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Posts by Manonfire

  1. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Hey Hombala

    Member when you for naked in that tinyroom?
  2. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Didnt read
    Somebody tell me shes dead
  3. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Friends don't eat friends grim
  4. Manonfire African Astronaut
  5. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Hey mmQ member when u popped ur cherry thread maker?
  6. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Ive been sittin here for 3 whole days waitin on frala...

    ......Somebody join me plz.....
  7. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Post ur newds on that nude girl selfie site

    U for real can make money there
    They require ur face in it tho
  8. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're a faggot

    Jealousy i pull off hunting suture?
  9. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hellobadkitty That was for Fiyah.

    Kitty ur sweet doll
    See my artsy pic THREAD
    Post one in there plz
  10. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Any confirmation yet on mal?
  11. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeah i know you're all just trying to wind me up, no worries. the plan is that these people are supposed to give us assistance in finding our own accommodation. apparently they have a number of connections they can help you access. i should hopefully be moved into a private place that is all mine within six months but i'm a bit skeptical about that time frame as they seem to have a lot of staffing issues and these key work sessions which are supposed to be every week or two depending on your needs keep getting postponed. i just switched key worker to this chick who is suddenly starting to seem very intrusive into my private life, way more than any of the others were. i get the feeling she is trying to prove herself someway or is just a general control freak type who gets off on the idea that she can get to control someone like me. i'm hoping she'll back off otherwise i will just pack my bag and fuck off on road, but that will fuck it right up if i have to do that. basically it will all be for nothing and i'll be homeless and back to square one. i can't put up with that kind of shit myself tho, its not in my nature to.


    U would rather pack ur bags
    Then fuking suk it up and let her think shes controlling u?

    Man....what has happened to u.....
  12. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER My councillor at the clinic is so hot. And she keeps finding a way to turn the conversation to sex or masturbation or tinder or stuff like that. idk why. Shes probably mid- late 20's, just finished her masters program at USC. She has kind of a hipster chick thing going- glasses with a shock of bleached highlight in her curly brown hair. At first glance youd say she was just white, but with an ass that plump and wide, shes got to have some percentage spanish or south american something-or-other. When she was walking ahead of me down the hall earlier this week, she was wearing these tight patterned like african print cotton pants, and every step that ass had that healthy butt jiggle. I had to physically manifest the "dat ass" face.

    She was asking about the perceptions/expectations people have of tall guys. And i was like "Well until my mid 20's, every time id go to a bar, someone would try to fight me to prove themselves. And of course, everyone expects you have an 11 inch dick…" And she said "And thats not…?" And I said "Minus 30% or so. But i make it up in girth, so its all good. And i eat pussy like its my job so…." and she starts blushing abd burying her face in her hands. When i had to do my UA the other the other day, she said "Casper can I have your peepee please?" and I said "Thats an awful creepy way to ask but sure, ill meet you out back." lol.

    I want to do awful, awful things to her.

    Idk man I've seen pure white women with that perfect large healthy ass.....

    Big perfect ass on a small waist
    Is more powerful then any drug I'll ever have

  13. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I see you're taking moves out of Jill the car's playbook.

    U have turned pitiful
  14. Manonfire African Astronaut
    SHOULDNT u be fukin a dirty diaper???
  15. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Hope u asleep and feel like ur going to die right this sec

    Sweet dreaaamssss
  16. Manonfire African Astronaut
    I love my girl kinks
    Shes to busy now
  17. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Troll queen winnssss
  18. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Dude seriously calm down lol.

    That last comment of urs was the best hypocritical one to date

    Im calm
    I've been calm
    I'm always calm
  19. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Stop being mean.

    We can be friends together.

    Luv u man
  20. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Bitch is angry…she still has the pedos. LMAO.

    Ive tried all damn day
    Everyone knows that already
    But she gets guts when she thinks a friend is here to save her
    She hadn't said shit till mmQ
    Came in the door

    Ommmgerrdd ive never seen such
    A hypocritical contradicting
    Gutless person
    I never even started the shit with her
    She did
    Wtf man whaat the fukk
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