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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers
2019-06-06 at 12:45 AM UTC in Inviting antifa to join the forums
2019-06-06 at 12:43 AM UTC in White utah cuck runs over 11 year old girl cause she "was white"
Originally posted by snab_snib even if you managed to exterminate white people, it'd be a pyhrric victory, since earth would become a perpetual horror movie without reprieve or escape, with pre-industrial era technology as the highest available, until humanities eventual extinction. and if you think whites are cruel, you know, the race that invented egalitarianism and suffrage, wait until you see how nice the chinks and spics are to you niggers.
they don't have the kindness gene, you won't be able to guilt trip them into being nice to you.
That's true about chinks and spics, they both tend to care only about their own kind, and despise sand niggers and muslims. So mr paki isn't making a very intelligent argument here. -
2019-06-06 at 12:39 AM UTC in A coworker just came up to me saying it is hard to get ahead being a sex offender..Move to San Antonio, Texas. He won't have any problem here. My state government and local city government protects sex offenders. I'm not overly fond of sex offenders, but, I'm not sure every one of them deserves what bad things happens to them. At least some of them did something as simple as taking a piss in public while drunk (indecent exposure charge) or had a girlfriend a couple years younger than them.
2019-06-06 at 12:31 AM UTC in Blacks aren't human
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 What did they do to you?
If I say this you aren't going to believe it, nobody will. But here goes anyway. They used cray computers and algorithms to pre-determine how much of my life would turn out. I grew up about a block from an Army base and always had this feeling I was constantly being observed at all times. My parents met a few blocks from the base, also. And I believe that was set up by the government. They do breeding experiments to create people who would make exceptional soldiers and spies. Usually the experiment is a success. I believe I was part of the "green dragon" project and also "project jedi"
When I was about 4 a black kid bashed me over the head with a sea shell. A couple years later, another head injury. Bad things happened to me on a regular basis, over and over.. It was like being cursed with bad luck. They wanted to turn me into a sociopath, but one with morals. One they could control. Special Forces has what they call "the suck factor" where the tendency is that the more your life sucks growing up, the better you'll do as an elite soldier. Because you never want to go back to that sort of life. A life of being impoverished and victimized. So they set people up for this. Special Forces is also a lot about personality type. "The Scientist" is a nickname for the SF personality type and I'm sure they realized I had that personality type from my posts on totse when I was younger. So they arranged for me to meet these SF and rapid deployment forces. They befriended me after years when nobody else could. They've all been through similar shit and all have a similar personality type.
I don't want to keep going on about it, so I'll skip a bunch, but at some point that feeling of being observed I had as a kid came back. I developed Clairaudience, it's like the hearing version of remote viewing. Sounds like schizophrenia but the people in the service that know about this shit will, at least some of them, admit that it's real. The ranger had it too due to an explosion that messed up one of his ears. Goes back to Puharich working for the CIA, purposely destroying the eardrums of monkeys to find alternative ways of hearing.
So, whenever I did something that pissed the ranger off, they'd harass me, cause bad things to happen around me, even threaten my family. Then eventually they started saying "Join the Army! Join the Army and everyone will stop messing with you, I promise!" I didn't know a whole lot about psyops at the time but I started learning more and more and began to recognize the methods they were using as classic US military psyops. Being the stubborn bastard that I am, I never did exactly what they wanted me to. But I actually did have an interest in joining the Army. So at some point, they set me up to get bashed in the head and I nearly died. I had to relearn how to walk and my memory was screwed up. They began trying to create artificial memories for me but I could tell the difference.... The ranger was the only person that could help me at the time, as by this point my family and I didn't get along, and I had no other friends... The guy who introduced me to him was 10th mountain division and he had recently been stabbed to death in a very peculiar and suspicious set of circumstances. So I couldn't talk to him anymore. Anyway the psyops temporarily stopped while I was recovering, sort of. Well it didn't stop, but they start using other methods. Trigger words.
A big part of trauma based mind control is trigger words, trigger phrases, or trigger sounds. They use symbols a lot but sound is more often the most effective thing.
