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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Lanny has earned my respect.

    Originally posted by Lanny Sophie is a 13 year old girl from California. She told me herself


    That’s some suuuuureeeeus respect right thuuuur.....
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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny ACTUALLY when you molest children you strengthen mother nature by preparing the youth for their eventual role as reproductive machines. Your 20th century notion of childhood as non-sexual is an artifical and wholly modern construct that is actively weakening our population. We should instead be applauding people like benny for their selfless devotion to reversing the degeneracy you soft minded liberals have brought upon us.

    Bravo benny, bravo. Godspeed on your sacred mission!

    i do agree that society has gotten ridiculous in this notion that children are 'innocents' and that anything even remotely associated with sex has to be totally shielded from their 'delicate little minds'. but i also think that it is puberty that prepares a person for reproduction and that nature had it covered perfectly long before benny and his ilk came along.

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  3. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Originally posted by Lanny ACTUALLY when you molest children you strengthen mother nature by preparing the youth for their eventual role as reproductive machines. Your 20th century notion of childhood as non-sexual is an artifical and wholly modern construct that is actively weakening our population. We should instead be applauding people like benny for their selfless devotion to reversing the degeneracy you soft minded liberals have brought upon us.

    Bravo benny, bravo. Godspeed on your sacred mission!

    What a crock of shit.

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  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    dem 17 year olds are way too young
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  5. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt I'm sorry that nigga language is too advanced for DHers to understand without a thesaurus

    I’m sorry you have to justify your intelligence by using words that only pompous ass’ use.

    Even though you have zero ability to make a cohesive thought.

    You’ve made zero solid points. You’re literally just arguing about how to argue.

    Make a fact based point or shut the fuck up.
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  6. Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader theres no such thing as ''good'' or ''bad''.

    good is what the majority mob says is good and bad is what they say is bad.

    Be careful there, Ben. You said before there is no such thing as victim. Only for you to use that term when it suited your argument. ;)
    Are yu saying all people are brainless?
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  7. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by benny vader no, nature intended for us to clean up after her and maintain balance in her ecosystem.

    the truth is humans, like all other beings, were created to clean up and correct any and all imbalances that occur on this planet and to keep everything in equilibrium.

    that is the tao of the universe.

    but somehow we fuck it up and now we are the master of our own evolution and we tilt the balance of nature anyway and every way we wills. and this unnatural path of evolution dictates that some of us do some unnatural things in all things that we do,

    sexual intercourses included.

    what people failed to realized is that the pedos are the real victim of this unnatural evolutionary tract of ours.

    When you cage or eliminate pedophiles you are cleaning nature and saving kids. That's what sane humans do to unbalanced psychos or ones who feel they are victims. Your whole phiolosophy shows you are insane and have no clear vision of what TAO means.
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  8. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt teleological

    This nigga got a thesaurus, but knows shit.
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  9. Originally posted by apt Using teleological language to describe the evolutionary process… more evidence that you're a double digit IQ simpleton

    lolol this fucking guy...first you didn't read the bit regarding the environments being different, you didn't get it was comedy, you didn't get the example of isolated evolutionary measurable differences destroying your argument, you admit you are not an expert..and you sure as hell can't count into double digits to even know. lololol
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  10. Originally posted by Red_Woman Which brings me to the question I raised before.
    If you had sex with someone 15 yrs old. It would be against the law and you would be punished. But would you be considered a pedo?

    No...A pedo is someone attracted to a pre-pubecent child...a 15yr old is usually pretty fully developed physically.

    You would be a sex offender though.
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  11. Originally posted by Red_Woman But my point is that we're humans and we have evolved from the cave man. We do not use or see sex as simply a tool to reproduce.

    This is the common mistake humans make...they think they are highly evolved and above the laws of this case the instinct to reproduce.

    We are not...modern man has barely been around what...100k years or something? a million years from now the life forms around then might look back upon us as nothing more than amusing monkeys as for as "how far" we have come.

    Our self importance is just does not override instinct, your conscious decision..even if you think is overriding a product of evolution and instinct. NOW...looking at it from another point of view sure humans might get to the point that we ALL learn to override instinct and evolution and that could result in either our success or our failure. After all if everyone decided.."no kids for me!"..the species would be extinct very quickly...and nature would have another dead branch on it's every growing tree of life...

