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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Komokazi is sittin in TC having a rave and eating ice cream

    It wouldn't surprise me, he had a plentyofish profile. He's probably gay enough to be in tinychat. Although still cooler than most of the noobs.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny can you explain why wikileaks contains nothing about ufos ?

    terrestrial or extraterrestrial ?
    I would guess because it's controlled opposition, same thing I've thought for years. Also why there's nothing about the stasi gang stalking and hive mind tech.
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Fucking lol. Just now starting to realize this eh?
    I'm pretty sure komokazi was just trolling me too when I went there, but he wouldn't admit it. Who cares anyways
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Tell me more about your experiences with ufos.
    I've seen a couple of different ones. One of them was just what I'd refer to as some sort of phantom object or even a living creature. It seemed to phase in and out of our reality or dimension. It moved pretty slow and I'm not sure what size it was. The shape is hard to describe, almost as if it were some sort of flying jellyfish or squid that would either go invisible or exit our reality/dimension. Some people theorize that most UFOs are also unidentified submersible vehicles. They have a tendency to being around water. The green one I saw in the sky, the orb was hovering over a giant pond which looked like a giant green monster's eye if you looked at it from a satellite image. I always wondered if water was somehow a portal for them. That may explain partly why atlantis eventually sank into the ocean, rather than the theory it was an accident.

    Olmos Basin is also a major flood zone.

    I've seen a couple orbs in san antonio as well, spiralling each other in the night sky. I also saw what I'm pretty sure must've been a B2 spirit at some point, probably going to one of the bases here. It had pretty much the exact shape as a B2 spirit, and made a sort of hum, but seeing it from the bottom, it had no lights on it, and looked as if it was made out of the clouds. It matched them perfectly other than the shape, and disappeared into them. I do what is often referred to as "cloud melting" which is a way of using the psi ability/stare to direct clouds, they begin melting towards the horizon you're starring at. It depends on the type of clouds on how low they are, but they can be moving real fast, and you can freeze them, start them up again, etc.

    I think the military uses artificial cloud manipulation to hide their aircrafts. Psi wheels are often harder for people to move on cloudy days. For me it doesn't make nearly as much difference as it does for other people, probably because my ability has been strengthened so much. But it is noticeably harder to control the flow of time and traffic and such when the humidity is high enough. Although if you practice during a lot of humid weather, it's noticeably stronger when the humidity drops, kinda like putting weights on your ability, the psi equivalent of lifting weights.

    A lot of people have reported seeing pyramid shaped objects under certain flying saucer UFOs, hinting at torsion manipulation. I've never seen them with enough detail to see that, and never had a camera around that could film them when I'd seen them.

    Anyway I am convinced the pyramids are related to all of this. Myself and several other people who have witnessed these technologies or paranormal events have traits similar to the Annunaki and Tall White aliens. My friend who was in the air force suggested all humans are spliced with different alien races. The smaller orbs seem to be probes as two of the people I know that've seen them both said it felt like they were scanning their brains, inches from their faces, before taking off with light speed. They also both described them as "solid light", you couldn't see through it, but it seemed as if it were made out of some kind of solid light. There's a thread on Above top Secret recently about this solid light phenomenon. It's pretty interesting. I think the government also uses some of this on cars, because a few times near the Army base I'd seen these black government type vehicles, that would temporarily go invisible, as if to let me know they could do it, to mess with my head. I'd known all kinds of people that had top secret clearance, which is something that is given out like candy in the military, but some of these people had much higher than normal clearance, and some of their friends and family did as well. They had to talk about things very carefully, never officially confirming or denying anything. A couple times I'd seen these things disguise themselves as planes, then shoot off at light speed in some other direction of the sky. Yesterday I saw one disguising itself as a passenger jet, but when it came out of the clouds, it was still a shadow. Pretty bizarre. Somebody told me they have whole fleets of these fake planes in the sky and that he believes they're holograms. Whatever they are, they are also apparently faking the sound as well as the visuals.

    Anyway if I remember anything else I'll post it.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby because you're a coward.

    I went to your city to meet komokazi for a fight, with no weapons, nothing cowardly about that. He pretended he was arrested while I was there for several days having fun, posting from austin. I'd be willing to meet you in austin, and you can take a picture of me if you like. I don't have a phone or camera though. (also not really interested in trying to impress people on NIS)
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG You know I have CIP, right? You couldn't win in a fight. I am a monster. I once put a guy in a neck brace after a mere 10 seconds of fighting. I studied pad thai abroad for 4 and a half years, you ain't shit kid.

