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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. ja
  2. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge This is why coffee servant got fired^ mongoloid

    ↑ rohingyan spirit animals
  3. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Lol you think I like Biden? The Democrats are still too economically conservative. But they're the only side willing to enact the widely popular ideas that Americans will want. Biden's healthcare plan is going to lower healthcare costs for literally everyone since those making over 50-60k will

    ↑ retards dont knowmhow to math.

    ja, legalizing illegals and let any and everyone who would sneak their way jnto the USA to be citizens and qualify for free medicare is going to lower the price of healthcare.

    anyone who thinks this doesnt know anything about the first law of economic equilibrium.
  4. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge im also a dalit.

    i sympathize with your situation.
  5. Originally posted by livingelegy the founding fathers are turning over in their graves, congressmen used to have pistol duels, sword fights, and good old hand-to-hand brawls weekly, now our nation is so god damn pussified that the 2nd amendment doesn't mean shit, niggers and kikes use the media to corrupt our kids, no one goes to church anymore, everyone's some kind of secular faggot who "fucking loves science" and turns their nose up to all religions except maybe trendy non-abrahamic ones. america is a shell of what it once was and its the fault of people like OP.

    whats shocking is the recent public and open complain by soy batallion of thr national guards people about their accomodation in the heated and lighted car stable.

    "ooooo, we cant protect and serve in these car stables."
  6. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge No they don't. You can't force anyone to do anything. At most you can give them a refund on the remaining service length and say "see ya".

    So? If you have a restaurant and Muslim terrorists start congregating there, you would be perfectly within your right to refuse them service on a case by case basis.

    You could even do it simply for not liking their face. The only things you can't discriminate about is stuff you have no control over, like your race, sex, age etc.

    This is the same thing as the gay cake thing, why do you faggots feel entitled to making other people do shit for you when they don't want to?

    Who gives a fuck? I don't know what the fuck you want, for hosts to not enforce TOS or not have any TOS? The reasons hosts have TOSes is because they don't want to die on the hill of some random faggot's desire to be a Nazi, or say nigger, or anything else.

    You haven't even considered the flip side, of what happens when MAKING PRIVATE PARTIES DO SHIT THEY DON'T WANT gets turned against us.

    Yeah you stupid piece of shit, private businesses aren't there to die for your ideals, they are there to make money.

    It's no different than if you open up a wedding venue and ISIS tried to hire it, you would be perfectly within your right to say "nah fuck off you cunts", even if that is solely because letting them use your service is bad PR… Why should they have to take on the bad PR and damage their business for the shitty stuff you want to do with your freedom of speech?

    I care about actual freedom. Not bullshit lipservice freedom where retards can't follow the rules of private services, get banned and then cry about freeze peach cenzorzhip when nobody wants to be associated with them being retarded any more.

    *scrolls over*

  7. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge They actually don't get that big money, as they are selling it at a rate necessary to recoup the accelerated research and development investment they pumped in through the last year. Pricing otherwise would be considered gouging and they would get raped immediately in court.

    Secondly, do you have any credible reason to distrust this vaccine or are you just getting caught up in peer pressure from Facebook and Instagram?

    ↑ rohingyan economist espousing rohingyan economic theory*


  8. *posts a tracking post*
  9. ↑ monolinguist
  10. Originally posted by Robert Mugabe i'm Retard unemployed Gloid

    i pray for your speedy recovery.
  11. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad I don't fucking know ask §m£ÂgØL you retard.

    who are you and who do you prefer to claim to be.
  12. Originally posted by Grylls Bring me a bagel and a coffee, PRONTO

    *puts coffee and bagel on the floor*


    comeear boy
  13. Originally posted by STER0S why buy that shit when you can hire me to be your up-close & personal suicide kit.

    because i dont want you mollesting my corpse.
  14. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge i am a neanderthal.

    i c.
  15. Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge Mongoloid^

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny unter, mensch.
  16. Originally posted by the little girl Japanese speakers take lots of pauses.
    You would know if you knew jack shit about the language.

    only japanese retards.
  17. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Monolingual people are wasting their lives by not learning at least one other language.

    multilinguists are antichrists.

    6And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. 10T
  18. Originally posted by Misguided Russian This is how I learned English. But then again, English is a simple language. The next step was to listen to music, read lyrics and sing along. That way you practice hearing, speaking, and reading all at once.

    i learnt german by reading mein kampf.
  19. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    It still cracks me up that there's an entire suicide forum/community.

    i wonder how much money i can earn selling suicide kits.
  20. Originally posted by Lanny I’ll give you all a hint…

    it’s a woman

    the little girl from totse we all knew and love has now become a woman.
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