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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    It is 20 years old which means it is 21 years old.
    I tried cashing out my $4k I had saved in my 401K account last week but turns out that to do so I would have to contact my old boss and he is a cunt and I am not willing to crawl back saying my new job is great but I need a few pennies plz sign this.
    I am planning on finishing out the last 2 days of my work week and immediately going into working the weekend doing construction to make more money.
    I know I can't keep it up forever but I just want a decent truck to work out of or a van which would even be better to work out of because vans kick ass I just hate their engine bays.
    Right now I am addicted to fried chicken and not cooking which means I am spending nearly 70 dollars a week on KFC and even more on cigarettes.
    I got to cut expenses somehow but my shitty nit wit supervisor has been gone for over 3 weeks and I can't get hired on until she gets back.
    Once I am hired on I plan on getting more chantix to abuse.
    Can't wait.
    I g2g get ready for 8 hours of mind numbingly painful repetitive tasks that give me no satisfaction.
    Also, Chell says we are just fuck buddies and nothing more now.
    I guess that is a good thing.
    Unfortunately that means sooner or later Chuck will sweep her off her feet and take her away.
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    You have quit everything.
    I am disappointed in your constant running away.
    Claims that you are focused on money is bullshit as you already have plenty.
    It is time to focus on happiness not how to escape farther from the reality that minecraft is fun and the new update is finally out.
    Please snap out of it before you suicide.
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Sudo She conflicted

    She dunno what DAT dick did

    But now she addicted

    2 gettin down wit da sickness

    10 q dis wuz ma Spokane werd po tree

    I reached a high score for pussy this week.
    I have no cum at all.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Folx, she said she has no business jumping into another relationship so soon.
    Also, she didn't want to tell her husband.
    Well, I guess that's that.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I got to admit that Chell has been really going above and beyond this past week doing all the things she used to do back when we first met.
    She has done a 180 and is going out and about and making time for herself like she use to.
    I'm impressed.
    She is even doing really nice things for me like making my lunches and cooking me dinner which is not something I would expect a woman to do for me while I am also talking to another woman right in front of her.
    The other girl I am talking to is all upset tonight because her husband was looking at her phone while she was trying to put their child to bed and I guess he probably found out about me and they sort of got into it and she started telling me how he wants every other weekend with the baby or he wont sign the divorce papers.
    She said she wasn't ready to spend 1 night without her child.
    I feel bad that she is going through all of this but my response sided more with her husband than her.
    This is what I said.

    "While I support your motherly instinct and intent to protect your child I can not support you keeping him out of her life all together just because you two don't get along anymore. I know there is a lot to the story I don't know but unless he is actively using or abusing I don't think its right to take his child from him anymore than it is right that he tries to take her from you. Both of you have a common denominator in "the child" and that will always be.
    If you don't trust him to care for her then take action to protect her.
    I can 100% get behind you on that but if the man is trying then you have to give him a chance, not so much for him but for her."

    Now I get that she is worked up and in a defensive mood but in no fucking way will I ever agree that keeping a child from his/her father out of spite is an honorable thing to ever do.

    If the kid's dad is a piece of shit then let the kid decide that for themselves.
    There are circumstances where I would agree on full custody for one parent but unless the kid is in danger or can not be cared for by the parent whom custody is being taken from I just don't think it is right.

    In Ohio the courts are all too willing to side with the woman and that puts great strain on the fathers who are just trying to be dads.
    A divorce that involves a child is the hardest on the child. Fuck the parents and their feelings.
    I stand my ground on this.

    She quit messaging me after I told her this and that is okay because Im not trying to deal with an emotional train wreck that I don't have any business with.
    If I knew both sides of the story I might feel different but I only know what she has told me.

    Now, back to Chell.
    She has been doing a lot lately and I have noticed.
    I haven't said much or even tried to make things better on my end because Im lazy and don't really want to change who I am.
    The stress of trying to break up with her caused me to take up extra work just to be out of the house.
    With the housing market the way it is, it isn't looking like there will be much chance of either of us finding a new place to live.
    I am okay with having her as a room mate. She is being a real friend to me lately and Im hesitant to return the favor because Im unsure if I really want to go back to being serious with her out of fear that everything will just repeat and it will be even harder to break up later.

    Right now I think the best thing I can do is go find a third woman to bring into the picture so I can have someone sensible to talk too that knows nothing about me or my horrible decisions.
    (just kiddingz)

    Honestly, I want to work on myself as I haven't made any big changes in my life in ever and I would like to make my life easier.
    I don't feel as though Im much help to anyone unless I can find a way to first help myself.
    I tried switching jobs but at the end of the day even if I find something that pays a little more, it is just a little more and I will still hate going to work everyday.
    Im no genius and can't expect to just make a million dollars on tik tok like a 12 year old.
    This past week has been a real breath of fresh air when it comes to getting the chance to help my old friend flip a house and I really enjoyed getting to help him out. I like doing construction and I like seeing results which I don't get to see doing stupid ass factory work that is just the same thing day after day.

