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Posts by scuffed jim carrey

  1. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Then you can go fuck yourself.

    brainwashing leads to hate
  2. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost "Loosely based on George Orwell's political fable Animal Farm, the album's lyrics describe various classes in society as different kinds of animals: the predatory dogs, the despotic ruthless pigs, and the "mindless and unquestioning” herd of sheep. Whereas the novella focuses on Stalinism, the album is a critique of capitalism and differs again in that the sheep eventually rise up to overpower the dogs. The album was developed from a collection of unrelated songs into a concept which, in the words of author Glenn Povey, "described the apparent social and moral decay of society, likening the human condition to that of mere animals"

  3. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Religion is based on a set of rules. Spirituality, and Trianglism, does not have such a code, and there is not a centralized power or leader. There isn't one general doctrine but instead there are multiple branches (called pyramids ∆) with different teachings, and members don't even have to be part of any of these pyramids.
    This is why there isn't one symbol for the whole of Trianglism like Christians worldwide have their cross. Every used symbol has their own connotations and meanings: some are used in general, some other are about the divinity of the Self, or of Nature. Others are linked with Space Travel, self-reliance or are inspired by historical facts or psychedelic interpretation. These symbols are part of a whole system of symbolic belief, attitude, use of words, arts,…

    Amongst the used symbols is the Z. It represent the corruption of mainstream thought. Z is most commonly used to replace S or C.
    The Star of David is in reference to positive and negative energy, Dark matter (inverse triangle) is kept in balance by the upward triangle . The Pyramids of Giza are the holiest site in Trianglism signifying the ark between man and the universe.

    Another symbol referring to this belief, is the imitation by Trianglists of a hand gesture often performed by Haile Selassie on pictures, the so called Zolomon Zeal) According to trianglists this shape means 'the divine on earth' (triangle pointing down).
    This symbol refers to the belief that Humans are the ultimate life form on Earth, and that every Trianglist is a part of this divine realization. (note that every individual is considered divine and part of this inspired universe, simular to other holistic / gnostic beliefs)

    These are couple of used symbols. there are many others, like the five pointed black star with a marijuana leaf (a reference to the tribe of Kush, the Yippie Flag)

  4. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    brainwashed by Babylon

  5. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    It's time to leave these lands of failure and instead build our dreams where no government can claim


  6. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Folks I am here today defeated and discouraged, The economic situation in my country, and the west in general does not seem good to me, I have no hope for the future I hoped and dreamed to build upon.

    But I do have hope that I can build the future of my dreams, a vision of tomorrow, not through space but instead for something I believe is just as noble, THE OCEAN.

    The oceans of the world. FUCK SPACE, the ocean man it's like space but with water, and the opposite of a vacuum.
    Plus if the economy gets better I think there is a lot of transferability in technology and skill (they do EVA space training underwater)

    WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME ON MY NEW QUEST OF CONQUERING THE OCEANS? Have fun blowing up in a rockets or comet storm, i'm gonna get eaten by a promethean kraken from the bottom of Marinaras trench. I'm moving to PORTUGAL


    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    "If you invested in Bored Ape Yacht Club creator’s chaotic metaverse land sale, you’re probably already underwater"

    Did someone just say WATER

  7. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It still amazes me how barbaric men can be. I hope you evolve soon, otherwise your life will forever be filled with ignorance and hate and you'll be left on the incel heap and I can only feel sorry for you.

    I have gotten women pregnant before and I don't give a shit about society and it's retardation

    you are the one who can't see you are the one brainwashed by a cult, and anyone that disagrees with your dogma is an "incel" or a "nazi" or whatever. Literally the same tactics being done by both sides which was exactly my point.

    I don't support either side and I think everyone is retarded. I am hated by both the left and right and i'm glad they hate me. I don't hate them, I don't care, which is exactly why they hate me.

    Stay brainwashed, slave
  8. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It bugs me him saying the world is like a matrix, he's trying to change your perception of the world, something they do in cults.

