I talked to John and he decided to put the n I s website on naughty list for having stolen 💳 sales spam all da time
You forgot to obscure Doyle harcovy. If ur feeling down draw ur mountain cabin
2019-12-28 at 3:53 PM UTC
I cut my finger!
Peroxide , witch hazel, rubbing alcohol etc is all crap just tape a clean cloth over it and keep it dry. A nice dry cut ahhhhh yeah
2019-12-28 at 3 AM UTC
Youre the gay one that wants to oil up with younger men
Build a micro fusion reactor and pull it around on a red ryder waggin
NICE air dryer, Mr empty-pants
2019-12-27 at 6:01 PM UTC
Ultimate Minecraft Thread
Wow 25 dollars I don't know.... Is the game kind of like minesweepr ? Because I can minesweeprt for free. Hmm maybe I will play bit i dobt know... 25 dollars then again i heard excellent things about this server so... Hmmmmm
2019-12-27 at 2:41 PM UTC
Ultimate Minecraft Thread
I actually heard this server was quite good 👍
I will check it out once I get a computer in the crawlerspace btw it's free right?
2019-12-23 at 12:45 AM UTC
Am getting out of bed I'm hungry thirsty and bladder is getting swoll
Did u get out of bed today? How. Are u feeling?
No . want to go to the diner in walnut creak
No one cares about his shit if he isn't going to say what it is and how to do it. 6k isn't that bad but I made over 10 000 today it involves a keyboard and a mouse
2019-12-23 at 12:11 AM UTC
Holy Shit This Website Sucks
I wonder how she's feeling RN
I went to Beefah Texas my prostate is the size of Walnut Creek. Oh yeah FCK yeah, BIGGG fucking nut niggah
2019-12-21 at 5:23 PM UTC
Nice ass thread
I DON'T like being listed
2019-12-21 at 5:19 PM UTC
Nice ass thread
Wow this thread is so macho you guys are all straight as arrows roight now!
2019-12-20 at 8:25 PM UTC
The Dumbest Person Here
Fona is truly an inspiration to many of us, most of yall could learn a thong or two from him. And he can learn a thing or two too because together our knowledge always gets more bigly when we share.
He may not be perfect and he might have dry skin that is rough around the edges and he might eat too many chicken niggers and lemonlime soda but if you can't hamdle him at his worst you sure as hell don't deserve him at his best.
I guess it's true what they say.