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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Uyghurs are getting put into camps because they want to form a secular nation. Same with Tibetans. It's never about religion and hasn't been since Mao ate dust.

    no, i dont think you know what secular means, because if you did, youd know that they absolutely do not want a secular .... anything.

    chinas uighur problems is the same exact problem that rapefugee communities in europe afflicts upon their host countries.

    they dont want to integrate, dont want to learn their hosts language, dont want to be educated in their host countrys education system, dont want to work, the whole shebamg.
  2. Originally posted by BummyMofo China IS one of them I know Chinese people who visited America and are astounded by the decorations, the celebrations, all of which are banned.

    I'm not sure why you love China so much, it's a disgusting place and their internet sucks. But maybe it's just the fact that you embrace communism as an entitled miIIenniaI fag who wants free stuff.

  3. Originally posted by BummyMofo It is for you because you used to rape your parents the same way you rape women and children.

    Originally posted by Octavian What a subjugated nigger thing to say
  4. great replay value.
  5. Originally posted by frala With hurricanes you know at least a week in advance if one is coming to your area…

    Of course the damn things turn and can end up in a completely different state. Evacuating is not the easiest thing in the world but yeah, you usually have plenty of time.

  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson WRONG.

    so thats where you keep all your boy exploitation videos.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Proof of your lack of athletic abilities.

    proof of your lack of communication skills.

    you speak.
  8. Originally posted by BummyMofo I associate it to Christ all the time you double faggot entitled miIIenniaI commie apologist.

    so did most chinks in china have chrismas each and every year you nigger faggot.

    lots of country forbids celebrating christmas. like most recently brunei.

    and china isnt one of them.

    you nigger.
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I don't think you do. Falun Gong is trying to go to India… Really?

    did i said that ?
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um that wouldn't be a mummy or daddy would it…duh.

    same thing.
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Consoles never have and never will surpass the capabilities of a PC simply because they are static.

    yea but your friends will never be able to accidentally come across your homemade child porn collection on your console like they can with your pc.
  12. i still cant shake off the awes i had when i first saw the demo for emotion engine.
  13. Originally posted by Wariat thats what everyone rucking does.

    doing what every1 does = not creative.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I wish I could stay home and play on the internet all day and have my mummy and daddy pay all my bills and bring me cookies and shit.

    just find a rich husband.
  15. Originally posted by BummyMofo To the aryan naziboy 4chan nerd (you) "work" is for your parents to worry about while you stay at home and play on the internet.

    What a subjugated nigger thing to say
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace She's talking about Tibet obviously…

    i dont think she knows what tibet even is.
  17. Originally posted by BummyMofo Agreed. I've known exchange students from China. They are scared. They want to do simple things like put up a Christmas tree, even that's forbidden. It's ludicrous

    while americans are forbiden to associate the holiday to christ, and told to greet each others with 'happy holiday'.

    freedom my non-nigger ass.
  18. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty When I was in Guangzhou, I learned that there is a Buddhist sect that is being annihilated, because it teaches freedom of spirit.

    to think falungong is a chinese religious establishment is just as retarded as to think isis is an iraqi religious establishment.


    they both are see eye air destablising tools.
  19. to a nigger, nothing is work.

    just random happenstances.
  20. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny draw us a dog.
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