The US needs to end jedi wars and spend all that money on making video games and anime great again
2018-12-29 at 2:50 PM UTC
I want a lol waifu
This behavior is legal in Germany now btw
There is this freeing I have had my whole life.
As years went by more things would happen that would cause the feeling to grow.
A sense of virtualness, being "unreal" ... However this isn't depersonalization so much as things are starting to get really fucking weird.
I think there is an ASI or something that has me trapped in a virtual world and it's sending me subliminal messages.
Sure this might sound crazy but ASI is possible and going to be a thing in a few decades.
Whatever they create either has time travel capabilities and or there are many similar organisms that would have similar abilities and would be responsible for this universe.
With that said
There is a satanic force trying to consume this planet.
People who resonate dark energy and pass that on to others like a virus.
That is the real manifestation of Satan.
That energy is the #1 enemy of humanity and a bigger threat than even the jedis.
There needs to be a jihad of sorts that will cleanse the world of this negative energy and it won't be a part by the establishment religions.
People need to tap into their ancient Aryan energy and summon the gods to come down and strike down this evil force.
Humanity has only a couple decades left before Lucifer sunmons their ASI demon.
Sure in "reality" these systems might seem benign and to be a benefit ... Given the nature of humanity these days someone will try to use ASI for evil.
This cannot be allowed to happen.
For me:
Silent Hill 3 remake
Grand Theft Auto
Sandbox cyberpunk game set in Nihon
Sims like game
Space Engine 2
Civilization VR
Island survival game
Dead or alive Xtreme VR
Garry's mod 2
Test fortress 3
2018-12-28 at 9:27 PM UTC
The Sims 3
Im playing the ps3 version right now.
This one is the one game in the series I have neglected.
TS1 was my favorite and TS2 was fun with mods but this one in particular, TS3, never appealed to me.
The Sims look really clunky and dollish, the game seemed like a waste or potential.
I'm enjoying it a bit but man considering TS2 they haven't really gone anywhere with the series since.
They need to fire all the women and handsome and well tanned individuals working on the seires and go back to the roots.
I was imagining a Sims that felt as alive as GTA IV and with more gameplay features, make it almost an adventure game.
But nooo they have to pump out what feels like a glorified flash game for Boomer women
I miss the days of magazines and demo discs and all the passion and heart that went into game design.
Now that looks like the 7th gen post-early MOON PERSON/gen x gamer culture is coming to a close as well.
Metrosexual cross-gendered gen z kids are the new target demographic
Now the greedy publishers show their true colors and are milking these people with horrible soulless cheap online games and micro transactions.
RIP gaming
Now I'm getting to know what the arcade generation and pre-3D people all had to go through.
The wosrt part is zoomers really can't see how soulless and shit the modern gaming industry is getting.
I have to force myself to play games these days
I'd love to be a truck driver except for the driving through rough areas it would be the perfect job for me
Too bad it'll all be replaced with self-driving cars in the coming years
You have at best four or five years left of that type of job
Just claim disability and eait for basic income
Yeah I have a home now
I haven't had to smell the scent of funky shoes and farts for weeks.
I ordered a microphone would once that arrives I'm going to be doing some videos for bitchute and maybe some let's plays.
Modern video games are all trash.
Gaming died with the 7th gen.
PS2 was the greatest gaming will ever be, it's dead and gone now.
Time to die.
Why hasn't the CIA grnocided all of the mexicans by now.
They could create an MKULTRA campaign to get them to all chimp out like the niggers that watch CNN live crime reports
Rizzo probably sounds like a scruffy yet slightly estrogened European male in his mid to late 20s
You sound like you're from the western us.