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Posts That Were Thanked by Ensign Galm

  1. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Cootehill
    researchers always solving man's great mysteries and unknowns–research-finds
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 🐿 I never read thank you notes sent to me.

    You're fucked up
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  3. Originally posted by Lanny *in tiny writing*
    fuck you you little bitch i'll rape your mom and cut her eyes out *big heart* the hand which murdered your children now masturbates to the memory *smiley face* die in a fire you whore

    hmm, maybe I should try that.

    Oh and forgot to say thank you...
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  4. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
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  5. Originally posted by Lanny How do you do it? Like on paper?

    I can barely handwrite anymore, my writing looks like a child's, it'd be embarrassing to give someone a note like that.

    Lol you go buy thank you notes
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  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    *in tiny writing*
    fuck you you little bitch i'll rape your mom and cut her eyes out *big heart* the hand which murdered your children now masturbates to the memory *smiley face* die in a fire you whore

    hmm, maybe I should try that.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I like to use those tiny post it's and write detailed lengthy messages in as small of handwriting as possible so the recipient can't read it but I include smileys and hearts so they know it was a good message.
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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    How do you do it? Like on paper?

    I can barely handwrite anymore, my writing looks like a child's, it'd be embarrassing to give someone a note like that.
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  9. It is a southern sin to never have written a thank you note. I love them.
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  10. 🐿 African Astronaut
    I never read thank you notes sent to me.
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I do say thanks a lot but I've never written someone a thank you note. Seems like a lot of work.

    Actually I think I say thanks a little too much, like for very minor stuff where it should just be unspoken so I think it comes off as a bit cold or whatever.
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  12. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    after receiving thank-you notes and filling out questionnaires about how it felt to get them, many said they were "ecstatic," scoring the happiness rating at 4 of 5.

    Thanks are cheap.

    Say thank you more.

    Thank this post.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. esbity African Astronaut
    Just keyed some faggots car.

    This prick gets out of his car, lets the wind slam his door into my car. He looks at me inside my car and just looks away. He doesnt say a thing.

    I gave his car a nice scratch right in front of a bunch of people but the wind was so loud and they were busy, so no one noticed.

    Prick deserved it.
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  14. Originally posted by NARCassist so hold on then, your logic is that we know informers exist therefore informing is ok? only a fucking informer themselves would come up with that logic.

    i'm pissed because now i know i have an informer as a fucking neighbor. who knows what the fuck he might go saying. i now have to live with the knowledge that he'll see when i come and go, who i bring to the flat and fuck knows what else. what's to say he won't get the wrong end of the stick about something and go reporting it like its fact. or just be a prick and make shit up, i mean we are talking about the sort of sick cunt who molested a four year old kid. i can see me weighing this cunt in soon. i always do my best to get on with my neighbors even if i don't like them. i was even civil with this guy after i found out what he'd done. it just don't matter how much you try with some people tho.

    you know i told y'all about the cops turning up here the other night coz of him? well turned out he got drunk and started going at the crackhead neighbor opposite him with a golf club. there are two golf club shaped dents in the crack heads door. they're moving the crack head out today for drug use yet are letting the nonce stay even after his little performance with the golf club. how the fuck does that work ffs?


    You are a retard and cannot live with the consequences of your actions. None of your neighbours have to put up with your retarded ass on the principle of no snitching.
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  15. I was in Walmart the other day and they were charging TWENTY ONE DOLLARS for a 16 oz bag of beef jerky.

    What the FUCK. A pound of prime beef literally costs less than that.

    I don't know if I'll ever buy beef jerkey, besides a slim jim here or there, ever again. Which is unfortunate, because I love beef jerky.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Ya'll need to spend more time outside.
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  18. Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    not so bad after all
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  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Spare me your shock at Trump’s sellout to Putin

    Leonard Pitts Jr. Miami Herald

    Jul 19, 2018

    “Lawmakers in both major parties and former intelligence officials appeared shocked...”

    — The Chicago Tribune

    “U.S. lawmakers of both political parties reacted with shock...”

    — Voice of America

    “Some of Mr. Trump’s own advisers privately said they were shocked ...”

    — The New York Times

    “Shocked?” Really?

    After almost two years of unending chaos, the only shocking thing about Donald Trump’s disastrous Helsinki press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin is that some people were apparently shocked. That suggests they expected better, which, in turn, suggests they still don’t understand what we’re dealing with.

    They don’t get that there’s no pivot coming, no magic moment when Trump becomes thoughtful, intelligent, presidential. He will not grow into the job, or change, or improve. What you see is what you get. What you see is what there is.

    That should be obvious by now to anyone with eyes. And if it was disappointing to hear that some observers were “shocked,” it was downright gag-inducing to see certain members of his party line up to condemn him and the Trump whisperers at Fox blanch and gulp at his behavior. As if they had not long enabled, rationalized and defended with specious reasoning and strategic outrage this amateur-hour presidency.

    They — along with 63 million voters — sold America out on a promise of white primacy restored and tax cuts for billionaires. That was made glaringly clear — again — on an international stage this week as Trump abased himself, and by extension, us, cozying up to an autocratic thug whose regime has strangled democracy, stolen land and murdered dissenters. Faced with such unalloyed evil, Trump did everything except roll over to have his tummy scratched.

    Strained relations? He said “both countries” were to blame. Russian misbehavior? He failed to name any.

    Asked about the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, he touted Putin’s “extremely strong and powerful” denial.

    Asked directly if he believes Putin over his own intelligence chiefs, he declared his “confidence in both parties,” an act of moral spinelessness reminiscent of last year when he equated neo-Nazis with those who protested against them. Like a squid squirting ink to cover its escape, he ducked the issue of Russian meddling by renewing his obsession with Hillary Clinton’s email servers (“Where are they?”) and Robert Mueller’s investigation (“witch hunt”).

    His nation under attack and the head of the attacking regime standing next to him, Trump was everything he professes to despise. Weak. Feeble. Impotent.

    The man who thought Colin Kaepernick unpatriotic for kneeling could not bring himself to stand up for his country.

    The man who insults, berates and belittles our allies could not bring himself to rebuke one of our greatest adversaries.

    The man who sees threats in the eyes of Honduran children could see no threat in a murderous tyrant with nuclear arms.

    It was appalling, yes. But it was also predictable. And that’s an important point, because if we are to survive this existential emergency, it starts with being clear-eyed about the clear and present danger we face. This is not a good man, not a patriotic man, not a moral, smart or brave man. All of us should know that by now.

    So yes, let us be angry, be determined, be resilient, but let us not be shocked by Trump. That’s a waste of time. November is coming.

    Let him be shocked by us.
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Daily reminder that europeans have a lot more genetics in common with "mud skins" than south east asians.

    Daily reminder that more productive/interest art, science, mathematics, and philosophy flowed out of the Muslim golden age than any period of asian history. The people of that era are evolutionarily more or less indistinguishable from the modern inhabitants of that region.
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