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Posts by Daddyissues

  1. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by POLECAT mat says you never loved me

    Tru tru
  2. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Hey polesadity.
  3. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
  4. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
  5. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Trump 2020
  6. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Aren't whites better educated in blacks? Despite the systemic racism in college admissions.

    Do you believe that?
  7. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Its been one of my biggest plights in my life. Its kind of embarassing but I know other people deal with it because I've seen it in them. I just its partially genetic to be honest because I've seen it in my dad before and I actually felt bad for him at the time because I wasn't dealing with what he was but I could see its similar to what I deal with but on different things.

    I went to a therapist as a kid my parents took me too and the lady was like "weeel just don't thnk about it" but what she doesn't understand is some thoughts when you're completely not thinking about them and just being "normal" will pop into your head and put you off pretty bad.

    I know actro and michael meyers have spoke about having it and I believe them, but a lot of people marginalize it because of girls saying stuff like "lol im a schizo! and so ocd, eee eeeeeee! I like my purple lipstick next to the left of my red!, I'm so silly!"

    But its not like that all. It's I remember parents crying as they saw me do my rituals. I had to them or else I wouldn't feel good.

    I don't really act on the impulse even though I feel compulsed but I"ll just do it my mind instead of phsycially acting on it.

    Theres a level of it where you shouldn't have to give a fuck about things you can't control but at the same time you wonder could this of been something I could of controlled? where does it end and where does the moonlight begin?

    I've had really bad thoughts that would last for weeks and eventually go over so I try tell myself well it was probably just like that last time but a little worse but it will be fine in the moment or during those weeks it will comeback over and over off and on until it doenst.

    I still have to tell my furbabies I love them 3 times before I leave otherwise something will happen to them😭😭😭
  8. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra you're not going to convince anyone with your feelings

    Originally posted by aldra so just make noise for no reason? that's a terrible basis to participate in dialogue

    you should be willing to both defend your beliefs and change them if need be, otherwise you, and anyone else who interacts with you gains absolutely nothing

    I digress.
  9. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    I don't care if I "convince" anyone of anything.

    Im sharing my own thoughts on the matter just like yourself.

    My intent is not to convince you of anything but to share other views.
  10. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Lala and lanny bought a brand new house.

    Imma claim it tho. Bravo you two!🥰
  11. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra lol

    Yes. Lol.

    You think copy and paste that white people have been victimized etc makes systemic racism towards blacks more unreal. Maybe to you. But in America it's very real. If you haven't witnessed it, great.
  12. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Do you really think my original premise for a debate was that unreasonable? Write it in your own words, provide some statistics or studies to back it up.

    Well… I suppose it was asking too much for people to form their own opinions and express them. I'm such an eternal optimist, when will I learn.

    We posted our own opinions and expressed them. You dismissed them if they didn't align with yours.

    I don't have to cite resources to back up any claim. Systemic racism is real and this very thread... the fact that we even have to question it makes it even more real.

    Great discussion rabbitweed. Turned into a shitshow of your own doing. Maybe allow a little discussion that doesn't sway your own judgment.
  13. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I'm done talking to DaddyIssues. She's incoherent, can't spell, can't use the quote feature properly, makes 5 posts when one will do, hasn't responded to a single point I've made, etc etc. It's like paying chess with a bonobo - it's just painful. Technologist should be ashamed of herself by setting up her mentally challenged friend in place of herself.

    Obbe put some real fucking work in, and I only have so much time, so he is number one now. Sorry for leaving you hanging Obbe, work etc. Might even start a new thread quoting your post, this one is going to the dogs.

    Fuck off you racist hillbilly. You have no dog in this fight because you are the walking, talking systemic racism.

    I don't need to reply and quote your 6 paragraph rants to prove that.

    Byyee. I win.
  14. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Now.. the only way this will end is not because of the white community. We cannot take that credit. They will need to continue their civil war against not only the government, but their own. I stand behind Candace Owens views on blacks keeping themselves oppressed but I also believe they have a duty to continue their fight to equal rights.
  15. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed But that logic doesn't scale, does it?

    Japanese aren't the same as white Americans either. Unless you think that's systematic racism.

    There's no other way to discuss the question.

    One reason is because they don't - as an aggregate - behave the same.

  16. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    But see even there he asked for the black arrests in Canada being higher etc..

    That's the exact topic. The arrest records of blacks is going to be higher because that is what is tallied. That is what we look at when we establish value.

    That is what has brought this whole thing to life. Look at the George floyd arrest. Did he deserve to be handled like he was or arrested even because someone called the cops and said he used a counterfeit bill (which he didn't btw).

    If that were a white man who committed that same act, (many of them have done much worse), would the consequences be the same?

    Nope. As a white privilege whole we all know the answer to that.

    Prove me wrong.
  17. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 This victim shit lolz

    You pussy whites make me fuckin sick.

    Exactly. Whites are oppressed 😭

    Good God.
  18. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo NO SHIT

    Look how offended you got by misunderstanding the generalities of my post and taking it personal. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERIKKKA

    No it's not. You didn't think my reply was sarcasm so you continued to try and mansplain problema in America. I'm with you. I was agreeing with you ffs.
  19. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    And I'm not giving you links to read etc.. this is cold truth. We don't need to seek for answers on this issue because at the end of the day, we all know the truth.
  20. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I suppose I don't understand why the fact that two different groups aren't represented the same points to racism. If two things are different it would be odd to expect the same narratives around them. Are the narratives about jedis and whites the same?

    Whites or portrayed not only by media, but also the education system, as the villains of world history. Everything bad is our fault, and we must atone for our sins the way no other ethnic group is expected to.

    I think blacks get off comparatively lightly with their media portrayal, which over emphasizes white on black violence (ie, George Floyd) while de-emphasizing black on white violence (about as common numerically, despite the much smaller number of black americans in total).

    I agree. But looking at the crime rates - is it really whiteys fault they have some bad press?

    I'm not going to quote each response as you did like its a separate issue because at the end of the day... its not.

    Why aren't we the same? Because of the systemic racism... that's why.

    You answered the entire question to your thread in one response.

    The fact that YOU are separating us still in your responses soeaks to this very issue.

    Why aren't blacks represented the sane as whites?

    Tell me in Lehman terms.
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