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2019-02-27 at 6:02 PM UTC in So much for cheaper cigarettes
Originally posted by -SpectraL It's more than just getting nicotine. It's about the looking important, while holding one, as a thin stream of smoke rises from your fingertips. It's the mystery. The intrigue aspect. Think wide-brimmed hats drawn down over the eyes, a long, black trench coat, and a full moon in the background.
The cancer
The emphysema
The death -
2019-02-27 at 3:07 PM UTC in Can we change the site name and banners?Niggas In Space is the mothafuckin name. Deal w/it.
SJW culture has nothing to do with it. If the Washington Redskins can still exist under the name it is perfectly valid.
Add more banners -
2019-02-27 at 2:11 PM UTC in going from being a non functional drug addict to a functional drug addictIm not reading all that shit
2019-02-26 at 3:46 AM UTC in If you could make $100,000 from a crime, would you?
2019-02-24 at 10:13 PM UTC in Has anybody seen that flat earth documentary on Netflix yet?
Originally posted by HTS *sigh*
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the only people who care about Flat Earthers existing are 105 IQ big brainy bois who need to pick on the poor 95 IQ untermenschen because the 110 IQ master race makes them feel inadequate. Same with most American atheists.
You can keep your sighing to yourself. Nobody cares about your opinion. -
2019-02-24 at 6:47 AM UTC in Where is the line between being a junkie and not?It's When You Jump Out The Faulking Helicopter You Faulking Idiot.
2019-02-23 at 10:34 PM UTC in Official HB racism thread
2019-02-23 at 10:05 PM UTC in Cool websites for when you're high
The Library of Babel is a place for scholars to do research, for artists and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, it’s just like any other library. If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be - including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 10^4677 books.
Everything you could or will ever type on already exists in this library. -
2019-02-23 at 9:09 AM UTC in I gotta stop freezing leftoversjust fucking shut up and eat it you pansies
there’s kids starving to death in other countries and you don’t like the look of your frozen food?? -
2019-02-21 at 6:43 PM UTC in share one shitty quality about yourselfI am a registered user of a website called Niggas In Space.
2019-02-19 at 10:29 AM UTC in reserving the thread about jussie smollett
2019-02-18 at 7:10 PM UTC in The virgin Lanny versus the Chad Infinityshock
2019-02-18 at 8:01 AM UTC in ITT if we had jobs we’d be getting up for work right nowAll I can say is that if it ain't PST, it's of no use to me.
2019-02-16 at 1:23 PM UTC in holy fuck i think i just had an ANXIETY ATTACK
Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III purple lean GOT ME FUCKED UP
Purple lean got me fucked up
In the Trap House getting drugged up
Your asian girlfriend got you cucked up
Had her kiss my dick, jizz, she sucked up
Pass the Glock, i got it cocked up
Lick shots while drinking likka, chugged up
Cook crack in a pot, junkies got it smoked up
See me doped up, slappin hoes up, slanging dope rock on the road block -
2019-02-15 at 7:37 PM UTC in that "Bill Krozby" guy
2019-02-15 at 6:11 PM UTC in Lanny, why the fuck did my boss come up talking to me about NIS?
2019-02-15 at 11:05 AM UTC in I'm a guerilla
2019-02-15 at 10:10 AM UTC in I'm a guerilla
2019-02-14 at 8:28 PM UTC in show me ur nail clippers
2019-01-28 at 12:28 AM UTC in Random image thread