Having a bank account in the first place is probably not a good idea but it's illegal to not have one in my country
ALso whats the deal with "can't be compelled to testify on your spouse" does that apply to common law or what? The government and banks should really fuck off and stop sticking their fingers in the pie of human relationships.
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
Having a joint bank account is a really bad idea for example.
Yeah that seems like a bad idea lol we keep our finances decentralized in case one of us gets IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW it doesn't ruin the life of the other one
How do you even do that? I constantly think my GF is ready to drop me like a bad hat and I would not blame her.
Lots of people like to have "lifeboats" as I call them basically you half flirt up a girl enough that you can jump into a new relationship as soon as yours dies. I think shit like that is pretty gay and a sign it's not gonna last
I used to do that a lot because I assumed the relationship would not work out and sure enough we both jump ship and land right into lifeboats when it dies. Monogamy is weird
What does vulnurable even mean? I'm in a LTR and I call my SO a bitch whore slut all the time (she likes that)
Like I said to her yesterday it's like the hot girl at a party, if everyone is nice and tip toes around her she will seek out retards like me that have no problem calling a bitch a bitch. Like yeah i'm not the HOTTEST GOY with a 6 pack of abes, I have a 6pack of pabst blue ribbon and a hard dick and not much else going for me
yet I keep ending up in relationships with these REAL chicks and it's not even "faking confidence just fake it bro" I'm just a fucking asshole which I tell them and they still fuck with me??
Hello, dear not readers! Today I want to talk about a very common phenomenon: not reading things because they upset you. You know what I mean, right? You see a headline that makes you angry or sad, and you just scroll past it. You avoid clicking on links that might challenge your views or make you uncomfortable. You only read the books and articles that confirm your biases and make you feel good.
But is this a healthy habit? Is it good for your mental well-being and your intellectual growth? I don't think so. In fact, I think it's a form of self-censorship and self-deception. By not reading things that upset you, you are limiting your exposure to different perspectives and opinions. You are missing out on opportunities to learn new things and to empathize with others. You are also creating a bubble of ignorance and complacency around yourself.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should read everything that comes your way. Some things are indeed toxic and harmful, and you should avoid them for your own safety. But not everything that upsets you is bad for you. Sometimes, being upset is a sign that you care, that you have a conscience, that you have something to learn. Sometimes, being upset is the first step towards changing yourself or the world for the better.
So, my advice to you is this: don't be afraid to read things that upset you. Don't let your emotions dictate what you can and cannot read. Don't let your comfort zone become your prison. Read widely and critically. Read with curiosity and compassion. Read with an open mind and an open heart. You might be surprised by what you discover.
- John Gofuckyourself likes to browse 3chan and reddit for hours, looking for the latest trends and memes. He thinks he is very witty and original when he posts comments like "John Cena? More like John Gofuckyourself-a!" or "John Wick? More like John Sick!" - John Gofuckyourself has a very low self-esteem and a boring life. He often lies about his achievements and status on social media, pretending to be a successful entrepreneur, a famous actor, or a handsome model. He uses photoshopped images and fake testimonials to back up his claims. He hopes that one day he will be discovered and admired by millions of fans. - John Gofuckyourself is constantly ridiculed and exposed by other people online and offline. His lies are easily debunked and his memes are mocked as lame and cringy. He has no friends or family who care about him. He is lonely and miserable, but he refuses to admit it. He always blames others for his failures and misfortunes. He thinks he is the victim of a conspiracy by the "John haters".
Private police would have sniped them with rubber bullets and tranq darts and they wake up in a drunk tank covered in piss , no harm no foal They would also send you a bill afterwards that would cripple you financially for life, no prison sneeded