    Right now as I type this I more than ever just really want to be able to focus on myself without having to worry about how it affects anyone else.
    Maybe that is selfish but I am already in kind of deep and it seems like as good a time as any to pursue new venture and try new things that I may have been putting off for too long.
    Granted it might not be as fun to go out and do it alone I don't want to drag someone along just for company.

    I have no idea what my future holds and at this point I am just taking it one day at a time not making any plans.
    Brainstorming is quite easy for me but putting things into practice is scary and Im not much for putting the petal to new metal.
    Perhaps I should be focusing on some goals.

    I have no idea what I am doing right now.

    I just want everyone in my life to be happy and I don't know what to do.

    I hope you are all doing well and I miss talking to you everyday.
    Please take care and stay tuned for more.
    Thanks for reading.

  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I guess OP is the one who needed an intervention.

    Still loling.
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by mmQ

    Im stuck between a stripper and a prostitute.
    What makes me attractive to such women?
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I was in rehab with that dude and all he would do is workout, shadow box and try to give me back rubs.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    A lot has changed from back in his day.
    Imagine going from simpler times to this cluster fuck of constant retardation and propaganda.
    Sure, a lot of things have improved but at the same time a lot of things have gotten much worse.
    Maybe they already were bad and it just wasn't well known back then.
    I think todays world is a lot easier to slip up in although there seems to be plenty of resources to help get sobered up the difficulty and pain experienced by each individual is just as bad.
    It's a jungle out there.
    I wonder if Bill would be drunk.
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    So we have waited all this time for the minecraft dealer to pull up with some fire and they try and pass off some over cut garbage as a big deal?
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    Can't keep him out of prison.
    He seems so nice and then out of the blue he says "I wonder what to do?" and then I see he is locked up again.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Seriously, am I in the wrong here?
    We broke up over 3 weeks ago (officially).
    Our relationship has been dead for months.
    But she is mad I did this while we are still living together.
    Went to IHOP.
    Not bad food.
    Didn't do anything but eat though.
    Anyways, Chell snooped my FB and is so damn mad.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Happened after I didn't have weed for 10 hours.
    I just sort of lost it and said I had enough.
    This was 2 weeks ago but I didn't post it when it happened because I wasn't trying to jump into a thread bashing her.
    I needed time to cool down and see what reality really was.
    We have always and still are getting along great.
    There has never been any fighting or yelling.
    When we got together it happened really fast and I was really drunk and we were both really lonely.
    Tonight she popped her head in the room and wanted to start talking about the tough stuff.
    What and how are we going to do this?
    What will happen with the cats?
    All the stressful topics.
    Truth is I don't have an answer to any of that either.
    Lease ends October 1st.
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    She liked what she saw.
    I have an interview Tuesday morning.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Solstice Good, fuck them. Maybe one of your coworkers will shoot the place up.

    They made us go through active shooter training yesterday and the guy doing the training kept saying "when" instead of "if" and then we watched a video and it was a mock shooting ad the lady in the video runs out and give a description to the police and it just so happened to match my racist friend at work down to the clothes he was wearing.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    We got sick and tired of being fucked with all week.
    They told us we couldn't leave even though there was no work left to do.
    Then they told us we had to work the weekend for straight time.
    All of our paychecks were short.
    That combined with several other factors has everyone pissed off.

    We got sick of it and I had to go tell my supervisor "Hey, everyone is at the time clock and we are all about to go home."
    He panicked and jumped out of his chair and told everyone "Go home, see you all this weekend" and we left.

    We are all in agreement that no one is going to go into work this weekend.

    Fuck that place. I am glad I spent some time yesterday filling out job applications because that place is horrible.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    They want us to work labor day weekend.
    Not just an extra day like 6 days in a row this week but instead we get 1 crummy ass day off and then work a day and then another crummy ass day off.
    Just enough time to sleep and wish we were dead.
    Fucking selfish bitches.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    They are death traps and if you haven't already studied how they work and how to rescue someone from a low head dam I urge you to.

    When you see someone in danger and being pulled under by recirculating water the very first step is to berate them and call them names to let them know they are stupid.
    The next step is to evaluate their net worth to see if the risk of trying to save them is work the potential gain of risking your own life.
    If they are worth saving the last step is what I like to call the "aqua lynching" in which you make a noose and throw it to them to put around their neck and then you pull them to safety.

    Don't forget to collect your money.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    It is a pneumatic actuator.
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Go on telegram ap

    call me maybe
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