inside when they have the temerity to confidantly just sit next to and try to talk.

    "No, how's about fuck off!"
  5. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Tbh I have some chicken legs (I was a swimmer all my leg is thigh) but I still wear shorts because I don't give a fuck what people think about my chicken legs. I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear

    I've always had big calves. Are some people just generally predisposed to having small ones or can they make them bigger via training. Surely the latter?
  6. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Prolly more like the ones that ate ur brain, emo. Don't kill yourself over it 😝

  7. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Worry wart

    Like those between your legs?
  8. Octavian motherfucker
    I wear shorts in the Summer. Only people who don't are thosse with chicken legs and varicose veins. My schizophrenic neighbor wears shorts all year round but he's a dick.
  9. Octavian motherfucker
    Everything is small to niggers.
  10. Octavian motherfucker
    Topic is now about worrying.
  11. Octavian motherfucker
    Dat ass doe.
  12. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Fake times

  13. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by mmQ Oh ok. Stop worrying.


    I'll stop. Thanks.

    You fixed me.


    No problem
  14. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by mmQ It's weird not knowing what you want from life. Like sometimes I just want to be "normal" and sometimes I want to be Nermal , Garfield's friend. Male friend, weirdly. He wears a fucking pink bowtie or something.

    But I dont want to be normal either.

    Nothing seems to satisfy. That might be how it always is for me. At the end of the day I just want to dance to good bass vibes and emotional music, talk shit, and whatever. WHATEVER.

    Fuckin MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING said his experience with socially anxious people is most of them are making it up as an excuse to be LAZY. That didnt really resonate with me and I dont get it . I'm not lazy but I am. But social anxiety …. i dont understand how that translates to lazy.

    People get divorced from the loves of their lives. People that feel those connections. You complete me. You understand me. You get me . And then divorced a few years later. The mind is a wanderer.

    Lol. Im just kind of spouting thoughts here.

    Stop worrying too much. You have a job and I imagine some realistic goals? Sounds like you just want happiness. Be glad you're not all, "emergherd need a gf/ start a family before I diez"
  15. Octavian motherfucker
    Neuro lingusitic programming. Shit works 'yo.
  16. Octavian motherfucker
    He mentioned vomiting daily which brought tears to my eyes. Hopefully he'll pass out then choke to death or just get severe liver cirrhosis and die.

    Aw man that woud be so tight.
  17. Octavian motherfucker
    Hargreaves & Landsdown.

    Execution only. People are too reliant on brokers with their dumbass fees.
  18. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Fox you’re not in on the joke, stfu

  19. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Fox you mean (head)?

    No he means Cathedral domes. Of course he means head you fucking spastic.
  20. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
    Just cuck my shit up bro.

    That shit will be back up as soon as this plague subsides.
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