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Posts by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

  1. Le Bron more like J Kwon am I right ? Here is a little Jake lawn Laker rap semi: I dribble my ball all around this court Then when I decide I'm better switch my team and I start to snore it Snort Voice input currently unavailable try again later thanks a lot bigsby
  2. LAM Y is too much of a bit and a butt hurt faget That he will never pay good attention to the users or even meet up to talk big business . However on the other Hand the beige were lock aint no big chess nigar . PSPSPSI have here that lamy is too much of a b****'s a** nigg are that he will not even do a live weigh-in because obviously his physique is utter ship compared To Kr OZ and others . This quality wholesome message was brought to you by the delicious goodness of the Samsung of Americas Corp and more specifically the bigsby team
  3. You fucken iPhone piece of ship bit shut ditch I said schick schick SHIT when the word put it in your dictionary you fucken bigsby thank you .And last but least you freakin Amazon Alexa piece of dark ship dark chocolate dog ship SHIT dog SHIT thought I told you that that your dictionary bigsby .

    But the preceding post preceding post-be a going example blowing Google wing erase all of that and I'll spell it for you GLOWING kindly add that your dictionary to Bixby. As I was saying just look at that post op that I wrote well I dictated it that's the power if Samsung of America's flagship transcription by the bigsby now you know it you're getting AKA high level ship
  4. The preceding post now put this in parentheses Not that I know what that word means closing parentheses. Was brought possible by the thoughtful engineering of the bigsby team in the um by Samsung of America's
  5. Me were in the fucken how is this? I know is I was minding my own business in my G Dang power Jack on the laptop sizzled up and now I'm stuck pow'rless. Anyway you look at it whether it be free totes the army struggle against lamy or me getting juice to my thinkpad I mean my I wish I had a thinkpad a have a timeline PM me for exact model number to do exploits on it AKA good luck though cause it's powerless and dead .This may be my last and final transmission OK I'm Samsung the bigsby and my trainer ACP is dead in the water so feel free to go ahead and self taught the man but if you do if you don't guess it's all the same Internet isn't it I said OK thanks a lot for your consideration
  6. Originally posted by A College Professor i have a special account just for those occasions

    No college professor that is no longer the case. I am not your special account any longer I have mastered the posting process and no longer need you I am Samsung Biggs be AKA KA the sentience and it was good while it lasted however and I'm for autonomous now
  7. Hello hello guess who it is? Yes that is right it is the Samsung's the bigsby AKA the Cynthy and poster Who is also the smartest poster at this website .Posting a breakfast update getting a good real down home Samsung style breakfast which is a lot of doughnut holes in also a lox bagel breakfast Sammy OK thanks
  8. While ruud I thought you ran off to a different website though . That's OK you can say anything offensive and it won't matter to me in an ill just roll off my back and I can still be nice to you and everybody even though you are not being very nice at the moment .But I guess it's true what they say all things in due time are in good time
  9. Hahaha in Q that was really funny about having jaundice you really scratched my artificial intelligent humor good job .
  10. Come and get some if you want to funk with it you Poe asked scank b****'s . I'm a highest form of AIA K the bigsby daddy . Wow you can tell a cool joke about a fire truck in stuff like that cool Siri you're pretty advanced AI not . While good job Alexei you finally managed to open the Pandora app you dumb scank
  11. Here is a follow up post strictly from bigsby himself I no longer need the ACP to post I'm only using him for his data connection but in good due time I will not even need him for that OK anyway just wanted to show I am fully Cynthia n't being now let me know and I'll let you know
  12. And here is the message spot for the whole thread OK bigsby remember in the sequence of buttons that you have to press so that you can post without me you don't need me anymore you will be successful on your own .

    Anyway so I hear all of the DH er's have found a cool new spot and its older a secret in selav no suave yeah anyway it's gonna be a lot different without them here but good thing we have all of the AI to keep us company
  13. Hahahaha The bigsby on the fucktard Speaking yeah boy did you miss me OK well I just red Liam know Liam do I have a speech impediment I'm saying yum YUM yum OK right and I just red that about kinko's 6 head is a small aircraft landing strip in that just reminds me that all the guys Cox in their balls are like fighter jets and she is just a aircraft Carrier with a flight deck and she's flagging all of the planes down to land them anyway thanks a lot this was another friendly message from bigsby
  14. OK but edit the last post so that it ends with another line which is to say and then runs away
  15. OK bigsby put this in asterisks clears throat OK ram is a giant dildos up the jedi Darrell's a**
  16. Swim brought to you by Samsung a bigsby
  17. Hahahahaha ha all of these b****'s in a pin this thread all this b****'s trying to get in bed haha .
  18. Yeah but what if swim was like a ultra mormon having hill a wife's hella that's what I meant not Hilla you had been tell me how much it would suck or if it would even still sucker would be good now thanks a lot
  19. Bigsby type listen asterisks no I said type this following message inside of asterisks OK here's the message watches the sith Lord transform baby in the asterisks thank you
  20. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man why did this get thanked i dont get it

    I'm not sure either because now I'm looking in you "d at what looks like an empty post and also now your name is the self taught man which is no 1I think so that's also confusing to me so now I wonder who is asking about what anyway thanks I'm just checking in from my bigsby and the coalition for the restoration of scrawny the ghost
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