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Posts by Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed

  1. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I used to think success in life was just a matter of connecting with smart people like myself.

    When I found out they (largely) don't exist I instead became depressed.
  2. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by ECAP


    Imagine having a nice clean room with a PADDED bed in which to execute the most contemptible amongst you.
  3. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Ask a white person what we can do to make the world a better place, and they'll suggest something to help Africa.

    Ask a jedi the same question, and they'll suggest something to help the jedis.
  4. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by esbity lol. You have a 'Start Menu'.

    A 'START MENU'! lmao!


    It's a retarded Start Menu though.

    They shitcanned the superior old one in favour of this el abominación.

    Q. "Hey Cortana, why are you retarded?"

    A. "I thought you'd never ask, so I've never thought about it."

    Yeah, thinking makes these people's heads hurt.
  5. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Commenting on a Donald Drumpf status, explaining why he's naughty or something like that.
  6. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box cash isn't an asset, its a debt

    Double entry accounting, Assets and Expenses go on one side, Liabilities and Income on the other.

    Understanding why that is will make you way smarter in the ways of business.
  7. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box having nuanced opinions on shit is waste of time. kill every one

    Well first of all you have to explain what a nuanced opinion even is.

    Does your nuanced opinion reflect the idea that we must work to better the world, or advance our own interests.

    During the Iraq war both the drive to war, and the (impotent) reaction against war was spearheaded by you-know-who.

    For a YKW being against the war was what might call nuanced. It realised that the war would create blowback.

    You-know-who aren't geniuses. They have no long term plan. They aren't omnipotent. They are basically just chauvinists and bigots.

    But everything they do is to benefit themselves.

    That's baked into the cake with them, but it isn't even a consideration with us.
  8. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I can bring it up, but nothing I do on it causes it to respond - including clicking, scrolling or typing.

    How are Microsoft employees not all killing themselves in shame and embarrassment?

    The Start Menu in the most recent version of Windows.

    Literally a hundred billion dollar company's flagship product.
  9. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Who you vote for depends on what lies you believe.

    There is no party that represents big brained people like myself.

    If there were they would implement something that looks like a cross between Swiss style direct democracy and William Luther Pierce's NSWPP platform.

    But there isn't, and such a party would get like 5 votes if they actually ran.
  10. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Lanny Unfortunately running an SMTP server that actually does what you want is kind of a black art. I've written an SMTP server before, it's not that it's particularly technically challenging, the problem is that out of necessity novel hosts are considered spam by most reputable nodes. Like if I ran a SMTP server on the machine that hosts the site, google/MS/yahoo would spamcan everything. I don't even know what the process for getting considered a non-spammer is but it's not an ordeal I want to undergo.

    As a result, in production I'm using gandi's SMTP server, gandi being the registrar for the domain. Mailgun and sendgrid are also options to get around trust issues in the SMTP ecosystem and are probably better than Gandi's service since their business model depends on their outbound email not getting trashed.

    For local development I suggest adding this to your settings file:

    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

    The locmem backend is nice for unit testing because you can programmatically inspect emails, but for development that one will print out emails to stdout while the dev server is running which makes it easier to inspect them manually.

    I actually might try with the backend that outputs email to the filesystem. I have a weird system due to still being on BASH on Windows. Next lappy will be a decent Linux one hopefully.
  11. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I dunno, I don't think it gets much more low T than centrist social moderate.
  12. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    1. Roughly half of the brides-to-be at bachelorette parties had sex with me or gave me sexual favors.
    I worked as “male entertainment” for a few years in college. Roughly half of the brides-to-be at bachelorette parties had sex with me or gave me sexual favors. But bridesmaids were a 100% thing; every time I’d get with a couple.

    2. Cocks get sucked.
    Cocks get sucked. Pretty much everything the opposite of what happens at stag parties.

    3. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen bride-to-bes asking for sex at the end of the night.
    Stripped through my years in college and over summers to raise money for schools. Honestly, what you’d expect. Some weird times were had, a lot of the women want to “service” you, which I still have no explanation for. I worked privately and had a couple “private sessions” but kept the bride-to-be from getting too much one-on-one time. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen bride-to-bes asking for sex at the end of the night. Never followed through with that but had the occasional fun with the future bridesmaids. 10/10 would recommend, but not for the faint-hearted.