    People have been saying that for 20 years. Cults have a very specific definition and "change perception of the world" is not even one of the things that qualifies as being a "cult"

    Literally every political party, black lives matter, feminists do nothing BUT change people's perceptions on the world, I guess those are all cults too which is kinda true.

    Calling anything you disagree with a "cult" could be considered a form of brainwashing

  9. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Holy shit Americans are actually fucking retarded.

    I actually want the west to ban crypto now, it will only accelerate the downfall of society

    because a crypto ban is the west signing it's own death certificate. I'm convinced the chain of events that will follow will lead to a global financial meltdown

    The fact that they are banning a currency/security/store of value during economic unrest I think says enough, it makes no sense.

  10. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Maybe the reason they blame everything on FEMINISTS AND LEFTISTS is because they grew up in a world where society blames everything on DONALD TRUMP, ANDREW TATE, ALT RIGHT, NAZIS etc etc

    Where do you think they learned this behavior? The only "brainwashing" going on is by society

    It's more people just not thinking for themselves, this happens on both sides and is the reason , not result of why modern society is so fucked. The failure of people to see this and instead just doubling down on the same retardation is why it's "getting worse"
  11. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    What if they aren't brainwashed (there is no such thing btw)

    And instead just agree with him

    Maybe your children are actually just incels that hate women and came to that conclusion of their own free will because of your failures as parents and families to give them faith in anything else

  12. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Hitler said whoever controls the youth controls the future. Andrew Tate is brainwashing youth that's why we should all be concerned, not just for women but for how these boys vulnerabilities will deepen and when or if they ever do wake up from him how will they feel knowing someone could manipulate them like that? They're actually likely to become incels.

    They are becoming incels because of the breakdown of the fabric of society, destruction of the family and stuff like only fans

    Not fucking Andrew Tate who is just some retard like Nick Fuentes or baked Alaska or whatever, all the same shit
  13. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's not just code

    yes it is. It's all code, it's a computer program

    Just like bitcoin people have all these retarded ideas/beliefs


    There are hundreds, thousands of models. GPT-3, GPT-3.5, GPT-4 is only the tip of the iceburg

  14. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Who the fuck are the tate bros and why are they getting trolled by a fat retard from ip2

  15. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont even know that hadiths are inalienable paet of the quran, your unqualified to talk about islam.

  16. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I understand exactly how they work. Shit in, shit out.

    What is the "shit in" then?

    It's just code, it's just a "smart" search engine essentially so instead of typing in "how to make a bomb" and sifting through articles to find instructions

    it already has all that data and can GENERATE text based upon your prompt of asking it "how to make a bomb"

    It's a very simple tool, if you put shit in it will produce shit but the same could be said about any tool. This has nothing to do with the tool itself. A hammer isn't suddenly "dangerous" because someone uses it to bash their own head in.


  17. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Japan is telling the US to go fuck itself and buying russian oil LMAO

    It's over for the petro dollar.
  18. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
  19. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    DAOism is the ultimate form of governing

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What if instead of having a law for gay marriage instead we have DAO's like a Catholic marriage DAO and Sharia law DAO and a LGBT DAO that way instead of one law for all involving things like Abortion, fundamentalist beliefs and same sex marriage instead these groups will be separate from each other yet through smart contracts and DAOism interact in an economy and societal system yet staying within their own DAOs free to interact with or not interact with whomever they choose in a decentralized governance faction.

    And within these DAO's political parties could exist or they could not even be democratic at all, or a party could represent multiple DAO's

  20. scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman


    no it's a fucking LANGUAGE MODEl you absolute FUCKING RETARDS

    Originally posted by aldra GPT-4chan is wild

    this is literally the same retardation going on with tiktok

    Originally posted by Alice THEY TRYING TO SHUT DOWN THE RIGHT! THE LEFT! RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT, well which is it? How about Tiktok has a model that goes against the American media model of making everything an argument, instead it just shows you an echo chamber i.e If you're right it shows you right wing, if gay it shows you gay shit. If you are suicidal it shows you self harm promotion ,etc

    divide and conquer, a classic tactic
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