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Posts by SpaceCakes

  1. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Most boring Superbowl ever
  2. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    It does. It's gonna dust the hills with snow (Im told it did last night?)

    It's supposed to get down maybe below 2000 feet. Maybe I'll drive up to the top of Marin Rd in Berkeley at the top of Inspiration Point and see if there is snow in the morning. ill take a photo
  3. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    choose one

  4. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych When im at stop lights and the guy in the car next to me is totally jamming out to something, i like to sing a really gay broadway song and pretend thats what hes jamming out to. Then the light changes and i forget to drive

    videotape it next time
  5. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Grylls is Fona

    Lanny please close this thread
  6. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Year of the Pig

    Year of the Bacon!
  7. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS

    I HAVE THE P O W E R!!!!!

    I laughed
  8. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cupocheer Fuck you.[/]

    So much for Jesus love

    Originally posted by cupocheer I don't talk to anyone on this site as it is. I post, you 'jit.

    You're speaking to us through text. why are you afraid to show us who you are?

    Fear your false witness much??
  9. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    You sure do have an unusually high number of this

    Also "Christian" Stop replying to everything I type. you have a weird fucked up fetish.

    Bleth u Jebuth

    Post last edited by cupocheer on 2019-02-05 at 2:27 AM UTC
  10. SpaceCakes African Astronaut

    just fuck your tran friend cause you want too
  11. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Chad in the 90s meme

    Borrows your movie
    Doesn't rewind it

  12. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl Probably a transitional man with a beard. What a way to end your fantasies huh?

    I think Kr0z or Lanny would still fap to it.
  13. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Any mirror that beholds my pink starfish turns into a shimmering puddle like the stargate, and then vanishes into the aether.

    this could save you a fortune on Windex
  14. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box say that to my face faggot and see what happens

    Grabs popcorn and places bet!
  15. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box thesis, antithesis, synthesis = nothing ever happened in history

    Say you farted, but it was silent. Did the dog still not dig its snout into your ass-crack?
  16. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box can we ban women

    at least cob-web between the thighs! I think you know her.
  17. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box i didn't even read your post there's just no reason to triple post, just like this faggot jedi darryl did.

    You're a bit of a dodge'r

    and this is your journey

  18. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
  19. SpaceCakes African Astronaut

    and Thomas Black
  20. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Ohio is the capital of sex trafficking in the USA from what I heard. and I believe most of these fuckers come out of Ohio. Including Zok.
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