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Posts by Daddyissues

  1. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo not really tho

    just the fact that some faggots feel the need to retort with "WE ARE SPESHAL TOO" is depressing. Fuck your country is stupid and depressing with no end in sight

    It was sarcasm you dumb fuck.
  2. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Watch the 13th on Netflix if you haven't already. I started watching it last night... it's raw and deep. It explains the current system but goes back to even the 80s. Very powerful and no one can discredit the truth set in this because we live it every day.
  3. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo victimized whites are the biggest cuckold faggots on the planet now

    How the once mighty united states devolved into camps of people who find everything offensive and another camp that's feels threatened by other people.

    Fuck your country is weak and shitty now and the whole world knows it lol

  4. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Sherri,
    Glad you stepped up when I pussied out. You are so much more articulate than I am, so I’m enjoying watching this conversation.


    🥰 I have a lot to learn but I am educating myself continuously. This isn't something that is going to go away as it has in the past.

    My company I work for is actively involved and this is something we discuss daily. I'm hopeful for change. It's time! Xo
  5. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed This is very broad, can we narrow it down to say, represented in the press?

    No I do not think black people are represented the same as white people on the press.

    A lot of black people are productive members of society. It does seem evident to me that anti-social behaviour is worse - as an aggregate - amongst black people. Again, crime statistics seem to support this view.

    While I acknowledge trends in aggregates, individuals must be treated as individuals. I am interested in being around civilized people, and it doesn't really matter what race they are.

    This isn't broad at all if you can exponentially say that blacks are not represented the same as white people.

    Not now, not then, not ever. Regardless of history, is this not systemic to you?

    This is years and years of constant systematic and macro agression aggression towards the black community.

    Just think for a minute, (this is truly hard because we have never been oppressed as a white community), if our people as a whole were portrayed by the media and society as criminals and "less than".

    Which we can agree that the black community has this stigma and has for their entire lives. Correct?
  6. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    And I've seen systemic racism my entire life. Not against myself of course because I am white privilege.
  7. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you havent seen any systemic racism until you have seen race laws.

    But is that what we are discussing in this thread? What are you referring to?
  8. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    This.. is systemic racism. Don't ignore my stupid commentary about arrests etc.. because this is what it's about. Black people are NOT represented as a productive group as a whole. White people are.
  9. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    The way the media, the police, the entire us as a whole... do they view black people as they do white people?
  10. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Daddyissues Im thanking this because you replied with a great question.

    Do you know the question you even asked? Do you understand what it means?

    You asked "represented where"?

    Represented everywhere. Represented as the white community is. In every concept. Not just represented when they are arrested or in the news for bad behavior. Are they represented the same as white people. Do you see them the same? Do you see black people as a productive member of society?

    Yes or no?

    This is for you rabbitweed. Sorry for cussing but genuine question?
  11. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by rabbitweed There really is no reason to swear.

    Represented where? This is a very abstract term.

    Im thanking this because you replied with a great question.

    Do you know the question you even asked? Do you understand what it means?

    You asked "represented where"?

    Represented everywhere. Represented as the white community is. In every concept. Not just represented when they are arrested or in the news for bad behavior. Are they represented the same as white people. Do you see them the same? Do you see black people as a productive member of society?

    Yes or no?
  12. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Let me add... I'd like your take on it because I don't believe you are a racist and I believe you are educated enough to understand systemic racism.
  13. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Spectral can you go and weigh in on the thread about systematic racism. I'd like your take on it.
  14. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    I even dumbed it down for you racist pigs... no comment?
  15. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    You brought it up.. let's talk about it.
  16. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
  17. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Let me ask you this rabbitweed, you racist fuck. Do you honestly believe in your heart of hearts that black people have been represented in the same way that white people have... let's just say for the last 10 years.

    I'm not going back 20 or even 30. In the last 10 years have you honestly felt like the black population has been represented in a way that is productive and useful in our society? I'm talking 100%..
  18. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Definitely while guilt
  19. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Erekshun Matt done fucked you up is what I learned got damn!

    I was fucked up way before matt. Don't give him that credit. I make my bed and I lie in it peacefully every night.
  20. Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cly I will break it down for you all very simply

    george floyd was nigging

    but that still doesn't mean that u can play with a handicap in the pga

    Ur embarrassing too. Aren't you black? How fucking oppressed are you that you feel making fun of your own disparagement is empowering for you.

    You are the people that millions are fighting for yet you keep degrading your own. Fucking ridiculous.
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