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Posts by Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed

  1. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Humans make really lousy pets. If you feed a dog they will love you. If you feed a human he will resent you.
  2. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Have you not read war of the worlds? those super intelligent aliens were beaten by single cell bacteria.

    I'm thinking more along the lines of the Taelon from Earth Final Conflict.

    The Taelon did some shady things, but ultimately The Resistance only hated them because they wanted humanity to chart it's own destiny.
  3. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Firekrochfatty he’s taking a knee for just WHAT injustices he’s been subject too, for being black? he’s not living in a time of a few generations ago. He’s not a slave. he’s not working and getting unfair pay wages, not going to a segregated school… living in an era where a black man can’t be President of the United States of America— He’s not living in a time where his negro status can’t be considered a Sports icon or even a a Role model to all younger generations of children; so… just exactly, what injustices is/has this privillaged million $$ making person of color- enduring… or has had to endure for the sake of his knee-bending whiney spoiled black ass suffered, to shit on the Am. flag which is the apitomy/symbol of FREEDOM of the liberties he so disrespectfully enjoys-while others, have given their damn lives- in order to protect!? riddle me this…

    he’s nothing more than an ungrateful, selfish, spoiled nigger. period.👍🏻

    If super-intelligent aliens who were so advanced no human could compete with them landed tomorrow and took over, wouldn't you hate them?

    No matter how much stuff they gave you?
  4. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson He took a knee to the flag/national anthem thereby showing contempt for it and all it represents when you're supposed to stand with your hand over your heart and swear allegiance to it…Really Benjamin…

    How can you not have contempt for a country that rewards you for insulting it?
  5. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Diablo 2 over LAN can be fun.
  6. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Good or bad?
  7. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Goddam, typical jedi shit. And Christians think these people don't get off on manipulating us?
  8. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Nike make awful shoes. No serious person wears them unless they're getting paid for doing so.
  9. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
  10. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Frances Kalifat: We can’t ignore a reality: day-to-day antisemitic attacks are committed by young Muslims in difficult areas.

    The ultimate xenophobia. I bet jedis run away from such areas, an example of jedi flight - an example of the richest and best connected minority in Europe seeking to protect their privilege from the poorest and most disenfranchised.

    We whites don't even have a look in when it comes to these ancient religious bigots.

    On the other hand they have clever ways of saving paper - their list of blood-enemies and their list of countries they have lived in are the exact same list.
  11. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    "calling for boycotts is prohibited" - some jedi.
  12. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]

  13. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Nymphomaniac Volume I and II

    Nobody does fucked up better than Lars

  14. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    ABINGDON, VA—United States Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy announced today that the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] has awarded a local team of prosecutors and investigators with the group’s 2014 SHIELD Award. SHIELD stands for Service, Honor, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership and Dedication.

    Assistant United States Attorney Zachary Lee of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Virginia, FBI Special Agent Timothy Burke of the Richmond Division and FBI Special Agent Stanley Slater of the Atlanta Division were presented with their awards during a September 17 ceremony in Washington D.C. The three were presented the award for the investigation and prosecution of Michael Lee Fullmore.

    “The Fullmore prosecution was yet another example of the strong level of interagency cooperation we enjoy in Southwest Virginia,” United States Attorney Heaphy said today. “We are pleased and grateful that the Anti-Defamation League recognized that coordination and the extraordinary efforts of AUSA Lee and the agents who pursued this case.”

    Fullmore, a member of the Georgia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was sentenced to 52 months of federal incarceration following pleading guilty to two counts of providing firearms to a convicted felon. According to information presented in court by AUSA Lee, Fullmore began taking steps to establish a more violent and radical sub-group of the KKK, which he intended would commit violent crimes against minorities. Fullmore believed the new KKK sub-group could be supported by selling firearms to convicted felons and militia groups.

    Providing firearms = a bullshit entrapment charge.
  15. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box lmao he's going to come back in a year or two after going to rehab and sell a bunch of books and be a "new person" or whatever.

    Fucking this.

    He'll have a new Rabbi too probably.

    These yuppies just buy books to sit on the bookshelves like they are little mini-degrees too.

    Every asshole has to have a bookshelf full of all the right sort of books, but no one reads books in 2019.

    I mean who has time for that? Are you nuts?
  16. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Technologist I’m mad as hell, and can’t figure out why. I hate this about myself. I don’t like it when I get like this. I just wanna cry.

    I sometimes feel like this. I used to feel about this about different things as I got older - socialism and taxes in my libertarian phase, you know what now. Maybe it's a feeling that something is fundamentally wrong - more likely it's just how I'm wired I guess.

    Originally posted by Mahmoud I vape.

    Vaping seems to have no negative effects worse than drinking coffee. It's about safe to say the modern man who has a mentally taxing job should be vaping, drinking coffee and doing modafinil.
  17. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Mahmoud mailed it to your mother.

    You wouldn't be able to afford it.
  18. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Mahmoud

    Unlike the Pakistanis and the jedis I can't read?
  19. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Mahmoud I live in the United States, a country proudly known for telling you faggots to kill yourselves.

    I guess you can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan, but....
  20. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Technologist How is dissing Fuxs racist?

    Is "Fuxs" Fox? So anything that hurts Fox is good due to your bigotry?

    You have a nice pension and a nice life still planned, but racism is the major threat to that. If whites (and only whites) decide that they are their own race and decide to separate themselves from and cut off what you've invested in, your investments won't be worth crap, and neither will your pension.

    In other words your pension - like the pension of millions, including many Blacks, Arabs and Chinese - depends on white men continuing to work hard long into the future in the service of the corporate good - even far past the point where there would be any conceivable incentive for them to continue to work.

    Meanwhile if us Nazis had our way we would say "stop working!" and tell them to repudiate their debts, seperate themselves from the empire, and work only to benefit themselves.
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