    4. I know few female strippers, and they’re amazed with what women try to get away with because they’re women.
    I was a male “on-call” stripper for five years. I didn’t work in clubs, and booked by word of mouth and online adverts. Do women get stupid and want to service you? Absolutely. They’re drunk and it seems preprogrammed in their brains that every man in the world wants them. I know few female strippers, and they’re amazed with what women try to get away with because they’re women. I’ve had women grab my little guy, tug it, dive at it with their mouth, and try to jam their dirty “white girl wasted” fingers up my ass. Were there blow jobs? Yes. So many blow jobs. But the thing is, you aren’t there for you, you’re there for the client. You bust it, the fun dies. Imagine what you feel like after rubbing one out after watching porn, then think about that, but with 10-20 women trying to touch it

    I slept with a lot of brides, bridesmaids, mothers, etc. When I look back, it was a really good way to earn money. I would make easy $1,000 a night for a few hours. Free alcohol made it so much better, and you were either going to a very nice house, or a very nice hotel.

    5. I did feel sick a few times seeing how the brides were pressured into trying to cheat.
    Stripped for a few years off and on privately when I was like 18-22. Lots of women trying to touch you happens, and the first ones to grab your stuff are the last ones you’d want to have grab your stuff.

    A few brides were pressured into trying to have sex with me, which I declined. The longer I maintained some degree of chub, the more money I could make, and by the end of the night everyone would be totally hammered.

    As most women would be totally drunk by the end of the night, and I’d be pretty tired and annoyed of all the screaming, usually I’d go home without actually going all the way with anyone. Sleeping with a drunk girl you don’t know might sound like a great time to most guys, but I dunno, I just felt really bad if I even thought of it.

    I did feel sick a few times seeing how the brides were pressured into trying to cheat.

    6. I have been flat abused, like I was not a human being, by women and women only.
    Former male stripper, and current escort here. I have been flat abused, like I was not a human being, by women and women only. I went to one bachelorette party and as soon as I walked in I was greeted by an old lady (70+) grabbing my dick through my outfit, like I was her grandson and she was grabbing my cheek. They were insistent that I let the bride-to-be suck my dick. I mean, I’m gay and could not have been less turned on. I took a break and called the company I work through. They sent the man they called “Boyo” down to watch for the rest of the night, and one lady tried to get him to leave so they could “have more real fun.” There’s nothing more wonderful than a 300-pound gay Polynesian man standing up for you to some nasty old women that apparently forgot how much objectification sucks
  13. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by HTS 2d waifus are purest because they don't pretend to be real

  14. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Wow mean.
  15. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Seems logical, but of course if DRUMPF tries to do it hoardes of idiots will oppose it anyway.
  16. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]

    I don't think that the plane's scale delivered the ballyhooed efficiencies either - when you scale up you increase structural dead weight.

    It's more fuel efficient just to use smaller planes, and passengers seem to prefer them largely due to their more regular schedules.

    A380…with a typical 525-seat multi-class configuration the fuel consumption is "comparable to that of a B747-400ER and even about 15% worse than a B777-300ER on a passenger-mile basis.
  17. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by gadzooks I drink decaf.
    I smoke nicotine-free vape fluid.
    I smoke CBD.
    I drink non-alcoholic beer.
    I eat vegan burgers.
    I snort baking soda at night clubs.
    I wear headphones with no music on.
    I have sex with a condom on and then pull out anyway.

    I place a jihad upon you and your house.
  18. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    How about if you were to go on a spree shooting?

    Try that and let us know how it works out.
  19. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    They turn out to be just too big.

    Looking at maps it looks like they mostly see service on long distance routes, especially from London, Singapore, Dubai, Johannesburg and Sydney.

    Other than that, I guess airlines just found them too big, and prefer more frequent flights of smaller planes.

    I have never flown on one, and have no idea if they are comfortable or not. The cabin looks so crowded though.

    In February 2019, Airbus announced it will end the A380 production by 2021, after its main customer, Emirates, agreed to drop an order for 39 of the aircraft, replacing it with 40 A330-900's and 30 A350-900's. Airbus will build 17 more A380s before closing the production line – 14 for Emirates and three for All Nippon Airways – taking the total number of expected deliveries of the aircraft type to 251.

    Airbus would have needed more than $90 million from the price of each aircraft to cover the estimated ~$25 billion development cost of the programme. However, the $445 million price tag of each aircraft was not sufficient to even cover the production cost, so with Airbus losing money on each A380, and orders evaporating, it makes economic sense to shut down production.

    Enders stated on Feb 14, 2019, "If you have a product that nobody wants anymore, or you can sell only below production cost, you have to stop it."

    One reason why the A380 did not achieve commercial viability for Airbus has been attributed to its extremely large capacity being optimised for a hub-and-spoke system, which was projected by Airbus to be thriving when the programme was conceived. However, airlines underwent a fundamental transition to a point-to-point system which gets customers to their destination in one flight instead of two or three.

    The massive scale of the A380 design was able to achieve a very low cost for passenger seat-distance, but efficiency here within the hub-and-spoke paradigm was not able to overcome the efficiency of fewer flights required in the point-to-point system.
  20. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    What are you going to spend your reparation money on?
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