    What's CIP? I'm starting to think you're not serious, as "pad thai" is not a martial art, but a dish, and it seems you've never been in a real fight in your life. I asked a guy much stronger and with much better fighting ability than you how long it would take him to take me down, he said 10 seconds. Took him several minutes, and the only reason I ended up on the ground is because it was my first time wrestling someone. If it were a real fight, he put himself in several situations during that wrestling match where he would've been killed in either one.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah I thought that was the OP, the way I read it

    I wouldn't say something like that
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Some of you have heard of arc lighters, they're easy to make. I was just wondering if anyone ever tried shaving with an arc. If you had a non-conductive screen, so the arc was less likely to actually touch the skin, how painful would this be? It would stink for sure.

    I recently set my pubes on fire again, because I couldn't be bothered shaving them, as that takes time. It's not actually painful if you're careful, worst it'll do is burn the skin around your bladder area, but it's unlikely to actually leave any blisters, unless your pubic bush happens to be huge at the time and you let it all flare up at once.
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ This is where old people dont understand obvious bait ?

    Speaking of experience, I am slightly stronger than the average man, mostly not from lifting weights. But there are scrawny motherfuckers out there that would surprise you, and probably beat the crap out of me and everyone else on this site, despite not being able to lift much at all. Lifting weights and fighting are two very different things. Strength ain't got shit on experience or natural ability. I have a brother that's 6'8 and over 400 lbs, with super human strength, but that's not the scary thing about him. Scary thing is he just got used to fighting so many retards as a bouncer, he actually enjoys hurting people now. He's a martial artist, but without actual fighting experience he wouldn't be nearly as dangerous.
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Triangles are cool when you're on shrooms or real strong weed.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Ugly asymmetrical bitch with a raspy mudshark voice and an IQ of 95. Takes all kinds, though. Some men are literally into obese women, some are into this.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    CBD is good if you've got the flu since it's antiviral/antibacterial, or as a health supplement. It's potent stuff though, I can feel it after just a couple drops.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson " I am a martial artist"

    "I'm a license to carry holder"
    That'll do you some good if someone makes the mistake of trying to attack you in some unskillful manner, but if you're in a martial arts gym and legally getting your ass handed to you, it isn't going to do you a damn bit of good.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I've literally met drag queens that were more brave than GGG
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo meanwhile finding out §m£ÂgØL hitchhiked across the country to get fucked in the ass by a hillbilly surprised absolutely no one. Not even your parents

    Any time someone has a problem with §m£ÂgØL, they should just remember this quote, pity him, and then skip over all his posts.
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Lol this guy discredits himself. I don't even have to insult him to show he's totally fucking batshit and belongs in a mental institution.
    What is it you want? You want me to ignore you permanently?
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe So what do the technologies you experienced have to do with these abilities? What was your experience witnessing the technology?
    Telepathy in particular. It's said various races of aliens are highly telepathic. The stare has the effect of controlling gravitational fields around objects that come into it's view, normally decreasing the mass of the objects, or the effects of gravity on those objects. Myself and several people I know have witnessed the exact same type of UFO, what people call "orbs". Many people have theorized as to what these things actually are. What I know is that some of them are large, larger than a conventional aircraft, and some are extremely small, about the size of a softball. But what they all have in common is this glow, sort of whitish bluish, but the larger ones tend to be greenish. They all move incredibly fast, much faster than any publicly known man-made aircraft. Years after we'd seen them (all in the same town) I was listening to coast to coast, and they mentioned the exact town being known for these particular UFO sightings. Before that, I had only heard of a few people seeing them in the area. Turns out, it was actually quite common.

    A lot of people report vision problems after seeing certain kinds of UFOs, and some people report psi abilities, or other paranormal activity. I ended up with both vision problems and psi abilities, although I'm not sure they're simply correlated or a result of the encounters. The people who designed the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, supposedly based their design on how they assumed these crafts must work, rather than actually being able to reverse engineer them physically. The rumor is that with the advanced models, you can control them with your mind. My theory is that the technology for both the super fast speed and the antigravity is based on whatever mechanisms are responsible for certain telepathic or psi abilities....
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by username: you have no business using the word nigger.
    how’s that filthy chink dick taste in your mouth?

    Everyone has business using the word nigger. The more people use the word nigger, the less power the word has.
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why would people with higher IQs allowed themselves to be victimized ?

    doesnt make sense.

    Not so much that they allow themselves to. Keep in mind, people with higher IQs are always going to be the minority anywhere in the world. They were out numbered in Haiti and not only that, even if they weren't, a higher IQ is correlated with more docile, less aggressive behavior, thus less able to defend themselves.
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny It has next to nothing to do with trump lol. Do you understand what the supreme court is?

    It's considered a victory for Trump and his administration, so yes actually it has quite a lot to do with Trump and his administration.
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