All this shit we are dealing with present day is just extra layers to this great big shit cake called "My Memory of Things" where as early as I could remember there was some sorta really stupid fucking shit going on followed by more shit and more shit.
If shit wasn't hitting the fan directly over your head you was in school learning about how shit volcanoes have exploded in history class.
For honest reals tho I been watching beheading videos on the internet for 20 years now and have definitely seen more of those than I have pornos.
So while yet it's nice to fantasy about fucking a buffet of pussy, I know its much more likely for me to have my head sawed off by a pocket knife in the hands of some tik-toking terrorists.
China is sending us seeds cuz they know our dumb asses are going to plant some of them and then they will have their favorite foods to eat when they invade.
One of my exes had herpes.
I picked her up one day and I was hoping to fuck her so while I was driving I casually told her "I have hepatitis" and that I hope it wouldn't ruin anything.
She took a deep breath and then told me "Well... I don't know what that is but I been nervous cuz I been wanting to tell you I have herpes"
We went back to her place and did some googling and banged then played xbox and did drugs.
2020-07-27 at 9:35 AM UTC
Fona 7-27-2020
Hello guys.
It is the beginning of another work week.
I actually don't feel as horrible as I usually do on a Monday.
Maybe I just feel like I know what to do now. Idk.
Anyways, I got most my stuff done that I wanted/needed to over the weekend.
Still have to go over the bills sometime but I did get my renter's insurance paid so that is good.
All I need to do today is find where I set those 4 packs of cigs I bought yesterday and do everything else I usually do on a week day.
I'm going to have to leave a few minutes early to get air in my tire so I am gonna get moving.
What are your plans for today?
2020-07-27 at 1:04 AM UTC
Fona 7-2602929
Well I got my renters insurance paid. I had to pay last months too.
I played a little minecraft but didn't get anywhere with it.
This afternoon after Chell and I got out groceries I ran around and got my car window fixed (I Mcgyver'd it).
Also I went to my mom's house and fixed her lawn mower. My brother tried putting a new belt on but it was all backwards and not right.
My goals for this next week are to work overtime and get my blood drawn.
Those my goals.
Probably all that Indiana ditch weed.
2020-07-27 at 12:12 AM UTC
Let's Plays/Video Game videos
OP, that is a $3 game. Do you want me to buy it for you to watch me play it?
2020-07-27 at 12:01 AM UTC
Fona 7-2602929
im not made of money.
Im white dude.
2020-07-26 at 11:39 PM UTC
Fona 7-2602929
So my tires is at 15 psi and my air compressor is broke and im too lazy to go back out tonight so I really hope it still has a couple psi in it when i go to work tomorrow.
Its about time something good happened to the Eurasians.
2020-07-26 at 5:47 AM UTC
STL wut u fink
Use the shower feature on your garden hose nozzle.
This way it tricks your compressor into just thinking it is raining.
But so long as its not a wood compressor cuz those always be catchin on fire.
2020-07-26 at 5:40 AM UTC
Fona 7-2602929
Lets get this party started early cuz today Imma produce something and youll be lucky if it doesn't come out of your mom in nine months
2020-07-25 at 11:33 PM UTC
Im broke
Any ideas on what I can do with all this cheese?
I also have a shit ton of fruits.