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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra just skimming over this link:

    all those funding stats are for another project, not 4chan

    the chunk about 'tracking software' is partially possible through fingerprinting (ie. server-side) but some would require local code, if 4chan was distributing malware all that time it would not have gone unnoticed. the entire section about collecting data for governments/nsa/mossad/etc. is presented without any supporting evidence.

    moot only filled the site with 'sjw' mods following the whole gamergate thing; it wasn't a long-term issue as far as I know

    Disregarding the fact that moot is jedi, I really would like to press a button that would send me back in time so I could enjoy the old days of MOON PERSON internet culture.


    I used to literally spend entire days on the flash section of 4chan watching loops for several minutes maybe hours each
    I watched the otakon 2007 video over and over and over
    I would join every 4chan group on social networking sites and shit post with the people who I thought were my friends (who later turned out to be assholes and tried to gaslight me into killing myself but whatever they're losers who are miserable so it's all good)
    I don't really remember the early-early days of when I started going there (circa 2005) but MAN those were some GOOD DAYS.
    The memes were brilliant too

    that culture birthed LOLICORE

    Nothing interesting has come from the internet ever since

    Everything these days feels so monochrome and bland

    I just want to DIE and reincarnate in a better timeline without jedis

    I wonder if it's just age, but no think about it ... does this site compare at all to TOTSE?
    When was the last time there was a brand new website concept that awed you?

    Everything went to shit around 2008, video games, movies, the internet.
    Only independent music seems to have any sense of life left in it
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra most pro-jedi publications conflate the two, claiming that zionism doesn't exist so any accusation of such is inherently 'anti-semitic'

    you're more paranoid than I am, and not in a practical way. like a bordering-on-schizophrenia way

    Why would you reduce everything I'm saying to mere paranoia?
    4chan was founded by a jedi who took money from the jedi banker mafia, the government agencies use that site as a honeypot to gather information on all the users.
    It makes sense that moot may very well have been/is part of a covert government program and 4chan was a tool of the agencies all along.
    Nothing about that site is organic in any way and everything points towards it being a government operation.

    Something interesting to note, is how (((they))) either get you to join them or destroy you if you're the creator of an imageboard - they flood your site with CP and then the party van comes knocking on your door, seizing your severs so they either inject their own in your moderation team and use your site to keep an eye on potential school shooters, or you just sell out completely like moot did.

    The whole 4chan is a honeypot to gather information on dissendents makes even more sense when you take into account all of the infogathering threads like "Post your favorite", "post your pic", "What state do you live in and what are your political views" etc etc there are so many threads like that on /pol/ all the time, then take into account R9K and /mu/.

    The internet has been degraded into nothing more than a tool for the spooks to gain information on you.
    There is very little entertainment or resources out there that aren't just propaganda/mockingbird garbage.

    Like everything I really enjoyed has turned out to be a honeypot

    Youtube - propaganda
    Wikipedia - minitrue propaganda
    4chan - honeypot/propaganda/mkultra-lite - hey now we know what you listen to, when you listen to it and what you think about it hey goyim here is this brand new "indie" musician who just came out of nowhere and happens to reflect everything you want in music, totally organic!
    gmail - they read all your messages
    bbs - they send their troops to monitor and control

    what exists on the net that ISN'T compromised or exists to serve an ulterior motive?
    Even online games are full of spooks.

    At this point all that's left on the net that isn't jedied out is stick rpg and even that game is about making money and living in the (((program)))
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra if it were true it would've been a massive own-goal anyway; even before the 2016 election I remember seeing israel-sympathisers being raked over the coals as 'idf shills' and I spent very little time on there. the entire alt-right and much of the rest of the 'nationalist resurgence', all of which despise jedi interference and parasitism to varying degrees originated there

    One jedi trick is to create anti-semitism and turn it around into zionism
    Also what I quoted above.
    They're using the site to gain intel on people like me, who are constantly posting anti-semitic stuff, they can use the information to better understand us and learn how to control and manipulate.
    It would be quite ironic if that guy who walked up to me all those years was a spook, because at that time I literally knew nothing about jediry I just used them as a target for shitposting.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra just because his mother's jedi doesn't mean 4chan has any links to political jediry

    Another thing, how did Moot afford to run the ginormous site that 4chan is? There’s tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of daily users of the site. The only revenue that could possibly have been mustered by Moot was ad revenue and his shitty 4chan pass.

    Well, turns out Moot’s mother must have pulled some strings with her banking associates, because he was getting money from international jedi banking mafias, such as Goldman Sachs themselves.

    Now we have to ask.

    Why are such prominent jedis involved in some of the most suspicious and shady dealing known to man giving shekles to Moot?

    Well, let’s go back to the accusations that Moot compromised the sites moderators.

    It’s far more than that. Moot not only allowed federal agents to basically dictate the content on 4chan, but he also allowed for mass data mining on the sites users.

    This would include IP addresses, and posting history associated with a certain IP addresses.

    It would mean that governments would have logs of peoples personal attributes, such as political views, personal traits, hobbies, what be it.

    Now, what they would do with the information from ones IP address would find the location of the poster. Down to the exact address.

    Whomever is handling this information, would now know who is making those posts. But, what if there are more than one persons in a household? Or, what if the person is making a post from a temporary location off an IP used by vast amounts of people.

    Well, they can just retrieve the device info of the poster, such as a phone or PC. Odds are our jedi friend Moot inserted software into the site itself to make such a thing possible. The information miners would know from the device posts derive from would allow them to pin-point the exact individual making the post.

