2018-11-19 at 8:25 AM UTC
So, my mom passed tonight.
Originally posted by aldra
happy birthday!
now you get to commemorate 2 things for the price and effort of just one.
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Originally posted by Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service
It was pricey back in the 00s.
The third graph on that page seems to be broken, but they have a stupid conclusion, that wages drive house price increases. Much more likely that investment demand drives house prices.
without ownership data its impossible to say which is which.
it could be due to people with high income slurping all the houses,
or it could be rent seekers and speculators taking up all the houses to be rented out for profit or sell when they appreciate to other speculators.
investing in real estates should be illegal.
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Originally posted by GGG
I'm cursedly good at everything i do
thats not what i herd about your book.
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2018-11-17 at 5:03 PM UTC
This place is gay...
Originally posted by Archer513
The only adavantage to having a lil Asian cock…you can fuck regular cocks that have been halved.
quite a fantasy you have there,
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2018-11-17 at 9:13 PM UTC
Speaking of smells ....
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Originally posted by gadzooks
I may just submit it for publication.
I just have to add some footnotes about rape culture and so on.
The double-slit experiment clearly establishes rape culture because bombarding subatomic particles at "slits" without their consent only perpetuates the idea that slits need to be penetrated in the name of phallocentric science.
dont forget the hardon collider experiment.
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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2018-11-16 at 7:43 PM UTC
Eating ass
Originally posted by Ghost
They are better than cisgender women.
i just want to say traps have boobs.
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Originally posted by Lanny
The fine city of SF has banned plastic straws too. It doesn't bother me, probably a good thing on the whole, but this city kinda bans a lot of stuff.
poor lanny.
now she cant make straw man arguments anymore.
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Originally posted by gadzooks
Are you saying that you are gay?*
is it ok to be one ?
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Originally posted by GGG
Also I want to add, it's hilarious how everybody who doesn't like me in this thread likes me on my alt. All my alts are liked until the name '§m£ÂgØL' is attributed to it. Then people have different opinions about the exact same posts.
I'm going to stop using this one and use my other alt more. Bet you won't figure out which one is me.
so the sole reason you used alt is to be liked ?
i only come to the internet to be hated, because inducing hatred IRL is dangerous, and sometimes ... lethal.
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Originally posted by Lanny
pfft, jedis? The nippon media institution has been pushing incest fetishism for years. Americans are just starting to pick up on it.
incest isnt a fetish.
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Originally posted by Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service
You guys are worse than a pair of new agers banging their crystals together to raise their vibrations.
pepetually and quantumly entangled in quantum homodynamics.
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2018-11-13 at 4:41 PM UTC
Infinityshock's Ban
Originally posted by Ghost
Just make it so he can't post on topical forums
its not really what was posted that offended lanny,
its who who posted it that offended.
we really need to get lanny to sit down and talk about his/her feelings.
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Originally posted by jedi_darryl
Very uncomfortable. Why is it when you post something recently that you think it’d be comedic for others to read and when you read it 3weeks later, it looks remedial and not even close to being funny? Like, at all?
its very much like masturbation.
your so eager for it to come out but once you came its all messy and you wish you hadnt.
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2018-11-13 at 6:30 PM UTC
97% of all suicides
can be prevented with monies and sexes.
97% of all suicides are being commited by people who doesnt have what it takes for them to live a happy life, and that is monies and pussies [or cocks] and so
if the suicide hotline your given couldnt give you a few millions / billions and unlimited supply of perpetually tight pussies,
then they're not really interested to help you stop you from killing yourself.
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2018-11-14 at 6:43 AM UTC
Narcy is a loser faggot
Originally posted by Narc
I've never had one that was dirty. Although I've only ever paid 3 prostitutes in my life, not like I do it all the time.
Funny one was when I was seeing that kitty chick last year, the one who was working but I was seeing her but wasn't paying her myself. The first time I fucked her she turned round to me and said 'thanks for getting clean before doing that'. I thought that was real cute thing to say. But then it made me realize that the poor girl prolly had to service some right dirty cunts. That must be fucking horrible.
That Romanian chick the other week was only 18 and had a lovely tight wet puss on her. Fucking her was absolutely lovely.
Never role played, no. I was gonna ask her for a golden shower but she didn't speak a word of English so i didn't bother. Just asking her for a blowjob was hard enough. Having to use the international sign language for 'gis a blowy' every time was a bit awkward enough, lol.
how did you came to the conclusion that she was 18 when she didnt said a word of english ?
you checked her passport ?
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2018-11-14 at 6:02 AM UTC
Speaking of smells ....
Originally posted by mmQ
Did you know in jail you don't get q tips at all so you really can't clean your ears that way if you wanted to? Truthfully your ears kinda naturally are supposed to clean themselves or when you shower you can just let the water go in and clean them
your ear waxes is the one and only thing that stand in between little insects and ants and your inner ears.
do not clean them out.
and if you insists on having them dug out, q tips are available in rape kits.
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2018-11-13 at 4:44 PM UTC
RIP Stanley
Originally posted by Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service
BTW if you're an adult who watches a "super hero" film unironically you are a SAD FUCK and everyone knows what a SAD FUCK you are for that.
i only watch them ironically.
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Originally posted by tee hee hee
That horizon looks pretty straight from over here.
no, its definitely gay.
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