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Weed is Gay

  1. #21
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mikeyagain

    Cats who smoke weed do be fly tho'.
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I like my weed like I like my pussy. Hairy as FUCK.
  3. #23
    Manonfire African Astronaut
    Smoked my last hooter early am
    Comolelry done beem trying to get resin and old roaches gathered so i am more
  4. #24
    Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Pot needles
  5. #25
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    pot noodles

  6. #26
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    tomas jeffersan and ben franklin and able lincoln used to blase fattys my nigga
  7. #27
    Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
  8. #28
    Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine I went into a dispensary in San Diego that had a pot magazine with trannies right on the cover …
    what the fuck does cutting your dick off or shooting testosterone have to do with getting high?

    Weed, drugs, casual sex, abortion, childlessness, divorce, homosexuality, decolonisation, mass-immigration, inequality, globalisation, neoliberalism, zionism, judaism.

    Same culture, globo-homo gayplex.
  9. #29
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by yum I'm so conflicted because in order to smoke a joint, it's usually done with other burn out retards, but you can also get a dab pen and that make a you as cool as a vaper.
  10. #30
    Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I just smoked weed from a pepsi bott;le
  11. #31
    esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I like my weed like I like my pussy. Hairy as FUCK.

    gross. Thats like a hairy wound. Ready for infection.
  12. #32
    apt Tuskegee Airman
  13. #33
    PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Marijuana is garbage all it does is make you a psychotic mess and super anxious/paranoid
    There is nothing good about it except how it amplifies your perception, which can be good for getting into things like games and music or for meditation.
    I might try it again but only in a quiet and safe environment.
  14. #34
    PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

  15. #35
    PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    normies ruin everything

    [hide]I doubt customflabs420 would have never even had a custom built pc with the ricer additions if they weren't being displayed in every walmart now. makes me sick how normies are ruining geek culture now[/hide]
  16. #36
    Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    op only does cool ppl drugs
  17. #37
    PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Alright motherfuckers it's settled.
    I'm quitting my job and going back to being a hikikomori.
    I'll get back with you all in 15 years time, hopefully by then the civil war would have happened and all the leftists will have been murdered/died out.
    See you then.
  18. #38
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  19. #39
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Weed... it is soooo good to smoke it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #40
    I agree, weed is for bitches, niggers, and retards.

    I can probably count on two hands the number of times I've tried it. I would try it every once in a while years ago and I couldn't understand what all the fuss is about.

    I don't "get" it, it just doesn't work well on me. It feels like the dirtiest high ever and I'd rather do no drugs than do thc. And it's weird because maybe 2 out the 10 or so times were actually more pleasurable than not, but I don't have the patience to find what strains I do or don't like in a weed-unfriendly state.

    Sploo piqued my interest in spice though. I wanna smoke that spice the crackhead way!!! A a ! !!

    I'm not big into long-acting background drugs anymore either. Gimme a crackified version so I can get real high and get on with my life.
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