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Posts by BummyMofo

  1. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost because thats what you NIGGERS like to do isn't it

    You angry crackers love the cops. Don't lie bitch

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if the person is black that person has already been fucked.

    Irrelevant, either give me some secret Chinese method to ruin lives with or GTFO
  2. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    So you have this person's name, maybe their home address and phone number. No social media or anything else.

    What can you do to them? No cheap tricks like tire slashing or throwing eggs. Give me some well thought out methods.
  3. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev i thought it was 1 in 2 last decade so it must be 2/3 by now

    feminists say a woman is raped if she "feels raped" so i guess im already a victim. getting unwanted attention from all these whales makes me feel raped. im already a statistic. i wonder when i can claim rape benefits, endless sympathy and an army of white knights buying gifts for me to soothe my trauma. that would be the fucking day.

    Well I guess there's only one thing left for you to do. Put on some hipster glasses, dye your hair blue and start an OnlyFans while posting commie shit on twitter. Good luck.
  4. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Link me to the petition. I'll sign.

    That crosseyed bowling ball head motherfucka can live on the moon for all I care. Obviously he is doing this space travel shit cause he wants to evacuate Earth and let us all die here
  5. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT this is America,, we have the god given right to be as fat as we want

    That's true, and you have the right to marry a woman who will also get fat and become manly
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I have 2 issues I would like to bitch about and possibly discuss today:

    1) Fat people shouldn't be allowed to just accept their bodies. No bitch. We don't want no plus size models that shit is awful. You call a bitch fat tho and you get banned most places now it's ridiculous.

    2) Most bitches start looking like Peggy Hill the more they age. Why? Cut their hair like men, stop dressing nice, totally become masculine. That shit isn't right

    we have masculine fat women running rampant and they're completely shameless.
  7. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    This applies to everyone here. You avoid that shit, kids. Stay out of the pen and off the streets. These liberals and their anti-rape education strategies aren't working!

    You've officially been warned (by me) so now if you get raped that's your fault.
  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Why you gotta put retarded and tranny in there, lmao. There's other hobbies than serial killing that may warrant a number personas silly negro.

    Yes we get it. You're more than just a serial killer rapistguy you are an artíst!
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat i feel the same thats why i get so escited by dog ruckerd or girls out of their way so horny they actuwlly entertwin the thoughts and act upon rucking dogs or dont oull put right away and let ir happen. its like their versions of us the perverts. i mean most of us jacked off to sick porn or whatever wnd felt bad like these girls who fuk dogs dont they feel bad? at 12?
    A lot of men feel the way Kev says incels feel, not just incels themselves. Niggas build their lives around OnlyFans bitches and fucking recycled pussy on tinder.

    That said, idk wtf you're talking about brud
  10. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev you dont get it. they want to be desired by women, their whole self worth revolves around female approval. they spent their lives being raised by single mothers and female teachers, this is all they know. part of it is natural, we are hardwired to feel shame when being unable to score a woman because this is what encourages us to carry on our species, but the feminization of society is so bad that it has created an army of these confused soy-boy twat worshippers we call incels.

    a hooker does what she is paid to do, it doesnt make the incel feel like a man, for him it is no different than rubbing one out.

    I don't -fully- agree with that, but I appreciate the feedback and your expertise on the subject matter.

  11. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev this isnt the problem. incels dont wanna get laid, they wanna be desired.

    You make it sound like such a simple yet complex thing. Can't they just get their dick wet with a hooker to maybe get some momentum going?
  12. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Unironically funny. But that said; typical in my interactions with you, you warrant nothing more, nothing less. And i trade by many names, all you ever talk to is a version of me.

    are you one of those borderline retarded silence-of-the-lambs-type trannyguys?
  13. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Candy candy candy lol

    Say her name three times and she appears lol
  14. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 The irony is you’re like the spergiest nigger ever and probably more likely than anyone here to be driven to spree killing by Candy being here desperately seeking a BWC in those jowls of hers.

    gtfo you new ass bitch. You don't know shit about me. I ain't no sperg and you're probably some rapeman from Texas.
  15. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Yes I heard about a race of people in South America who have a strange puberty thing going on and also there are hermaphrodites like 1/100,000,000 chance you are born one. See? Gender isn't binary, guys. There's so much variety! It's science.
  16. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny needs more character development.

    I'm working on it. It's less about the characters and more about the overarching message you know?
  17. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Later, on YouTube documentary by Vice...

