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Posts by MuscleStud69

  1. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny she will in 4 years time.

    Nop you're a permavirgin
  2. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny there are thousands.

    Can't even name one because mongoloid^ no native folk hero
  3. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    yes you would

    Nah nobody ever clicks your homosex spoilers. So in reality you are just looking up homosex for nothing.
  4. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny 9.81.

    dalits cant do decimals.

    Prove it
  5. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Then why do I cum on the floor and not the ceiling?

    The earth is constantly accelerating "up" in 4 dimensional spacetime at 10 m/sĀ²
  6. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Mr Quaker Oates
  7. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no native folk hero

    Describing himself^ name one mongoloid folk hero
  8. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Prove me wrong
  9. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by šŸæ Sounds hot

    Hey, banana-ass!
  10. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Have you ever cummed in a girl who wanted you to not?
  11. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Ok cutie
  12. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    A truly Ivanhoe-esque nigga
  13. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Imagine being on this site & actually being serious šŸ˜ I love it šŸ˜

    We don't need to "imagine" it, we can just recognize it from your behaviour: you get serious and butthurt all the time... you just lie about it, but the only one you're fooling is yourself.
  14. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    He will never lose weight
  15. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Having OJ pulpations
  16. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Casper is an Ivanhoe type nigga
  17. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Smoking mashed potatoes
  18. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Is how nigger cum seeps up your asshole against the action of gravity, Vinny
  19. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    I hate gay people
  20. MuscleStud69 African Astronaut
    Nigger Refund
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