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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Japanese cartoons

    Sophie sophie sophie ... for shame
    Am I going to have to whack you in the head with my Katana?

  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    >go on the wired and look for PS3 games
    >on amazon
    >nothing but shitty western garbage
    >remember that PlayAsia is a thing
    >realize the PS3 and PS4 are region free
    >now thousands of new games are available to me
    >not just any games but glorious JP geimu

    Okay so has anyone here learned a language just by using audio and audio based programs?
    I'm not talking about pimsleur garbage I'm sure there is better stuff out there.
    I was thinking about listening to Japanese news over and over to help with hearing the words but what else should I do besides talking to people in Japanese
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS He probably does every night with his dick.

    I would be surprised if that wasn't happening
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung IRL I bet this douche canoe is totally lame

    OP is just projecting

    I'm the only interesting poster here without me this place would be as boring as your grandmother's facebook feed
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    and I'm talking like 11 - 12 years old

    wtf is wrong with this world
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    He had those short shorts only women over 18 and younger than 30 should ever wear.
    He was literally walking like one of those sluts too, like you know the slut strut ... his father and mother were with him I'm surprised his father hasn't beaten some sense into him, must be suuuuper cucked to have a son like that.
    The shota has probably sucked over nine thousand dicks in his middle school by now.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Listening to the audiobook right now while at work.
    Everything in the book is now a reality, everything from the spy devices, big brother, miniture and newspeak.
    How do we end this and free humanity?
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Back when I was around 15 or so and she was like 10 - 11, the good 'ole days.
    We were in the room she was staying in at our grandparents and I got her to take off her clothes and JUST as I was about to stick my fully erect penis into her anus I woke up :(
    It was almost a lucid dream too or maybe it was because I could focus on aspects of the dream and make them change or walk around, which is why as soon as I noticed I was lucid I teleported to my grandparents place and scrambled around to find my loli cousin to fuck.

    orz full-immersion virtual reality couldn't come soon enough
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    She was like my age
    It was super tense and awkward, I had to strategically plan my words in the immediate moment and think of how to maintain conversation.
    She was pretty kawaii, though she might have the gay she sounded kind of butch and she has a friend who is relaly homo-like but she looked like a normal shoujo and not like a dyke so idk
    I wanted to ask her if she wanted to marry me
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Adult Swim is literally MKULTRA
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Not only Jeff's spare admin account, but several mod accounts as well, were hacked. Kidiots were flooding the BBS. The administration had been warned several times the community would not be turned into a playground for twelve-year-old nitwits, but chose to ignore the situation. They paid the price for that bad judgement, just like all the rest.

    >2002 - 2004
    >be me
    >constantly shitposting and trolling on TOTSE
    >banned over nine thousand times

    Yuh can't permaban me you cucks thanks to dial up betcha glad those days are gone huh
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt We need more civil rights activists like Timothy McVeigh to peacefully protest their tyranny

    Timothy Mcveigh was fucking right, he was just careless enough to allow himself to be misused as a patzee for the jedis

    I'm not trolling, we are living in a tyrannical system ruled by oligarchs, just like ye olden days.
    We need to stop this system before it enslaves humanity forever.
    There are only so many Europeans left that can withstand this, and as history as shown handsome and well tanned individuals aren't capable of standing on their own... if all that is left are homosexual/tranny Europeans and handsome and well tanned individuals then it's gameover for humanity.

    I just want to live in a nation that is free, one where the people aren't being used and abused by the intelligence agencies, one where the government serves the people not the other way around.
    I feel so hopeless and sad when I think about the state of things.
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty sure i do you chink, i've been here longer than most people here have.

    my ancestors built this nation you stupid wetback
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor idk if i would like that game. it sounds like the mic chat in team fort 2 which i always turn off cuz i dont like being screeched at

    it's not a game it's a social environment
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Op do you worship Trent Reznor like he is a god? Pretty Hate Machine is definitely their best album.

    Yes but no PHM is like his least best next to Ghosts.

    Things Falling Apart > The Downward Spiral > The Fragile > With Teeth > Broken > Hesitation Marks > The Slip > Add Violence > Not The Actual Events > Further Down The Spiral > Bad Witch > Fixed > Ghosts > Pretty Hate Machine > Year Zero > Purest Feeling > Year Zero Remixed
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    >"true patriot"

    Little beaner boy you don't even belong here
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    You don't use VR for gaming, you use it to experience a new platform of existence.

  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Inb4 someone sues them for dying
    The jedis will say it was the big mac
    But who owns mcdonalds?
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    It's terrifying thinking about the jedis and IC heading VR and then eventually bci tech.
    People thought it was awful that they collected your private data via text ... just wait for when there is eye tracking that sends the jedis info on what you're staring at and for how long ... wait for when they add emotion sensors to hmds ...
    This shit has to end before it's too late
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor palmer is just a turd in the Zuck's pocket lol his words not mine. all i can say is prepare to be pleasantly surprised thats all i can say right now lol

    Zuck the fuck aint got nothin on bigscreen vr, altspace vr or any of the dozens of clones.
    What is he gonna do, steal the idea of project sansar/second life but merge it with private spaces/homes with a vr desktop interface.
    I got news for you, they aren't going to monopolize the metaverse like they did with the web.
    There are so many alternatives and competing services the only future is decentralization.
    Plus nobody trust that dumb jedi fuck and his cia friends.
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