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Posts by Manonfire

  1. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Lmfao

    Be a man for once in your life you little twerp and tell Fargo where you’re at you scared little half a stache bitch boy

    This literally the stupidest shit uve said

    Jesus fukkk u are such a fuckin try hard to fit in

    Ur fake lying ass knows IVE TRIED ALL DAY ALL DAY
    U have the proof in ur inbox
    And on several threads but I'M scared???
    Was mmQ the one sayin shit? No
    Was he agreeing to do it so ud shut ur desperate painful obvious wantin so bad to be liked the best here mouth?

    Yet im scared lolol that's so fukin funny

    Yet here ur ass is
    Still not willin to do as u said
    Ur projecting like a motherfucka
    Ur one of a spineless kind
  2. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl I think lala likes Sancho tiny chat room better.

    Which handle is that
  3. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell So Man gets a little trolled…big deal. When he actually finds some one decent you little bitched will still be stalking eachother and playing with yourselves alone at home. LOL.

    Still don't get how agreeing to tiny chat with me to get her to shut up is trolling me?

    Mab im lil brain dead
    Not that smart either
    At all actually

    I really don't get it fr
  4. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Well? What room? Let's go.

    Only if frala is there
    That's the deal
    Gonna spit on her part of the screen
  5. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ What fucking tiny chat room are you in for the tenth time

    mmq do not exaggerate like the gal stuck up ur ass

    First time i seen it
  6. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala This little nigga gettin trolled and can’t even see it.

    That's wat u called gettin trolled?
    Makin constant comments that are lies
    Then bout to get proven wrong
    Then bail while screaming rape?

    lolol whoooooooooweeeeee u trolled me queen
    U got me good there wooooowzaaaa
  7. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Bipolarity isn't fake for what it's worth. I have like 5 different posting styles depending on when I'm high, drunk, stimd, sober, or any combo. That's true for real life too.

    Everyone is fake to an extent. They just are.

    Many i know?
    I never was sayin other wise

    My whole comment was bout her weird bullshit with me today

    She can be anybody bi poplar or psycho idfaf bout that part

    Just dont say I'm harrassing u when i was doing wat i was told

    Feeeeeeel me ?
  8. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Like I said before…I hate no one. Still I saw through her right did many. Freaks expose themselves in time…pretty common. We have our little spats which is normal…however deep down I know you're a stand up guy and their opinions matter little and we all know what they stand for. Take a break…go have some fun and meet a few good women.

    Ive had several
    Ok maybe just 3 in pm
    tell me she isn't who she is tryin to portray on here
    I really didnt gaf who she is in shit

    Just super lame her shit she pulled today

  9. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Yessssss I’m a retard first and foremost. Salute!

    Do u feel accepted yet?
  10. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Dang m8 you changed your stripes real quick. What's up?

    Man fralala first tries to shit on my rep tellin ppl im not who i say i am

    Then wants to tiny chat so i can prove myself
    Then tells me we will tonight in pms
    So when i tried to get her attention bout tiny chat today
    Mind u she told me to remind her
    She goes all victim role sayin im harrassing her by reminding her on the freds?
    Tho this all started cuz she was harrasing me from the start

    It does show wat all her old buds were talking about
    She is fake in her personailty
    Maybe just bipolar idk mmQ

    Ill never understand women my man
  11. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Paige is always an awesome chick…she doesn't need a bunch of stalking losers to confirm it with moods swings and mental issues. I can see you freaks in a bar trying to pick up women…hilarious. Bloody insecure creeps…a rapist, a toothless pothead and a coward who starches his shirts. LMAO.

    Imagine frala piking up dudes tho
    She would have to know what they like to pick which kinda personality she will be to get them to like her

  12. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT I think Paige is a pretty awesome chick when she isnt acting dumb or getting mad for no reason

    Yea POLECAT u got that rite
    Raging women fuk
  13. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Type type type type type

    Fake fake fake fake

    Narcissist do u miss ur old pretend friends on dh?
  14. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Shy lady bailed
    I would have accepted u
    Rather u look like Roseanne on cam compared to ur pics u kno
  15. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Little boy with half a stache is shook

    Large in charge lady with shape shifting abilities that needs validation from online creeps to not feel so lonllleyyyyy and saaaddddd

    Does it really help to pretend to like stuff for like u?
    Do u feel happier?
    Geniune question blob
  16. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl I'm blaming Darth Vader. I've turned to the dark side because-

    It seems the par.

    U gonna tell everybody what this Paige gal.did to u to become such a bitch as u claim??
    She is one tho not doubting u
    But never seen u get mad or call anyone on here since u arrived Jedi
    So it seems that she really hurt u....u can tell me my man

    Totally down cuz i liked how nice u were nig
  17. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala You do realize we aren’t dating right?

    How long u been single maam?

    Ohhh and how old was the girl who u held down for Sophie? Sure u sold that shit for some good money

    Ur flakey for accusing me
    Then when i want to prove myself
    U run off....dont u want to fit in with me!? DONTCHA?!???
  18. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ You are a goddamn human projection machine. Do you realize how embarrassing it is to read your posts? It's getting BAD. You really need to get yourself checked into a clinic or treatment of some sort.

    Originally posted by joerell I know you're not dating Man…he's more classy. You're attracted to complete freaks…Sophie and Benny. Obviously females attracted to pedos have hidden mental issues and sure you do.

    I wouldn't ever date butch womens any way joe boy

    Especially shape shifters
    Just weiirrddd shit man

    What the daterape ppl said how drastically different she is
    She is dh public enemy now since she finally came out of the closet admitting pro pedo

    What a goodthread that was maaynnn

    Imagine what will become of her!

  19. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala I have spent several nights taking to Sophie :)

    I bet
    Bet u help him by sendin n finding pics of his next 4yr old victim

    U really have to be fuked up fralla to support him ans not just a lil support
    Full on
    Be proud of urself butch
  20. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell All the main insecure losers are now stalking Paige…Jedi, Matt and Pole. Creeps with little honor and freaks. Main reason they can't get dates and are continously rejected. Lulu on the other hand is no better…a pedo supporter and such a lunatic she would probably spend nights talking to creeps like Sophie and Benny offline.

    Pedo supporters deserve just as much death

    Alrwady been stated tho
    Hissstorryyy joe man
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