I don't know if any of you remembers nuclear rabbit from totse, but what they eventually did to me had something to do with him. The triggers... Anyway I don't know why I'm rambling or explaining this, there is no simple or concise way to do it. But they ended up testing a variety of directed energy weapons on me and some things I won't even talk about. The mind control is less effective now which frustrates the government. I haven't entirely beaten them but it doesn't work as well as it used to. Maybe they've given up. I don't know. I figure they'll eventually kill me because of my interest in certain technology and recruiting me would've been a way to distract me from that technology.
I've known a lot of people with street light interference syndrome. One guy could walk down the street and make all the street lights go out. I had more a tendency to make them pulsate like a strobe light. I can do this by staring at them from a certain distance, also.
At some point I performed a gnostic ritual, by accident, after the harassment got particularly bad, after the head injury. I got some weed from my friend who was ex airforce, a guy I taught how to grow weed. Well, I helped teach him anyway. But I needed it badly because of the brain injury and dealing with their harassment and mind control is a lot easier if I'm stoned. So I smoked it, did this ritual and it enhanced something in me that I think most people have. Street lights started going bananas, not just some but all of them. Bizarre things started happening around me and as I was crossing the road, I couldn't stop grinning. Tired from the injury and being awake/harassed for days, but I was ecstatic. Every time I waved my hand slowly, this jackhammer would either start or stop.
Somebody yelled out, probably from the long range acoustic devices at the base across the road, "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, YOU ARE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY"
And this store clerk, whose dad was incidentally ex CIA, told me "Oh that's just Jesus, he likes to dress up in military gear and act silly" but it wasn't him. I know what he sounds like. anyhow.... the hive-mind tech that they use was able to turn hundreds of people against me, which wasn't difficult because I was kind of an asshole to begin with, but that's how the gang stalking shit works. Most people don't deserve it, but it is a form of trauma based mind control.
It has that tendency, to traumatize people.
Now, whether or not I actually have paranormal abilities? Who knows. It could just be that whatever I stare at slowing down and synchronizing is just the same type of technology, maybe it's a satellite. Maybe they've linked my brain to a satellite so that I can have god-like powers and mind-control people (and even inanimate objects) around me at will, all to mess with my head and distract me from what I was working on? Doesn't really matter anyway. -
2019-06-05 at 11:58 PM UTC in Blacks aren't humanThey would use drones to blow up all the political dissidents in the US if a civil war was declared, but since there's no war here, they use silent, directed energy weapons instead. It's a slow, painful death, but it's pretty much untraceable. These people have literally no conscience. They'd kill their own wives and children if ordered to. That's what makes a good soldier. A good soldier does what he's ordered to do.
My friend was, I believe, also a victim of this. They saw something in him, some potential. Maybe due to his genetic code, but they realized he could become an elite soldier. He was a peaceful kid originally, living in a hippy commune in chicago, so I believe they traumatized him, victimized him. They wanted to instill that feeling of being victimized and helpless to activate the sociopathic side of him. It worked. He even got an award from president Bush for being exceptionally good as an elite soldier.
Poor guy though. The government will throw him a bone once in a while, a private sector psyops company has been involved to some extent, making sure he ends up with beautiful women, gets whiskey, weed, whatever he needs, from time to time.
But it's not worth it to me, selling your soul for that sort of material stuff. To each their own. -
2019-06-05 at 11:47 PM UTC in Blacks aren't human
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 It's MKULTRA.
Trauma based mind control.
Why do you think that when you go to boot camp they treat the people like complete shit and dehumanize them?
Yeah, the royalty/elite in ancient times such as the pharaohs in egypt or the pharisees knew this, that trauma can be used for mind control and can create a more effective, ruthless soldier.
My ranger friend's two best friends actually teach psyops in the military. I eventually realized that Trauma based mind control is a speciality for military psyops. Colonel Michael Aquino, a satanist, was a pioneer of this. It's extremely effective. They've used it on me too. -
2019-06-05 at 11:44 PM UTC in Blacks aren't humanOne of the reasons the US government hates Julian Assange so much is one video in particular in which US troops are using a drone to kill a camera crew. They kept saying "Pick up a weapon, that's all you gotta do, just pick one up"
And since nobody picks up a weapon, they pretend they thought a camera was an RPG. It looked nothing like an RPG, but that didn't stop them from blowing up the entire camera crew with the drone, and then they even blow up the medics that come to help the camera crew. None of those people had any weapons at all.
