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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Recently a fat mexican guy was implying that I was a fascist. He said "i read what you were saying on niggas in space" lolz

    I like that the name of this site makes people sound retarded if they talk about it in public
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My pants are full of blood
    The nazis were rough again huh
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I have several. What kind do you need?
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. What kind of fall do u have to have that blood is flowing out of ur face & ppl automatically call 911. Jesus. ☺

    He needs viagra and blood thinners after taking it up the butt from gay neo nazis while high on meth so often, so he bleeds easily.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS I'm sick of all the fucking racists and antisemites on this site. I used to joke about that shit but y'all actually believe this shit. You're fucking stupid. It's okay to punch you people. Fucking Nazis.

    Punching racists isn't a good idea. They tend to be mild mannered most of the time but when actually confronted they're prone to spazzing out and slaughtering people.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung You got shit on your nose.
    Not at the moment, but once I was licking this mexican lesbian's pussy from behind ( she was drunk and therefore sexually confused / forgot she was a lesbian ) and my nose accidentally went into her asshole.

    Man it was horrible. Lesbians don't have good hygiene. The smell was really hard to wash off.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    kr0z is like the spic version of Jussie Smollet
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    They make people gay
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo They should've all worked at Mcdonalds and never did anything
    lol that's a lot better than what some people are doing
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Quite the opposite.
    Yet here you are doing the same thing, trying to gradually destroy one of the few sites left that allows discussion about all these fringe topics.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby op is almost as bad as hdl and billthecat they are like a broken record. they are like a triad a stupidity in constant rotation, following down.
    And you have AIDS and herpes and spread it on purpose.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I treat people the same way they treat me idiot, you're easily trolled, but most whyte,knytes are
    Being concerned for public health doesn't make someone a "whyte knyte"

    It's a legitimate concern. Is that why they turned you down for the porn job? They found out about your AIDS and herpes?
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Um you're an idiot i've been charged with several things from a member here. I just don't get charged with rape because it never happened. I get stalked because girls are obsessive and come back to me because they are comfortable with me and need some comfort. You're an idiot.

    The only girls that have accused me of rape are always willing to still see me and talk to me, even mal says she doesn't care and talks to me now. (because it was all bs)

    and I've never been beaten up, that was just a troll thread where almost everyone here knows but you had a cycle accident, you simp

    dare to take the rational black pill fam?

    I wasn't talking about being charged with rape. I was more talking about the fact it's not illegal to be a degenerate piece of garbage with no respect for people around you, so they can't charge you with that. You need a billboard though seriously.
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Maybe they should've started their own clothing line instead.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Starting to understand why kr0z would be stalked and beat up on a regular basis. People know he's going around spreading diseases on purpose but they can't charge him with anything, so this is the only way to deal with him.
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby hey it happens when you bone a lot bitches with out condoms. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I have hsv-1 also but I have had that way before I ever had sex. It just happens. Just like how some many girls have cervical cancer, but its from guys that have it that never show symptoms. We are all just like a weird peetry dish lol

    Holy crap. You just admitted you're still having unprotected sex even though you've got STDs. Hopefully you're only trolling
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc even worse, you should be locked up as a public health violation.

    Imagine how many fat chicks he's given herpes to. That is so messed up and I seriously hope he's just trolling and doesn't really have herpes. I'd feel bad for him if he did, but they should put a picture of him grinning on a billboard as an ad for herpes awareness or something
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Lanny put "coward" as my permanent usertitle. It was the only way he could "show me up" on the BBS. It's like, here, there's a shitty usertitle, so I "win". Pathetic, really. If the only way you can "win" a debate on a BBS is by fucking with the other member's usertitle, you're already too far gone at that point.

    Denial of service attacks and creating an endless supply of sock puppets isn't debating. That's why I tend to think you work for the government. You were right about how mods on totse and zoklet were narcissistic power-abusing douche-bags, but it wasn't nearly as bad as a site like

    You always take it too far, it's like you're some weird Canadian government agent whose job is to destroy any site related to freedom of speech and information.
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