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Thanked Posts by Buff Billy

  1. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    the timeline-

    Crisolis joins the forum
    Fox starts noncing on her
    Crisolis quits the forum
    Fox deletes all evidence
    Fox then returns, admits to everything, and deletes all evidence again
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    vote communist and then throw a molotov cocktail at their house for being class traitors
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  3. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Here comes all the armchair anal experts that know everything about all the inner workings of every humans rectum and the frequency of their bowel movements and hygiene and totally didn't learn all that from sticking their finger up their ass a week ago
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  4. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I don't think the government should ever be trusted to do anything with money
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  5. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Hydros kid goes by the name "crisolis" now
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  6. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I still think Fox is the more deplorable nonce in this situation and is probably behind all the fake accounts and back room gay trolling because he's so upset and seething that nobody will demonize solstice for doing the exact same thing he did.

    The difference being solstice didn't make 200 alt accounts and sperg out, so I'm gonna guess he's not the one that give a shit because he was probably just trolling

    But mr. "I make $300 a day! I can delete as many accounts as I want" *call him a pedophile a week later* makes another account, spergs out. Gee I wonder who's behind that 'fake dad' alt yeah you have to be pretty dumb to fall for any of this shit, it's so fucking obvious.
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  7. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Elbow That definitely sounds like a real name, yeah. Think you nailed it. He's going down.


    This man slaps your 14 year old daughter on the ass and hands her a THC vape cart, what do you do?
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  8. Buff Billy African Astronaut

    realer words have never been spoken
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  9. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    today is too windy, tomorrow will be better
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  10. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    anal masturbation
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  11. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    we lost X posters but then the drama brings X posters back like Kinkou. We have reached the perfect equilibrium
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  12. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    what a retard parent. Imagine going on a forum crying like a little bitch instead of actually parenting your child and not letting anything like this happen in the first place. Classic Ipad parents bitching on reddit how their kid is a menace WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH THEM yes call the police waste more taxpayer money for YOUR failures as a BAD PARENT

    tie a rope around your neck and do 'the worm' on a wobbly stool, the kid will do better in a foster home. OP is a pedophile/alt confirmed
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  13. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quence People often wonder: Why do the countries in Africa seem unable to develop stable first world societies with relatively low crime and good education systems?

    I don’t know….what could it be…

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  14. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I am "They" and I will continue to use WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT in ANYTHING I produce. Your meth might be PURPLE or your fentanyl BRIGHT ORANGE. I don't give a FUCK if you think it tastes like mint or not AS LONG AS IT SELLS WELL!! YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE REAL ART AND SCIENCE THAT GOES INTO THESE THINGS


    first of all these are all inert substances, you are consuming more "shit" eating a pill rather than swallowing a pure dose of medicine or sniffing it up your nose (PROTIP MOST DRUGS ABSORB BETTER IN THE NOSE, IT WAS VERY FASHIONABLE IN THE 1800s TO SNIFF YOUR DAILY MEDS)

    But now you need 14 different waxes and fillers and binders so little timmy the retard doesn't overdose on the PINK COATING of the benadryl OH NO!!!! IF ONLY THEY MADE IT COLORLESS!!! the dyes are the LEAST of the problems. And because of people like you and your GAY REGULATIONS society will never get to enjoy a bottle of coke that turns purple and has a galaxy wrap when you shake it up because of chemistry magic in the bottle but KARENS like you will cry OH NO WHAT IS MY LITTLE JUNIOR THAT CHUGS 14 OF THESE A DAY DOING TO HIS BODY!!! LETS HOLD ALL PROGRESS OF ALL SCIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE BACK BECAUSE IT MIGHT BE DANGEROUS

    fuck you, This post was made by FD&CRed40 GANG
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  15. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    They are rounding them into a corner and killing them all. "This is just like what the nazis did!" well actually.... the Nazis never did anything this bad. This is like 6 million holocausts worth of evil.
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  16. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    lets open up a speedys bar and grill across from speedys bar and grill and sell competing food at a loss just to take away hiss business
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  17. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ner vegas this seems very Indian

    They spend a lot of time being racist online, a real gold mine
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  18. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    only if it has dried spilled food on it, bitches love a man that can eat
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  19. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    >our soy
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  20. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    pink on black is smexy
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