But that was one of the first times I realized how much hatred my government has towards people that Israel and UK wants them to hate. Terrible.
Hatred of tyranny isn't bad though. If someone gives a hateful speech about tyranny, why should it be banned? We can all agree it's (tyranny) wrong, but it would be banned anyway because it doesn't jive with the government's propaganda agenda. -
2019-06-05 at 11:38 PM UTC in Blacks aren't human
2019-06-05 at 11:34 PM UTC in SUPER HERO POWERS
2019-06-05 at 11:28 PM UTC in Blacks aren't humanNarc is just one of those people that are terrified of hate. I'm not overly fond of it, but it serves a purpose, like anger. All those sand niggers that are actually struggling and being oppressed by rich pedophiles running their countries, or the US military going in blowing up their women and children and stealing their oil, they use hatred to make them fight harder and more effectively. It's only a losing battle for them because of their technological limitation.
EDIT: One of my friends who was a ranger in the Army said they indoctrinated you with hate. Another friend also ex military said it's mostly hatred of anyone that isn't part of your military. Hatred of civilians.
"I go to the playground where the little kiddies play, I pull out my uzis and I spray spray spray!"
Shit like that. Even our government does it. They're contradicting themselves. It's only okay to hate if you work for the government and hate who they want you to hate, otherwise it's wrong. -
2019-06-05 at 11:21 PM UTC in Bordello of BloodIt was okay. The end was cool.
2019-06-05 at 11:19 PM UTC in SUPER HERO POWERS
2019-06-05 at 11:14 PM UTC in Inviting antifa to join the forums
Originally posted by Dregs they all are a bunch of true faggotry. act too edgy for/in the real world. without a weapon in their hands just haystack of pussies. non edible fucking paraquats
I can't believe how many gay people say this sort of stuff about antifa. I mean, they're standing up for LBGT rights but you always bash them.
What I really don't get is how they call everyone who disagrees with them nazis, but what are they doing about the Israelis oppressing the palestinian people? Not a damn thing. It's cute the Israeli government referred to them as more dangerous than white nationalists, but in reality they're in cahoots with israel.
I also think the KKK works with the US and Israeli governments. -
2019-06-05 at 3:55 PM UTC in homeless camp by my house
2019-06-05 at 3:52 PM UTC in homeless camp by my house
2019-06-05 at 3:51 PM UTC in Where do you side with the forced immigration into European (worldwide) countries?
Originally posted by aldra on one hand unchecked migration is literally ruining countries, but on the other many of the countries taking on 'refugees' are responsible for destroying their homes and creating those refugees in the first place
The governments are responsible, not the civilians of those European countries who had no say in what their government does. Votes don't mean shit, it's an illusion. -
2019-06-05 at 3:49 PM UTC in I applied for 50 jobs and most of them want to hire me
Originally posted by Narc Yeah it is
Well, I can just tape pictures of him around his neighborhood ( or all over Austin ) with a note warning that he has AIDS and herpes, because I don't think he'll ever get charged with anything. Luckily there's pictures of him everywhere lol -
2019-06-05 at 3:38 PM UTC in Ok I officially hate apple
Originally posted by Bill Krozby I resent you for that comment, I have bipolar. cut out the veiled threats and just post his pretarded comment. That idiot "we'reallbrownnosers" has been pm'ing constantly for some reason, I don't even know that guy
Post screenshots of PMs I sent you along with the dates on them. You won't because you're lying. You scared bitch -
2019-06-05 at 3:34 PM UTC in Why am I such a fag?
2019-06-05 at 3:22 PM UTC in Oakland, CA decriminalizes psilocybin mushrooms & peyoteI wonder what the limit is. An ounce? It should be unlimited of course. But this is still good news, even though it's california.