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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Opening line and you're already full of shit. You mention twice that you know what day it is then try to say you're "mixed up". No, you're just flat out lying.

    Just do the work you're being paid to do instead of bitching about it daily. Boom. Either that or find a different job since you only make a measily $11/hour there

    It was in reference to yesterday's post that I titled 6-19-2020

    How cracked out and paranoid are you every morning that you always gotta come at me?
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I got my days mixed but I can't forget about it.
    Im just gonna have the 18th and 19th confused this time around.

    Today Im going back int work. It is just for 1 day (I hope).
    Word is that the factory is working Saturday too.
    All I have to say abot that is "nah".

    Ive tried and I tried getting things to work over in the factory but I feel fucked over even thinking about it anymore.
    Life is too short to work 6 days a week making to only make chump change.
    Fuck that.

    Anyways I hope you are all having a great day.
    I am about to jump in the shower and start getting ready for work.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Guns in a school zone smh

    They ran all our names (probably 4 or 5 of us) and they ran Poindexter's last.
    He was all barred out and he had a bunch of prison tats.
    When his name came back as a violent felon with a past of assult and combined with the loaded gun with the barrel still hot they pulled out of his draws, all their focus quickly turned to getting him into custody.

    As they where taken him downstair to go outside they told all of us not to move but we did and at least me and my other buddy I had went there with got away.
    I dunno whatever happened to anyone else involved.

    Poindexter ended up Doing Time in London and I later met up with him when we were both incarcerated at the jail later on for other shit.

    I have no idea where he went after that. Im pretty sure it involved another prison bit.

    I tried looking him up but nothing ever really showed up.
    Im hoping he finished college and is living the clean life.

    It would be interesting to see him again but Im not going out of my way to see it happen.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood is that where dexter shot up the bathroom with the SKS

    This is where that happened.,-84.1697075,3a,75y,151.74h,97.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1hSzskBsP4Ar8t4WXWAtKA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    The red building and its the unit on the right.
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Any idea when it will be out?
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I was trying to look the adress up but Im not really finding anything to tell me how old the house is/was or what has happened to it.
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Id shoot up outside and always start freaking out thinking I just got 5 stars in GTA and the cops were about to start coming from all around the house.
    Id panic and just stumble out the bushes and take off down the sidewalk making my way to where I would hold my sign and collect cash.

    The window I would crawl in and out of was on the side of the house (not the driveway side). I had found a chair and would use it to get up and in the window but dropping down inside I just landed on the bed.

    It still had all the dressers and mirrors and stuff so I even kept clothes and hygeine stuff and books in there.

    I remember one day I found a broom and actually tried cleaning the bedroom but everything was still pretty gross and my high probably wore off so I don't think I finished.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    ^Taken in 2011

    ^Taken in 2015

    It looked a lot like the last 2 pictures when I was using it.
    The place was great for me as my drug dealer lived in the house right behind it.

    I remember when I first started using it that it was really easy to get into as the door was open.
    Apparently some people had seen me come and go because when I actually went to live there the door had been covered with wood and screwed shut but for whatever reason they left the bedroom window wide open for me.

    I stayed there on and off for several months while I was homeless and shooting up drugs.

    I stayed there for most of the summer of 2017.
    Back then I had thought the place had been abandoned for 30 years.
    Apparently it was only 6? years...

    The place was still full of everything like the owners must have just passed away and no one cleaned it out.
    It was trashed and there was a family of coons that lived in the addict and would occassionally drop down through holes in the ceiling while I was wandering around in there.

    It was full of old people stuff and nothing was of any real value to me.
    I did enjoy the fact the bedroom window was shut and all I had to do was slide it open and boom baby there was a bed and it wasn't even all that fucked up of a bed. I slept on it every night I stayed there.

    The carpeting looked to be from the 70's but it might have just been shit as it was a bando.

    The only room I really used was that 1 bedroom.
    The rest of the house was too full of rummaged through shit and it was just piles of it.

    I remember just waking up and leaning my ass out that bedroom window and dropping turds out the window.
    Other times I was sick and would just shit on the floor in the other room.
    The flys would always swarm it and withing a day or 2 you wouldn't even know there was ever a turd there as they would eat it all.

    The over grown bushes in the front let me hid in the front yard but still get the light from the street lamp to shoot my dope at night time.

    Id read "Charlie Company" using light from passing cars while inside trying to sleep or wait for my dope dealer to get back home.

    I will look and see if I can find anymore pics of the place but last couple times I drove by it didn't even look like the house was still there.
    The bushes are still overgrown and it is kinda hard to tell but I am pretty sure I even stopped there with Chell one day to show it to her and we didn't even get out of the car.

    Im sure after 3 years it has been knocked down or fallen down.
    Nature was trying to take it all back.

    Here is the link if you wanna look around.,+Dayton,+OH+45402/@39.76525,-84.2355318,3a,75y,243.89h,94.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssloYdjo6YhiQiElUJDOY2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x884080d0f5517a01:0x365e280c2cc9f63a!8m2!3d39.7651487!4d-84.2357532
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Got my paycheck today.
    $700 for 80 hours of work...
    Seriously sick of this shit ass job.

    I just wanna cure my hp c so I can feel better and go get a better job.
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Just got off the phone with the doctor.
    He seemed nice. He did a video call with me.
    I wasn't expecting to be on video or I wouldn't have been smoking so much pot right before he called.
    Anyways he said some blood work and an ultrasound needs done and then we will go from there.
    His office is suppose to call and schedule that stuff with me here soon.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    If Escapists was any good then why did they have to remake it?
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Doctor appointment coming up real soon.
    Im so excited. I hope he give me Harvoni.
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    The fact of the matter is that it is all opinions.
    I am sorry but I dont think these crappy looking idie games are going to be worth a shit.
    Looks like gameboy advanced teir shit graphics and sorry but it is 2020.
    Leave it to a country of 1 billion people non of whom have toliets to make a video game HDL likes.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    They did a nerve block and the discharge instructions say no weight bearing for 24 hours. (that means use crutches)

    Maybe you should go to the hospital HDL and see what kind of discharge instructions they give you.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer According to literally every miniscus repair aftercare instruction you're lying.

    1) She wouldn't have crutches
    2) She'd already be walking on it in the brace
    3) Weight wouldn't matter. Movement would

    Oh man. You totally caught me lying again.
    I was gonna use the crutches as a prop for another lie but now I can't even do that.
    Please quit destroying me all the time.
    I feel like you have shattered me into a billion peices with your arrows of truth and righteousness.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    The first game only got an 18% rating and the 2nd game is so unheard of and shitty that its not even worth a rating.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I didn't wanna waste anyones time so I chose not to post about these 2 games as they both look kinda shitty compared to some of the previous games I got that I still haven't played.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Technologist thinks she is better than everyone because she is a "survivor".
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I would buy Uncle Jigaboo syrup.
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