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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL Hillary for prison
    Drain the swamp
    Help the common man
    Build the wall
    Health Care

    It was all bullshit. He hasn't kept a single campaign promise. All he's really done is make his filthy rich buddies even more filthy rich than they were. He's a professional liar. Sure, Hillary would have destroyed the entire nation by now, but this clown is still nothing but a blowhard liar.

    Always watch the actual results, not their lips moving, if you want to know what a politician really is.

    he kept his promise to ship US embassy to jéwrusalem.
  2. Originally posted by aldra kind of makes me think of Malcolm in the Middle if they lived in a trailer

    malcolm in the middle reminds me of a very sick boy abuse material i accidentally saw many many years ago.
  3. Originally posted by Obbe Collapse, in this context, refers to the significant loss of an established level or complexity towards a much simpler state. It can occur differently within many areas, orderly or chaotically, and be willing or unwilling. It does not necessarily imply human extinction or a singular, global event. Although, the longer the duration, the more it resembles a ‘decline’ instead of collapse.

    the word collapse, like the word explosion, are speed-dependent in any context.

    a collapse, or an explosion that happens slowly are neither collapse nor explosion.

    their decline, or combustion.
  4. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I was annoyed when we lost our local post box, until I realised I could just give the postman my letters anyway.

    Did you know in most of the world they don't even have postmen?

    they're called post workers now.
  5. Originally posted by Nil LD50 for a super vector?

    no, for capt'n faggot.
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What's the term for a half white Asian,

  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The sooner the ice melts the sooner we can relocate white Americans there, and let the Blacks keep the old one.

    that was the reason humans migrated out of africa initially.
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker He is a good poster when he isn't talking about fucking someones guts out.

    its his talking about fucking peoples gut out that makes him a good poster.
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Sooo… you're half white, half yellow. Interesting.

    id gladly show you the contrast between my upper/under arm if it wasnt for the PI rats all over.
  10. Originally posted by Obbe "Collapse" is not like an apocalyptic event, it is more like a slow and steady erosion in the quality of life. Civilization collapse really encompasses many things. Just off the top of my head: poverty increases, food security decreases, inequality increases, ecosystem deteriorate, etc. Unless you are in a conflict zone, it's not like you will wake up one day and your life is inexplicable different, but overtime the trend for society is downwards. If x million people lose their jobs or are evicted, you may not even notice in your part of the country. But all these things add up.

    Lets roleplay a very likely scenario:

    You may be paying 30% more for pork cause of the collapse of the swine industry of china. All your other groceries have increased in price too because the migrant laborers are quarantined. Not a big deal to your life on its own. Then a war breaks out in the middle east. Okay, your gas price increases, but you'll just drive less. The pandemic causes your company to make cuts, but luckily you keep your job. To make up for the lost workers you work more hours for the same salary. You're more exhausted, but that's just life right? The city has lost all its revenue due to the pandemic too, and can't afford to fix the roads, and your already more expensive car hits a pothole, which will cost you $1000 to fix. Then a riot breaks out because the police shoot an unarmed man in the downtown of your city and the courts refuse to charge the police officer. Your company has to close down for a couple weeks due to the riots. Now the accumulation of all this: Your groceries are more expensive, gas prices are up, you don't even have your car and you have an unexpected bill that you no longer can afford due to your job loss. Let's throw in a hurricane or a wildfire into the mix too.

    Take that and add it with the millions of jobless and homeless and the now millions of people that find themselves in your shoes. This is not even an absurd scenario. This is the reality of collapse.

    there wont be a collapse due to the sheer size of america.

    but it will decline slowly like bidens cognitive ablity.

    none knows when it started and no one will know when it will end but its happening before our very eyes.
  11. Originally posted by Qhost On a re-read, yes they can probably be used interchangeably. When I wrote that I couldn't think of a better way to put it. Perhaps "goal" was enough all along.

    no actually purposes and meanings are just chickens and eggs.
  12. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol…

    a lot of liberals are against voter identification.. I wonder why..

    I think the best way to hold elections is to have everyone show up to the event center and while on camera say who they are voting for or have some kinda jump chat scenario where you can get on your lappy cam and say who you're voting for and they have a team that reviews it all so theres no descripheries but you have to actually of been registered by showing your ID.

    Problem solved

    bullets speak louder than ballots.
  13. Originally posted by Speedy Parker ^Gets his facts from twitter

    your president puts his out on it.
  14. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Rubbers are cheaper than food or kids.

    only if your poor.
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL You're yellow. You have no room to talk.

    parts of me that arent exposed to the sun are white.

    those that are are yellow to brown.

    be jelly of my superior skin.
  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I haven't really set up my workstation since moving out west. Mostly because I am taking my time choosing the right furnishings. However I just order a very nice cherry finish corner desk with a hutch and comfy sharp looking cream-colored leather chair with an upholstery sytle reminiscent of a 50's tuck and roll look. Then I can set up my monitiors and variou peripherlas properly. I haven't owned a joystick in years. But maybe i'll pick up a good one (not sure what that would be these days will have to read up) and Steam this.

    I like a realistic flight sim. It's too bad that most gamers can't fly that well. Otherwise their would be good mainstream populated combat flight sims with real world flight physics, no inflight repair BS, and limited ammo/fuel. The early private beta for World of Warplanes was very good in the forementioned aspect. Unfortunately War Thunder was in open beta at that time. It was semie realistic arcade flight physics with inflight repair and rearm. Becsue of this was struggling to keep their beta populated so around V b.3+ they nerfed everything so the kiddies could fly without killing themselves. That is when I stopped playing. You could literally climb with any tier 10 plane, nose straight up, to the top of the map slowing down to less than 30 knts and not fall out of the sky like a brick. That's just stupid.

    games are not substitute for real life.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Nothing fancy, Just a little prop plane would do.

    crop duster ?
  18. Originally posted by cigreting ys ur dik bent 2 d left fagit

    because large intestines bend 2 d left.
  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I don't wish I'm a big boy now.

    teach me how do you cope with bone chilling loneliness ?
  20. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting That would be convincing, except we can see the videos. The people doing the damage are whites and jedis.

    those could be manipulated footages.
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