    We'd be a failed experiment.
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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    A lot of these pedos, especially psychomanthis, are actually proud of their pedo natures. It gives them attention and makes them feel important. You know how they say even bad publicity is good publicity? Well, with these pedo attention-whores, insults and scorn and disgust are good insults, good scorn and good disgust. They actually get off on the fact that you know they are pedos.
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  13. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman As HTS mentioned in another thread (not related to this but I find it fits) and I agree with it.
    "Understanding the basic concept of consent (yes/no) is not the same as being capable of giving informed and meaningful consent."

    A child can not give consent. They do not have the mental make up to do so.
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  14. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Paige should video herself sleeping (in the nude)

    Post it so we can give our best,informed,scientific hypotheses to this troubling issue 👍🏻
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  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    This thread is now about people who don't exactly hate pedophiles and would snuggle one if pressed to do so.
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  16. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by mmQ The insecure ones are the ones wearing the blinders scared to discuss the condition of pedophilia in a rational manner lest they get labeled a pedo apologist and assumed to be one themselves.

    It's sad when people think defending and understanding something is the same thing as encouraging something. If I defend someone with a mental illness of depression, explaining why they do certain things like miss work or sleep all day, I'm certainly not advocating for depression or encouraging people to fucking be depressed, right?

    As has been mentioned this isn't a black and white issue and most aren't. If one is unable to acknowledge that fact then yes we will just go back and forth with NO U, NO U, ad nauseum, rather than anything meaningful.

    Either 1. He's trolling with vague bait without admission to specifics. While that can be funny, in this case there's nothing amusing about the subject.

    2. There's an attempt by some to "understand" how someone can be born with a natural attraction to children. And that maybe because they don't like it, or act on it, that people should open there perception that the person is still a human deserving of consideration.

    No. Fuck that and fuck you.

    Even without acting on it, the attraction is there. Which means that even if he wasn't aroused EVERY TIME he was around a child, the thoughts and feelings are there around SOME children. That makes him dangerous to ALL children.

    Fuck every one of you for defending that.
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  17. Archer513 African Astronaut
    I’m really disappointed and shocked at the defense of a pedophille by certain ppl (except poley...I expect it from him)

    People suprise you in the most awful ways.

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  18. CandyRein Black Hole
    This is my first and last post in this thread because we all know I’m probably too much of an emotional person to get into a debate about this.. I just want to say

    That man has admitted to owning images and said he only doesn’t post them because he doesn’t want lanny in a bad situation.. ok

    If you own these images of defenseless children being abused you are an abuser of defenseless children.. the demand for those nasty ass pics causes more abuse
    They’re trading them off like baseball cards and these are babies to me they’re All babies God dammit ..
    Every time that pic gets circulated that Baby is being victimized all over again alright...those images are a key part of the continuation of abuse..

    That’s all I’m sayn on this sick shit
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  19. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Like I said yesterday, I thanked a post because I liked parts of it. That post happened to contain a comment about pedophilia which had nothing to do with why I thanked it. People got upset and offended as people often do. I responded to that. If you still can’t comprehend it then I’m not sure what else to really say…

    Originally posted by ohfralala The problem with DHers is that they showed up on a website full of degenerates, with a long history of counterculture and seedy/dubious activity, and act appalled at the continuation of this behavior.

    I may be wrong but I do believe Totse was created as a place where people could share information and ideals very, very outside of the norm which obviously attracts outliers.

    It’s like a bunch of holy rolling Christians visiting Amsterdam and expecting the culture to change. It’s not going to happen. You’re not in Kansas anymore.

    I liked Sophie’s post for a number of reasons and if you guys want to get into a tizzy over the fact that it includes his honesty about pedophilia, then much like he said, that’s not really my problem.

    Originally posted by EllariaSand What is Rationalization?
    rationalization refers to our attempt to logically justify something that is illogical or unacceptable, by resorting to some lame, but seemingly plausible reason. Like several other defense mechanisms, rationalization works at the unconscious level to help us ward off unpleasant feelings associated with cognitive dissonance, in other words a situation arising from conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behavior.
    People resort to rationalization either when they know that they have done something that they shouldn't have done, when they can't do something that they want to do, or when they want to convince themselves that things are not so bad after all. So they try to come up with lame reasons or excuses to justify themselves. It's precisely for this reason that rationalization is also known as 'making excuses'.


    Counterculture = Pedophelia......

    Yeah, not so much
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  20. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Normal is a setting on my clothes dryer........

    There is no setting called Demented Creep tho
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