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Posts by ECAP

  1. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny mmmmmm ….

    he is just practicing for the entry of his rear admiral
  2. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER It's probably a generational thing too. The humor and stuff here, is really mostly relevant to people who grew up with the internet.

    sorta like the way you expect your mom to react to stuff if your mom had zero class and was an attention whore desperately trying to fit in somewhere they clearly should have outgrown by now
  3. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers

    Looks like a nice guy. Imagine how many fine white girls he's going to be able to fuck now. Take that FBI! Fascists.

    thats hawt
  4. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mewsik Please raise your hand 🖐

    I hope your hand is NOT raised ma´am
  5. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    you are 30 years old and still living with your mother?

    I mean before
  6. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by stl1 If it wasn't for DateHookup members moving over here, there would be no estrogen at all on this site.

    most of those broads are in menopause I thought they stopped making estrogen then
  7. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Robert Why the hunnies leaving I just got here

    shes old as fuck bro no one cares if she leaves
  8. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mewsik Oh zook did I hurt your feelers?


    Too bad.

    the better more obvious question here is did we all hurt your feelers



  9. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mewsik I really dislike socializing with drug users honestly … and the mental illness, pedofilia, and absultely mind numbing threads are exhausting

    Your response to Michael Myers

    Originally posted by Mewsik Go lock yourself in a closet and gas yourself to death you absolutely annoying moron

    That one to erekshun

    Originally posted by Mewsik according to the posters who have so generously Posted in this thread …. this is who i am:
    I’m an attention whore
    I’m pretentious
    I’m a drunk
    Silva beat my face in
    My dad molested me
    I’m a lesbian
    I’m delusional and think I’m better than I really am
    I want to be a queen
    My partner is a failure

    I left off the crap you said about me when you responded to my posts

    So let me get this straight.

    You can lump everyone here into the degenerate drug addicts, pedophiles, and mentally ill group but become butt hurt when anyone throws a jab your way?

    Your opening post said you feel you don’t belong here, clearly you think you’re better than us so here’s a suggestion STOP COMMENTING

    GTFO princess you pretentious drunk fuckwit

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
  10. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Will do as soon as my mommy gets home
  11. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    All that ass scratching does a number on the fabric of his/her life
  12. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Drinking liquid soap after consuming said produce is however not recommended as it irritates the stomach
  13. ECAP Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by cupocheer Thank you for playing along. I couldn't have succeeded without you?🌹

    Oh….and your response has nothing to do with your "English" spelling proclivity.

    You're welcome.

    You’re very welcome

    Now don’t forget to pm me your credit card information as promised
  14. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Is it considered doxing when you post pictures of WellHung w/o his permission like this?

  15. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
  16. ECAP Tuskegee Airman

    Hope this helps
  17. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mewsik It’s not clever or witty in my opinion to cut and paste quotes to suite your own agenda … whatever’s

    You had a typo up there. What you meant to type was YOU CAN BE WHATEVER WE WANT YOU TO BE.

    Well …. enjoy your pretend world 👍

    Actually had you bothered to click any of the links posted as examples by any of the posters in response to your quandary you’d be aware that we’ve all simply posted links to your very own threads

    Typos notwithstanding I think we’ve proved our point ma’am

    Enjoy your pretend world 🌎 I know we find it very amusing
  18. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    (All posts deleted not drunk lol)
    (All posts deleted not drunk lol)

    Originally posted by Mewsik No I absolutely do not drink regularly or often. Unless you consider every couple of months having drinks on a Friday or Saturday is regularly …

    After a cursory look at your posting I’d say you definitely have a bit of an issue with the drink, deleting your drunk posts does not mean they never happened
    Also you crave a lighthearted flirty posting experience lol, ummm ok 🙄

    Originally posted by Mewsik this is who i am:
    I’m an attention whore
    I’m pretentious
    I’m a drunk
    Silva beat my face in
    My dad molested me
    I’m a lesbian
    I’m delusional and think I’m better than I really am
    I want to be a queen
    My partner is a failure

    This place is awesome … no wonder I keep coming back!! Maybe tomorrow I can be a hooker and a junky ..

    You can be whatever you want to be here

    You’ve tried well off happy homeowner with a “partner” of five years now maybe try past her prime lonely junkie looking for love in all the wrong places

    Us drug addicts and degenerate pedophiles believe anything and everything posted by everyone here
  19. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Phantas,
    Are you Pretty Hate Machine?

    Duh obvi 🥴
  20. ECAP Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Been done did training maggot.
    I am an E-1.
    Gots to Bravo Foxtrot my ass around with my seamen

    You did Online Boot Camp huh?
    Got yourself a Walmart Navy costume
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