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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by aldra The short of it is that India tried to begin construction of an airbase in a contested area. Under normal circumstances this may have been handled differently, but India has a military treaty with the US that allows them to use each others' military bases and given the current level of relations between China and the US, it was too risky to 'wait and see'.

    china should just sign a treaty with the pakis and place paki soldiers in their bases along the lac.

    that will show the indians.
  2. o, dick chenney was a lineman too.
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yes, and freedom of speech refers to the legality of it. Which here in the US, is totally legal. You can say anything you want anywhere you want and you will never, ever be charged for it in a court of law.

    no, this has never been true.

    if freedom is action free from repercussion, then freedom of speeches has to be freedoom to speeches whereever and whatever they may be without repercussion, of any kind, and from anyone, guaranteed by the law.

    which is not the case in today's america.

    people who speak of unpopular speeches are often targeted and by silenced, by state enacted laws such as those regulating hate speeches. and when they;re not being punished with state laws, they're being targeted, silenced and punished by the might of capital and social forces.

    like most recently how zerohedge lost their ad revenue because someone exercised freedom of speeches by posting their comment, and zerohedge for allowing it.

    and in the past, its niggers who're denied freedom of speech to bitch and moan about their nigger plight.

    Obviously nobody has total freedom or you could smoke meth, kill bitches, and never face a single consequence of your actions. You should read a little Locke to understand what freedom truly means in America.

    this was never in dispute.
  4. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Yes I'm white, Johnno. I just don't need a Tucker Carlson to put me to bed and tell me everything is gonna be ok.

    but tucker isnt telling white americans that everything is gonna be ok.

    hes telling them they're being fucked. you'd know if you listened.

    hes informing white male, cis gendered americans that they/'re getting fucked up their asses and down their throats and its only a matter of time before they're getting fucked in their gapping hole where their penises and balls once were.

    and they will, sooner than later.
  5. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 So you're a cable guy 👦

    more like lineman.
  6. Originally posted by aldra so… everyone needs potable water?

    §m£ÂgØL readed one outdated russian geopolitical playbook from the 90s and now thinks hes expert geopolitical anal-lyst.

    what book are you gonna pull out of your ass now §m£ÂgØL ?
  7. Originally posted by aldra the first two are really good, but then they sort of go off the rails when Tony starts writing.

    if I remember right he actually disappeared into the forest and joined a cult halfway through the last movie so they had to wait like a year for him to come back before they were able to finish it

    sounds like anglin's story.

    also on topic :

    noi = small.

    dont ask how i knew.
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Shooting someone dead does not remove freedom of speech. It is a legal term, and not whatever the fuck you are trying to assume it is.

    Watch this:

    Heil Hitler.

    In Germany you get fined for that.

    Teach your dog to heil hitler?

    In the UK you get prison time for that.

    Xi is a traitor and Taiwan is the real China.

    In Zhonguo you get sent to the gulag for that.

    In America you can say absolutely anything you want. You will never be arrested for it. You will never be imprisoned for it. That is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn't mean "I can say whatever I want without consequences". It's purely legal. You'll still get your racist ass punched in the face.

    freedom is action without repercussion.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No not at all, when you love/care about someone close to you then a normal person would also care about how they are feeling etc.

    but she dumped you.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 1 yes it does

    not really, not universally at least.

    2…what "claim"? I claimed I'm not worried about it and placed it on the same level as catching a cold or the flu as far as my concern level was…that claim is valid.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's common sense. if a contagious virus is "out and about" and there is no cure for it…most people are going to get it…j
  11. Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is plenty of water in most desert areas. You just have to drill for it. Shut up before you start. I live in the desert.

    not forever.

    water tables getting lower and lower and its only a matter of time before it dries out completely.
  12. Originally posted by Sophie Contact customer support.

    hellow tech support,

    i would like to know if vaseline is superior to baby oil.
  13. Originally posted by ORACLE If it pronounces wrong then you have essentially fucked up the entire thing as Chinese is a tonal language

    dont worry,

    thats not chinese.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Ebola has a vaccine, mers and sars were not as contagious.

    1 - ebola vaccine doesnt work.

    2 - o, so your claim is not always valid.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, I cared how it would impact my sensitive wife if all the neighbors thought badly of us/her. She's the type who likes to be neighborly.

    in retrospect would you say your cares had been misplaced.
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, like the one I cited, the common cold…no cure, everyone gets it…belongs to the corona family.

    yea but why not ebola and mers and sars that also have no cure ?
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I felt uncomfortable with alienating the neighbor on our first day in the house…if anyone is going to do that it needs to be me.

    you cared what your nigger and nigger loving neighbor thinks about you ?
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Source?

    we came, we saw, he died.

  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's common sense. if a contagious virus is "out and about" and there is no cure for it…most people are going to get it…just like most people get colds…I've had dozens of those in my lifetime.

    like ebola, mers and sars you mean ?
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson When I moved into a new house with exwife #1 her 90 something grandmother was there on the day we were moving in to "inspect the situation"…we were standing in the front driveway and the neighbor came out to go to his car, he happened to be a black man.

    The grandmother said loudly "Is that a nigger?"

    What a nice introduction to the neighborhood…of course that's the term her early 1910s era upbringing used and she didn't mean it as offensive, even though it obviously was.

    you felt uncomfortable with her calling a nigger a nigger ?
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