    Elliot's dad: He was a troubled young man. He had not come to terms with his sexuality.
    Vice: What about black lives matter?
    Elliot's dad: I agree.
    Vice: Do you miss your son?
    Elliot's dad: (Thinking) We all miss him, and remember the good times.

    (A video is made in response by an angry black woman)

    Black woman: I am a professor at a community college and it's time black people rise up and kill white men!

    (Several comments are left on the video)

    Anime avatar guy: Thats racist you are racist
    Brony guy: NOBODY EVER; NOBODY EVER IN HISTORY; ME; That is racist
    Incel guy: I hate slusts and whroes

    (A video is created to address the controversy of Elliot and Herb)

    Vice: The african american man who died's name is Johnny Washington and he was just defending himself.
    Anonymous: I saw Elliot's post on incel forum on 4chan. It's true.
    Vice: Elliot and Herb knifed one transgender person and strangled another that same day.
    Tranny: Yeah! The trans community is under attack by these hateful white men.

    (That night, the 4chan incel forums are on fire with angry otakumen)

    Otakuman1: The anime child porn isn't doing it for me anymore, guys. I need to rape some sluts.
    Otakuman2: Let's do it!

    (They exchange information and meet up at a gay bar)

    Roger: Nice to finally meet you. A man of intellect.
    Fred: Yes. Let's do this.
    Roger: I have a fursuit we can use to draw in children.
    Fred: Shit, you didn't tell me you were a furry! I am too!

    (The furry rapist otakumen don their fursuits and head over to the nearest playground)

    Roger: Hey kid! I'm a wolf! Like my costume?
    Child: My mom says not to talk to strangers.
    Fred: We're not strangers! I'm a raccoon, see?
    Kid's mom: You nasty perverts get away!

    (The furry rapists attack the mother of the child and rape her at the playground in front of her son)

    That night, there is a video uploaded on Vice News Network's Youtube

    Vice Reporter: Furries are perfectly harmless and just expressing their sexuality.
  18. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Elliot: Herbert, you better get up. They're here.
    Herbert: Who?
    Elliot: The hookers I called. We're finally going to lose our virginity and we won't be incels anymore.

    Hooker 1: Hey baby.
    Hooker 2: Looking for a good time?
    Elliot: Oh yeah.
    Herbert: Ok, let's do it...

    (The hookers take off their clothes and reveal they are trannies)

    Elliot: NO! This isn't supposed to be how this happens!
    Herbert: I'm outta here!
    Hooker 1: You're still paying us.
    Hooker 2: Yeah, for the entire hour!
    Elliot: Never! Take this!

    (Elliot takes out a knife and knifes hooker 1, then tackles hooker 2 and strangles him.)

    Herbert: Damn! What are we going to do now?
    Elliot: I guess there's only one thing we can do...

    (Elliot grabs his laptop, exits out of the child porn windows and goes on 4chan. He writes "I hate niggers and I will kill bitches for being whores" on an incel forum.)

    Herbert: Gee Elliot, do you really mean that? They can trace your IP.
    Elliot: By the time they do, we'll have a stack of whores and niggers piled high.

    (The two incels drive into a mall parking lot and load their guns.)

    Elliot: Here we come, niggers!
    Herbert: Yeah! Stupid sluts!

    (Elliot slams on the gas pedal and runs over two women walking in the parking lot)

    Elliot: Oops. Sorry!

    (He gets out of the car and kneels down)

    Elliot: Are you okay?
    Woman 1: Y-You hit me! Stupid asshole!
    Elliot: Then you're really gonna hate this. Hey Herb!

    (Herbert shoots both women, finishing them off. People are screaming)

    Black guy: Daaaaaamn! Fuck!
    Elliot: Oh, hey there. Black lives matter, right?
    Herbert: Take this, nigger!

    (Herbert tries to fire another shot but the gun jams.)

    Black guy: Now's my chance!

    (The black guy tackles Elliot, taking his gun and shooting Herb. He then grabs Elliot's head and breaks it through the driver's window of the car.)

    Cop: Oh my God! This nigger is killing white people! Put your hands up!
    Black guy: Easy, man, if you could just -

    (The cop does not hesitate in shooting and killing the black guy)

    That night, there is a news report

    Reporter: A black guy with a gun attacked and killed 4 people. The end.
  19. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost ass nigger

    I must have struck a chord. You're really sperging out here.
  20. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost what would do if a blak man stole your kike

    Black people have no reason to steal kikes, they are useless to us but for some reason America seems to love them
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