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Posts by Ecto the plasm

  1. What ?? I'm not from this community and never met a tranny in my life before. I have always been a stud that has an easier time picking girls up than keeping them around, because they can't handle me at my worst and i'm a bitch queen from heck

    My life is an endless series of such events and actions. If you focus on the penis, you will only see the penis. But if you pull back the foreskin you will see there is a person with a soul there that is more than just a number, they are a collection of memories and experience just like you.
  2. Not a single person in human history has ever died from covid. They died from asphyxiation.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Covid doesn't actually kill anyone it just reduces your ability for your lungs to exchange oxygen which causes asphyxiation death.

    Covid is kinda like Derrick Chauvin, he didn't "murder" George floyd but his actions led to the complications that caused his death.

    Originally posted by Ghost I'm going to die of cardiac arrest aspyxiation like my best friends from here sploo and mr william douglas B Bill Krozbyler
    also thats how george floyd died

    I imagine most of us are destined to that fate. My girlfriend is begging me to stop, I am good at breaking people out of wanting to do drugs because usually once they're around me they want to turn their lives around and never do a bad thing ever again, they should put me on scared straight.

    and I just tell myself every day Waylyn, you're doing fine.

    i shoud, have posted this in that other thread

    Oxygen is the real drug and gun, slowly killing us all as it oxidizes our cellular walls, makes drugs expire, metals rust and everything it touches gets put on a countdown timer.
    It's basically a form of non lethal reverse radiation that kills us as soon as we don't have it in our system. Oxygen is the ultimate "fossil fuel" building block of life, and creator of death. The Ying and Yang.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am a gasman from the planet nicotina-1 where there is only 1% oxygen 99% nicotine vapor, the only suitable environment for me is the gas chambers. I need a protective diver suit with a gigantic death skull and bones tank at all times or I will DESTROY YOU

  3. I have been enjoying seeing random pictures of candyreins legs
  4. I had sex with your mother but I couldn't tell the race because she was behind the hole in the wall
  5. I once killed a man in cold blood by shoving a marijuana plant down his windpipe

    technically he died from asphyxiation but he tested positive for covid in the autopsy, so I managed to get away with it
  6. What a hero
  7. Banning things should be illegal and banned activity. Instead of harming the progress of your enemies, it only hurts progress for everyone and benefits strongholds of power and control

    It's a much more harmful ideology than any other force. Things like inciting violence, saying NIGGER or being a practicing polygamist are frowned upon for destroying society.

    legislating everything in the known universe doesn't erase whatever you don't like from existence, which is why they do things like try to eradicate all genetic evidence/seeds and technologies related to any plant that can be used to make drugs

    like the coca leaf, it should be eradicated like Polio according to the UN.
    That's what banning things truly supports.

    book burning, destruction of the environment, destruction of technology and preventing new and emerging ones from taking hold (like AI)
    Regulation is a death cult when you can't opt out. JUST MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT HARHAR HARHA

    Oh a COUNTRY?! you mean a nation state with borders, sure i'll just illegally smuggle all my guns to another country, still counts as opting out. GIVE ME A BREAK

  8. The Roman Empire and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
  9. Originally posted by Fox How was it quick? It took 3 billion years of single celled organisms before the first eukaryotes evolved. And if humans were here before animals why do we share a common ancestor with apes. Think before you speak

    The space rocks landed before the organisms developed, dummy
  10. A way to prove the theory would be to launch satellites containing the entire periodic table of elements at every known planet

    And if in 1000 years a cell organisms develops, the theory is probably right.

    Life is an anomaly, a freak accident spill in the lab like making LSD from a fungus or discovering artificial sweeteners from licking toxic waste.

    Either God launched that space rock or it was just chance.

    The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
  11. The theory claims that it happened way before any animals even existed

    It was the world soup
    Space rock lands into soup
    Butterfly effect ??? 🧬

    Seems pretty straight forward to me. Any numbers of space rocks containing all kinds of stuff, possibly even things we don't know about could have shifted the balance throughout history

    That's why you can't entirely discredit the idea. We are the only planet with life as far as we know

    And once you get into that realm it starts getting pseudo religious and conspiratorial, which is dumb because it's not a very significant claim

    It's not LOL WERE ALIRNS FUYS AYY LMAO, there is all kinds of stuff in space, no life though.

    It seems more likely than water and carbon and sulfur suddenly rearranging themselves into single cell organisms because GOD told them too.

