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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace ??? Yes. Its common to be told to wait to the side if your food isnt ready so they can get the line moving. Then they come outside and give it to you.

    You've never been through the drive thru?

    he dont drive.
  2. Originally posted by street_carp I had to go for a shit once in a suburban shopping mall in Manila, I was unwell at the time so it was like squirting really thick gravy in all the cardinal directions. When I finished I realised there was no toilet roll and no weird little shower head thing they like to use to clean their bumholes over there, not even a bucket or a jug.

    So I did the only thing I could do and wiped my arse with hand, thinking that it wasn't really a big deal as I could just wash my hands anyway. When I got over to the sinks (with my smelly poo hand in front of a bunch of people) I discovered there was no soap either. FML.

    So I rinsed my hand as thoroughly as I could and had to walk literally to the other side of the shopping mall, with my still very smelly poo hand shoved in my pocket, to a cosmetics shop and buy some soap and cheap aftershave. Then I had to walk back across to the toilets to sort myself out.

    When I got back to my wife she asked me why I smelled like a fucking taxi driver, I explained to her what happened and she laughed and said this sort of bullshit is why she emigrated.

    another race traitor identified.
  3. ive been thinking of making a computer case out of biscuit cans such as these.

  4. Originally posted by aldra it'd take a lot more to escalate to that level

    where'd you get the 35 number from? China hasn't released casualty information

    US "intel" in the early days.
  5. Originally posted by Grylls wat

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nay tiu loy hi kai.
  6. Originally posted by Grylls This fake ass chink thinks he’s italian now

    is that what you imagime yourself become when you eat chink food ?

  7. nay tiu loy hi kai.
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I get the water out of my well every time I turn on a faucet. That's how modern wells work. We don'y have to walk to the well like in your peasant village.

    you better start practising because once the s hits the f there wont be gas or electricity to do your menial tasks for you.
  9. Originally posted by GAAAAALM Ah. So not jing.

    Retard. Your Chinese is shit. I am fluent.

  10. Originally posted by rabbitweed Yes, Indian soldiers killed 35 chinese vs 20 indian killed. They also have a lot more air force bases in the area, and would quickly gain air superiority - most of red chinas airforce is deployed to the east of the country against Taiwanese, Japanese and American air forces.

    this is 2020.

    we're in the UAV era now.
  11. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood source?
  12. Originally posted by street_carp China is getting away with it pretty openly right now. There's millions of people of various ethnic minorities (most notably Uighurs, Google Uighur slave labor if you want) working for little or no pay under the guise of a publicly acknowledged re-education program.

    They're making products for Sony, Apple, Nike, Nintendo and others and the Chinese government is yet to be taken to task over it.

    as opposed to what ?

    letting them loose in the streets and become criminals while feeding off the governmemt just like how rapefugees are in zone urban sensible in france, germamy, uk, sweeden, swissland amd practically most of europe ?
  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Actually I debunked that picture multiple times. The cardboard is completely useless being placed above grass. Weeds will just poke through it and it won't survive rain or waterings. The soil is barely enough to support a root system.

    They should have dug up the lawn and tilled the soil underneath. They are too pussy to wreck a lawn. They should have been jack hammering all the concrete in their territory and replacing it with fresh soil several feet deep and planting trees and things like kudzu to take over the urban blight.

    The reason you can't point things like this out is because you lack critical thinking skills. You can't even insult me correctly without falling back to logical fallacies and expecting other people to agree with you just because they don't like me. This is the same problem with people in the third world who just can't imagine anything outside of their own bubble.

    You're just salty because you know I'm right and you're stuck in a "slave like" position and can't imagine or grasp anything beyond your tiny world view. Don't blame other people or they evil boogieman corporations for your inability to pursue your own destiny.

    There is no gun being held to anyone's head. If you think slavery is real than how do those people become slaves? Were they kidnapped at night from their homes and shipped like cattle? Or did they willingly sign up for the job.

    You can't force anyone to do anything without violence and there is no country where murder is legal based on class or social status even in places with a caste system like India

    yea but your understanding of human conditions around the world is just as deep as them with their understanding of agriculture.

    about 2 inches of top soil deep.

    tell me about bangladesh.
  14. Originally posted by Grylls I bet you never even used one of those squat pottys either

    I took a shit in one in Cambodia and there was no tp, I had shit all over my ass on the bus journey to Thailand

    Got a whore there to wash my shitty boxers

    you wait here.
  15. Originally posted by AngryOnion I was working on a fucking piece of shit BMW with no dip stick.
    It took me longer to reset the oil change reminder than it did to do the fucking oil change.
    I just wanted to smash every fucking window in with a hammer FFFFFFFFUCK!!!!!!

    dip sticks are a symbol of opressive patriarchal society.
  16. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty It's very good! absolutely, like Erekshun said though, cookin is the key. I've had rubbery over-cooked snake too. Two other foods to my knowledge also have this issue with rubberiness, Gator and Calamari….so a good cook is key.

    If you can get Scorps, they are even better. My favorite… I haven't seen any yet, but it's still early, and the monsoons, or in this case, "monlaters" haven't come yet.

    i thought only niggers eat bush meat.
  17. a bottle of italian olive oil.

    i intended to eat it raw but then remembered it came from italy and probably have corona viruses in it so now i only eat it cooked.
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Probably had her boyfriend wipe it down his asscrack. That's why I don't buy used panties online ..anymore.

    it could be worse.

    they could be worn by women with penises.
  19. dont make me have to post asiatic toilet.
  20. #finnylivesmatter
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