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Posts by Phantasmagoria

  1. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Krow I feel bad for the more peaceful jedis who just want to get along with their neighbors while clearly apart of the world MIC (not just the US's) sits and waits to test out their newest weapons.

    I mean if the State of Israel is truly attacked then they have the right to protect themselves. alot of these rocket attacks come months or a few years of peaceful periods.

    Yet, Israel doesn't exist. there are jedis who say this every day. "There is no Israel yet"

    Personally I would rather stay out of this argument but some of you are getting pulled into this extremist shit who blame ALL jediS which is fucking retarded as shit. You just want to be apart of a movement that is rising all over Europe and America right now? best to lay low, pray for innocent victims.

    It's why I want to build my little rabbit hole out in some forest land or the desert (or one in each) and fill it with survival shit, extra batteries for Solar panels, Extra solar panels (in case it's a long ending to the world and I have to replace shit out) and plenty of DVDs. They're pretty cheap to buy now. like some a buck each. I could have a thousand movie titles to keep me entertained with music videos and maybe learn to pay guitar or bass and program language and chop wood in the day time and keep building my off grid cabin/shed thingy that is not a traditional habitation-loophole thingy.

    I am claiming neutrality. My cellar-dweller will be the Switzerland of the Apocalypse. left to stand.

    Good luck with your hate thing

    So instead of helping us stop the jedis and end their supremacy you want to hide under the dirt and spend the rest of your life immersed in jedi propaganda (media).
  2. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow why?

    For one a laptop does not need to be set to a resolution that high, especially with that the UHD 620 integrated graphics.
    16gb is totally overkill.
    1tb - who uses a hard drive in 2019
    "5th gen i7" Macbooks have the latest 8th gen cpus, if you were to compare them it would be like a Compaq desktop from 1998 and an iMac from 2019.

    For real though it's just very underwhelming and outdated for $900, you should have gone with a Macbook or a Lenovo thinkpad made for mobile use.
  3. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow I was wondering how they were trying to pass off a 1.8GHz as an i7.

    There are mobile i7 chips and then there is the desktop i7.
    Macbooks have mobile i7s which start at 1xghz.
    Personally I would go with the m3 since I could run the macbook off a portable battery (the type you use to charge your phone).
    Idk if I'm going with a macbook though I'll probably just setting for a recent iMac with the 4k retina screen.
  4. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow My laptop has 3840x2160, 16gb ram, 1TB, GeForce 940MX Rendering, Intel UHD 620 GPU, and i7 5th gen quad (8) core for $900 AFTER taxes and overnight shipping. Amazon fucked up and I got my shipping refunded tho, kek.

    Of course, it was refurbished and the clock speed is a bit deceptive. I just learned this afternoon that although my i7's official clock speed is 1.8GHz, which is slower than my $600 laptop from high school, it uses a technology called Intel Turbo Boost, which means the CPU will speed up as necessary up to 4.0GHz as long as it doesn't cause the computer to overheat. I was wondering how they were trying to pass off a 1.8GHz as an i7.

    Sounds like a hot piece of shit
  5. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by whoami Do a mass shooting instead

    Nice try, FBI.
  6. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Join a right-wing death squad
  7. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 What game? You RPG denying faggot

    RPG Maker?
    I never said I was going to make a game, just that I was going to experiment with RPG Maker.
  8. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Build the game ya selfish sonofabitch we're waiting

    What game?
  9. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He didn't even do the real shooting you tard, are you on crack again, you fucking nonce?

    Who did it?
    The mossad, fbi?
  10. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Join the Amish

    Do they like to smoke weed and party?
  11. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Why?

    Why not?
    It sounds like something fun to do.
  12. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian

    Dumb fuck should have shot up a synagogue not some random negro church full of NPCs.
  13. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    I want you to all know that from the bottom of my heart [hide]I don't actually hate any of you but you're all disgusting creatures that are shitting up my reality so you all need to die[/hide] I want nothing but world peace and I truly mean that.
    Yes jedis are a problem and jediry itself needs to be abolished, but the "humans" we would describe as "jhews" can be redeemed, through slave labor on mars or elsewhere.
    Niggers and other shytskins, you don't deserve hatred (unless you have committed a violent act against a white and for that you deserve death), nobody not even stormfront posters actual truly hate you, we just hate what you're doing to our way of life.
    The same above can be applied to the jedis, they cannot help that they are evil, it is in their nature and those deep rooted behaviors are in everyone of us, we all have our own personal jhew to overcome.
    The real enemy to the white race and humanity as a whole are those who wish to control us, to direct us and manipulate us, they can be jhews, leftists, right wing conservatives, religious people of any sortment and of course the government and military industrial complex.
    All of these institutions that represent the chains that bind humanity, that enslave us, need to be abolished.
    The humans that represent these entities can either join us or die a miserable death.

    This is a war against evil
    It has been going on since the beginning of mankind and will persist until we rid it completely from all reality
  14. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    I'll spread the gospel through occult meditations channeled through acoustic instruments
  15. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
  16. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You don't even know who you are.

    You're projecting
  17. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're breaking character, faggot

    This isn't a "character".
    I have always been myself.
  18. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Don't lie you jedi.

    It's true.
    I have even lost interest in gaming.
    I won't be touching a joypad until Animal Crossing and Pokemon Sword come out on the Switch.
    I'm all about programming and making music now.
  19. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    I haven't played Pokemon Go in a few years
  20. Phantasmagoria African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I know you are but who am I?

    A dumb spic with the taste of a 12 year old girl from 2003
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