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Thanked Posts by Buff Billy

  1. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian needs more vermouth and chinese RC stims

    coming right up sir! i'lll grab you a menu as well

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  2. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Remember when you did art LMAo

    i'm gonna be a writer fuys!
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  3. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Jesus Demarcus Christ you guys are fucking emo as hell tonight

    I feel chill as a pill , maybe its u
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  4. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    At this point just make that region it's own peshmerga autonomous zone with no border

    Left right left right!!!

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  5. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    you can see me sipping on a goose
    bitch you know it's alcoholagoose

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  6. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Awe thanks for reminding me to bump some lil pip rip homie this next line of cut mystery dust is for you

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  7. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I watched a scottish guy on live stream and he seemed like a huge faggot and was a brownman leftist MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING cuck that acted like a self important and would get offended at things

    Europe sounds fucked idk how people can live there without going full brevik
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  8. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    gay, order a pete and smoke meth fucking crty babby

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  9. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    so whats the plan for the format? an hour? Also fuck editing gotta DO IT LIVE

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  10. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    NIS militia dev here, submitting pulls FOR THE PEOPLE

    currently in works;
    Display thread views top right page 1 of thread
    Ghetto backup (DID ANYONE CHECK THE CANARY YET???)
    IP based voting in polls
    Fix quoting in locked threads
    add janitor role and fill it with a LANNYBOT which can detect off tropic posts and has a happiness meter for each user and authority to punish
    if you piss him off too much
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  11. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat buff billy what is wrong with becoming a writer or an artist? Remember when kafka said she almsot dated an actual programmer? lol or did she call him a "software engineer"?

    Nothing. it's only funny that you stopped becuse you became a cooooomer during a time with AI and MAXIMUM ACCELERATION do you even know what happeened? lmaaooo

    Originally posted by Wariat lol I want to be a voice over guy to video game and movies like that chick in beyonetta 3 who complained in twitter she wasnt paid enough. who showed white and female privilege right jig? or entitlement? which of the two would you call it?

    well at least you still "play games"

    or talk about them and prison stuff. THe mind is resilient but yeah you are pretty fried, and people say i'm fried lately I am literally doing the same shit I was years ago and im trying to work tech jobs now instead of manuel labors

    Doing meth and getting into some hardcore gay porn oh yeah now thats a good time

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  12. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's easy to quit drinking if you really want to, I did in 1 day.

    The problem is you don't really want to.

    that's not the problem at all, that's just a circle of logic. Truth is a triangle.

    You are focusing on the problem and not the person. A person only does something like that because they have nothing else to do, no passion or motivation to do anything but that, THAT'S the problem

    AND NOT BECAUSE OF THE ALCOHOL , you can quit the alcohol but the void is still there and most people aren't fools like you that go around clouded with circular logics all the time. and if they do they usually end up killing themselves some day.

    Welcome to the shrub herbs there is no escape key

    Originally posted by RIPtotse Just stop dude go to the hospital and do a detox and a long term rehab like a year

    That's just a waste of time, waste of life. All he needs is a productive hobby, not a circular crutch aka a wheelchair.

    People that are productive and happy aren't chronic alcoholics
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  13. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I was lifting the heaviest weights I could find at planet fitness, in the zone working up a good sweat with my shirt off and then out of nowhere I hear WOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOO The god damn LUNK ALARM it was flashing a bright blue light, I had no idea what the hell was going on I thought I popped a fucking blood vessel in my brain.

    Then staff walks up and starts talking shit saying I have to leave now or they will call the police. I had no idea what was going on, was still trying to catch my breath and drink some water and these women got all up in my face saying I was disrespecting their policy. They revoked my membership and told me never to come back

    I thought they were having one of those feminine episodes so I got out of there. Went home and googled "lunk alarm" and this is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen in my life, had no idea this existed.

    I was barely even grunting and yeah I was dropping the weights all over, it's what I do. I guess it's against policy to be too fit at planet fitness, more like planet fat ass.

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  14. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    You should take something off ;)
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  15. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Living in the air! Wooooooooo
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