    International jedis now have a vast database of information on who knows how many people.

    Moot may have created the largest honeypot site for data mining in history, and now, he’s lending his jedi tricks to Google.
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    the thread I posted on /pol/ relating to this was deleted
    not even archived, most of the threads on that board are usually archived
    they don't want people to wake up and realize that 4chan and especially /pol/ are jedi honeypots
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Now it makes sense why 4chan blew up over the past few years, it was artificially bolstered by the JIDF/international jude to help the donald trump campaign, to monitor the goyim's anti-semitism and counteract any potential opposition.

    I know this sounds crazy and it might just be a coincidence, but years ago I was at a taco bell with one of my friends late at night and sound crazy motherfucker walked right in (we were the only ones there) and started talking to us (me) about the jedis and how they have stations in outer space and on the moon and dysonspheres and shit and I wondered if maybe he wasn't just a spook or something.
    Like, I used to be on 4chan all day everyday back in my hiki days, I would post on /news/ (it might have been called /pol/ back then) about the jedis and niggers etc jokingly (I didn't even know about zionism or the actual reality of international jediry) and I would occasionally post my pic on some threads so they could have made a profile on me and saw my constant shitposting on the pol board and sent that guy to me to guage my response, maybe they thought I was working for somebody or a potential mass shooter idk.
    Some nigger girl at the library once acted like she knew me too ... I'm somebody who never had any contact with anyone outside of the internet.

    It sickens me to see 4chan turn out this way, nothing but another jedi trick.
    Back in 2005 - 2007 when I was on there heavily it truly was a really great place for original material and creative content, but over the years it started devolving into a cesspool and hivemind and now the place is literally nothing but an advertising platform for donald trump and whoever else.
    I wonder quite a lot, was it always intended to be this way?
    If DJT truly is a shill, then they have been planning out his presidency for years, maybe decades and 4chan could have tied into all of that, if at the very least they kikes new that there would be a growing opposition to their bullshit on the internet so they needed to find a place to condense it all and keep it from spilling out to the rest of the internet.

    jedis always have to ruin everything
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor yah but the guy could probably tell OP was a retard so he just said yeah all the TV sets have spygear installed for the lols

    it was a nigger so I doubt it knew anything besides Fry's would never allow an employee to turn away a customer like that
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    2018 - the year where you're punished for speaking the truth
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I fart in midair then lower my head down to smell the fumes
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Nothing wrong with a new world order..the old one was pretty much a failed bag of shit anyway.

    You're a fucking retard and should educate yourself on what the NWO is
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    btw that looks like a man/tranny
    why are koreans such ugly pig disgusting animals?
    even glorious Japan can't stand them

    There was this gook in highschool who I tried to befriend, I approached him and was like "Hey bruh wussup I'm part Asian. Wanna be friends" and he was like "CHING CHONG SUUURE *says my western first name* YEAH RIGHT" .... like wtf having a western name makes you non-Asian, what about all the chinks named Peter and Walter?
    That was my first experience with a korean, years later I would meet another one on the net who was also an asshole and later developed schizophrenia while in the military.
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Who is this bitch ?
    New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct

    ching chong wonton is just buttmad that the kids in school would stretch their eyes out and poke fun at the ugly bitch
    how sad that she still harbors such animosity and hatred well into her adult life
    think of all those hours spent in her room crying her eyes out because timmy made a chingchong joke during recess
    she's going to die soon with nothing but hate in her heart meanwhile timmy and the rest of the European race will march on and continue to live strong
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny For halloween I'm going to draw triple parentheses on cardboard and tape them to my sides and say I'm dressed as a jedi person. I expect it to be well received.

    You should dress up as a hasidic jedi and wear that
    Make sure to wear a portable speaker playing jedi folk music
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader i wonder who will cut your skin and suck your dick.

  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    So I have started collecting loose change on the streets and random whereabouts and since starting today I have like $1 ;(o/_\o); oy vey!
    When I was at the walmart looking for change this women literally walks right by me and as soon as she crosses me she drops three coins, a quarter and two pennies!!! The bitch just looked down and picked up a single penny but left the quarter and other penny standing there so immediately I reached down and peaked them up without hesitation.
    From now on everywhere I go I'm going to look for loose change ... I think I might slowly start growing out my sideburns and read the talmud.
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader amazon = judentung.

    buy from japanese rakutens direct.

    I'm planning on doing that anyways with PlayAsia, once my kanji and kana skills are better I'll buy from Nihon directly.
    jedimazon will be limited to western crap ... I can't believe they still have PS2 games in new quality! ^_^
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    oh wow ... I just went on amazon and they only have three pages for "Wii U" games

    More like "Wii won't remember U"
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Should I?
    I skipped out on both of them and since I have a job now I can afford to buy whatever I want.
    I have never even TOUCHED a Wii I don't think, maybe at a kiosk yeaaarrrrs ago but not enough to remember at all and as for the Wii U I have never experienced that period.
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I want to know the best that is actually reasonably priced and not snake oil bullshit.
    Would a receiver for speakers, say Klipsch be capable of driving the HD650s (or similar cans), I usually prefer that option since I can tweak the bass and treble (doing it on the pc is garbage).
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader it all depends on your IQ.

    the higher your IQ, the better your able to monkey see monkey do.

    in this case, monkey japanese.

    aahhh sou sou
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