    I'm pretty sure the THEORETICAL math actually makes sense that life *should* not develop this quickly.
    Or else there would be some trace of anything even a lil micro space bug.

    It's a double whammy both impossible to prove/disprove and relying on "facts" we aren't even sure are facts, hence the controversy like claiming the earth rotates around the sun.
  12. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For every joint sold, one pill is not sold. Get with the program, people.

    *laughs in syncans*

  13. I didn't even watch the video and just used that because I could'nt find what I was looking for, which I don't even remember.

    It's true folx ordering at starbucks is a rigamaroll, As long as you aren't an asshole yelling at them they will be happy to make a non standard item with 100 syrup pumps. I bet those drinks only take slightly longer to make, like getting a triple toasted sub from subway (very good for BLT, just don't do it when theres a line)

    Despite all my objections with CHILD SALVERY, Seasonal Frappes are up there to me with technologies like AI, Cryptocurrency and the McGriddle Sandwich.

    This was cutting edge at the time folx, nothing else like it existed on the market and they are so original that nobody even bothers to copy them.

    There is a frappe you can only get from a Harry Potter thing in an amusement park starbucks or something, it was never sold at normal stores.
    But you can order it from the SECRET menu. It's kinda like the LEGO design philosophy.

    I never get the DIY sweet drinks because most of them aren't even made from a coffee base, going there to not buy COFFEE seems weird but i'm sure plenty of people do it.
  14. Wait, can't you just farm palm trees in California? or Arizona? someone get a hold of totse2k1, this is a good money maker.

    Imagine fuys, being a palm tree farmer.
    This could be your life
  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny does American Automobile Asssociation care how many drivers, pessengers and peds were killed wach year ?

    THey are lobbying a proposal to change firearms license requirements to be the same as a drivers license i.e you take both tests at the same time and develop skills like Drive By Shooting, so you don't shoot out of the passenger side window with someone sitting next to you.

    and it will all run on the ROCKCHAIN

    Originally posted by WellHung I'm weak and need a gun to be a REAL man. 😚

    I am not allowed guns, but I will defend your non existent right to own them without restriction to my first breath, because I only have a sharp stick to defend myself with and won't breathe twice
  16. 99% of laws are expensive bullshit that do nothing but keep elites in power to extract wealth from goyim like you that pay devoted lip service to every pillar, forming an impossible to defeat force of retardation.

    I will call this NEO-FASCISM...of course it exists already

    "Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, racial supremacy, populism, authoritarianism, nativism, xenophobia, and anti-immigration sentiment, as well as opposition to liberal democracy, social democracy, parliamentarianism, liberalism, Marxism, neoliberalism, communism, and socialism."

    Here's the cope: Society is all that and more, weather you think it's good/bad or not is clearly meaningless as communists will vote for democrats, most people just don't vote at all because it's impossible their fringe beliefs will ever work anywhere

    That's why all these communities exist online and the western world is the digital world.

    In places like muslim countries they have to bring the war on the ground to become propaganda on the internet to recruit people, it didn't start on the internet like a lot of things are these days.

    They are fighting active constant social and political fractions even without all the social problems of the west. They have LOTS of guns and a questionable numbers of mass shootings

    I think the most powerful moment of the entire ISIS conflict was when they stood at the borders of Syria and Iraq and threw down a holy sword

    The last time someone tried to annex a country (Iraq), well i'm sure you know the story..
    and now look at what happens if someone wants to invade Ukraine, something which hundreds of years ago happened on an almost daily basis everywhere

    They lickd their wounds and the strongest were our great great grandfathers

    Nation states are basically at the point now where they are so borked compared to our technological advancement that it would be like if the Roman Empire knew how to make guns and bombs and planes and nuclear power, but banned it as evil witchcraft against the state

    You are serfs to a global economy
  17. depends if any elemental mercury got on them or not

  18. Yeah I would like to have a candle lit dinner with him after winning a prize in a contest and then pull out a gun at the last minute and hold the entire mac donalds hostage so I can spend eternity with review brah

    We will hijack the internet and demand deliveries and development of new menu items or we start killing people

  19. It makes no difference but it seems to be an inferior product to me.

    I know it ain't cheap because they invested in innovation and technology
  20. Originally posted by WellHung Not sagging but teabagging

    You didn't grow up with that as a cultural thing, stop appropriating my culture!!

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