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Posts by Ensign Galm

  1. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Couldn't come up with a worthwhile troll?
  2. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby but the courts are still a part of the gubberment. and this matter if continued will go to the supreme, but you don't like the truth because you're a little coward and punk ass bitch.

    The government is not involved at all retard. The judge is a civilian
  3. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Jesus christ i would never go to finland. There's literally nothing there
  4. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by benny vader people who failed at boomsday predicktion are just as disgraceful as people who failed at doomsday predicktion.

    Thats very true benny, good job.
  5. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Now that I remember Rolf, I'm missing him a lot more. Where's the wayback link? I want to delight my eyes with the scripture of Rolf just once more.
  6. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    HTS, I have told you about my girlfriend who is exactly who I described in this thread. She's been to Europe (mostly Germany) several times.

    What I haven't told you is that I'm studying in Spain with her come 2019, after I get back from Asia.

    So you'll niggas can get fucked

    (in your dreams

  7. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Wait, do you mean hydrocodone? I've taken it before, but I don't think I talked about it on here much.
  8. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Enterita Yeah, im the only one here ranting about DH members. By this logic, you hate women for always ranting about hydro.

    Most people don't have a problem with specifically the women of DH

    Who is this hydro you speak of?
  9. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby because the courts are a part of the gubberment and if found convicted the gubberment will make him pay up.

    are you by chance a functional reatard?

    He's being sued over defamation. It's a civil case. He won't be charged with anything,so he can't be convicted.
  10. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Lanny Rolf was the man, I miss that nigga. I talked to him on steam for a while, you could tell how drunk he was by how far he'd let his gimmick slip.

    Lol he kept up the gimmick in pm? That's dedication.
  11. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Nigga are you going to China or what?

    I'm buying a ticket VERY soon. I almost bought one last night. Trying to stay under 600.
  12. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Itt: successful bait
  13. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Enterita I havent ranted about women in ages, something I couldnt not do.

    Do you think if I made this up Id be able to reatrain myself for this long.

    Youre just jealous you never hitchhiked into conception.

    Right. The thread about female DH users, the discussion about women with daddy problems, totally unrelated to women
  14. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i believe freedom of speech means you can say anything you want without reprocuttion from the gubberment, but hey im a true patriot and i always will be.

    How is he being punished by the government? They aren't involved in this.
  15. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by ~L J~ 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 you guys over analyze posts.

    If she wouldn’t accept him wearing a condom then he should’ve said, peace out. He put himself into the stressful situation now by not wearing a condom because that’s what “she wanted”.

    None of this happened

    Enter just wants attention and has nothing else to offer but drama and a fake persona, since his real persona isn't any good
  16. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by HTS Because Amsterdam, Greece, Spain, and Finland are all the same. There's a lot of variety in Europe. This is like people who don't understand that Africa isn't a country. I expected better from you §m£ÂgØL.

    They're basically the same. Architecture, a few museums, some different food made of the same ingredients you always eat, languages are all similar and easy to learn, similar mindsets and values.

    Like why go there again and again when you could go experience an entirely different culture?
  17. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
  18. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah i feel ya brah, thats why im not w my gf anymore after a year. I don't think she was exactly 'vile' like some people are but it was just enough to where her slights were annoying and she could easily chalk them up to 'not knowing' , 'didn't get that call'

    and when Id confront her about it she'd end up getting easily flustered. who knows man, i get thos kind of things and I'm far from perfect myself but I'm pretty upfront compared to most people i believe and despite our differences i hoped that we could be upfront for each other.

    its a dog eat dog world out there man..

    Lol you got dumped. Don't change the story.
  19. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    All of their stories are the same. They smoked weed in Amsterdam. They went clubbing in Berlin. They took a taxi on the opposite side of the road.

    They do these things because they desire adventure, but only want a safe, familiar adventure.

    I mean why would you spend the money to travel if you are just doing the same shit you do at home? Yeah, the beer is better in Germany, and you can probably get some good food in France, but why not actually do something new?

    Not that there's anything wrong with going to Europe, but I don't get why someone would go again and again and again. It's such an utter waste of time and money. Not like European culture is much different from American culture.
  20. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Lol @ belt of truth
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