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Posts by Scrawny The πŸ‘»

  1. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by mmQ I asked her.

    did i make u blush
  2. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by mmQ I think if I was gonna rob someone at gunpoint or knife point even id probably just choose a wealthy secluded type neighborhood and an elderly couple. Like just walk up and knock on the door and when they answer just fucking get in their face with death threats if they don't give you all their cash or valuables.

    I'd have a good plan like wearing a disguise and a good getaway route probably on foot so there's no cameras that could identify me or a vehicle.

    Actually fuck it I'm gonna do this today.

    what if he had a pistol
  3. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    im out of the loops with americans who exactly is this trump guy and why should I care.

    Looks like george bush II to me
  4. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by CandyRein To answer this we must first talk about melanin..

    Melanin protects the skin from damage from the sun kinda because it absorbs that energy before we can have damage to the skin

    Everyone has about the same number of cells that make melanin, but not everybody makes the same amount of melanin

    The more melanin your skin makes, the darker your skin

    β€œSo the more protection from ultraviolet rays β€œ

    How much melanin your body makes depends on your genes, which you get from your parents

    Melanin is why you get a tan or burn.

    A person can become
    Sunburn once their skin has taken on more UV rays than the melanin can protect, becoming damaged

    The person will become tan or darker before real damage occurs

    So from personal experience when I’m in the sun too long I just get black as Wesley snipes but I get my normal tone back as time goes on

    My white friends skin peals when they are in the sun too long but we are BOTH basically sunburn

    So yes

    is your pussy hair nappy
  5. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Whats racism i live in canada where everyone is a gray
  6. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    i dont see race'

    im blind
  7. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    shut up
  8. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    one time I took DPH and had the worst day ever
  9. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Anyone with mod that can play videos in TC can join in. Wait until the card carrying cucks get nice and drunk and play some of their cool little tunes and then you join, play this song on youtube

    and then you close the tab so they cant ban/kick you.

  10. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    ill rape you
  11. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
  12. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I just smoked weed from a pepsi bott;le
  13. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by Ensign Β§m£ÂgØL If Bill Krozby drowned, I would not save him.

    he drowns in pussssay every night wat you saying
  14. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    They were probably ETH fags
  15. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by esbity Stop copying me. Pussy.

    s my d
  16. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    what a cucc
  17. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Glitch is worse. Anything fucks up in any way its a glitch
  18. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    sucking penis
  19. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
  20. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
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