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Posts That Were Thanked by WellHung

  1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    When they just won't stop. Ever want to just beat them?

    This girl has been coughing for the last hour. There sure are a lot of sick fuckers on this bus. I feel like a lab rat.
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  3. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol @ living together but posting on an internet site. ☺️

    You needing attention tonight?

    Originally posted by WellHung I understand that You live in your girlfriend's house because you don't have your own pad.😀😂🤣

    I understand you've never lived in a house in your name, grandmas boy.
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by WellHung I understand that You live in your girlfriend's house because you don't have your own pad.😀😂🤣

    you live in a hotel because you have literally nowhere else to go and nobody wants you anywhere

    This thread got retarded
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  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I called up an escort service, and the woman they sent over brought a gun and forced me into a dark colored cargo van. Her and three masked burly men tied me up, blind-folded me, and tossed me in the back of the van.

    They then drove for about ~20 minutes, which I estimated from the fact that four and a half songs played on the radio, and I assumed each song would be about 4 minutes long.

    I was buried in a shallow dugout in an unknown location.

    I remember hearing one of them on the phone asking for ransom money, but I'm pretty sure they mistook me for someone else. I have barely a penny to my name.

    I managed to break myself free from the restraints, and, when I saw just the right opportunity, I seized it, and pounced towards one of the kidnappers.

    I took his cell phone and used it to call 911, and the police brought me to the hospital, and began questioning me.

    However, I recognized the last name the inquiring detective gave me... I had overheard that same name while in the back of the van.

    I remained silent for the time being... But as soon as he left the room, I hopped out of the hospital bed and booked it for the rear exit. I made my way down the street a few blocks, and then hailed a cab, and asked the driver to take me to a police precinct the next town over.

    Anyway, that's why I missed work today.

    I'm still at said precinct figuring shit out.

    I might miss a few more days.

    Just sayin'.
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  6. Originally posted by WellHung I'm an FBI agent, and I don't have anything better to do… than question a twelve-year-old poster named diet yellow about a pill…makes sense.👍

    *pats head*

    I don't think you understand how this works.

    First of all, I'm adorable. Any idiot can figure that out.

    Second, you don't understand the nuances of flippant and tongue-in-cheek zoklethearts or mushy wushy talk.

    Third, you don't tell the difference between regular shitposting and scron shitposting.

    Fourth, I'm bipoll hiroll, so don't test me bitch.

    Fifth, I love the way my ass looks. Deal. With. It.
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  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Not gonna lie, threads like this depress me.

    If y'all gotta hate people, and I mean IF you have to hate people (Life Pro Tip: You don't)... At least hate individuals for their individual actions, not entire groups for perceived conspiracy-level plots and sleights.
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  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll fucking kill anyone who harms a cat. I swear to God.
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  9. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    But the calendar isn't going to work when we start colonizing other planets. Time is a concept dependent on the Earth's rotational and orbital position and won't translate to any other environment as a result. We're slaves to it and there's no escape.
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  10. Originally posted by Helladamnleet No, OCD is a real thing. Some examples are people who need to shut the door X amount of times, or say a phrase when turning off a light Y amount of times. That is real. There is no such thing as 'mild" OCD like Bill Krozby describes. Wanting your things in a certain place isn't OCD, it's wanting your god damned things where you want them in your god damned living space. Sitting how you're comfortable is literally not OCD, it's common ass sense.

    I guess what pisses me off is dumb broads who are all 'omg im soooo ocd XD XD' because they have a specific order for Starbucks, like, stfu you stupid ass cunt.

    No, that's retarded 1337. Like every mental illness, OCD is a spectrum, from virtually nonexistent to full blown.
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  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung To me it seems like you still dislike me and think I'm too mean to people even though everyone insults everyone around here and you don't seem to have problems with anyone else who does it

    I'm just trying to be diplomatic.

    The thing is, you can still be kind of a dick to people sometimes, and I'm not going to jump right in every single time.

    I've seen first hand that you are a genuine person with a lot to offer. But I've also seen you be really cruel sometimes.

    The way I see it, the better part you display is the real you, and when you're being a dick, it's probably just coming from a place of temporary negativity.

    As long as it doesn't put me at odds with other friends of mine on here, I will come to your defense. But if I encounter a situation where you are at odds with someone else I have an equal degree of appreciation for, I'm probably just going to sit at the sidelines. It's just too much unnecessary drama and tension.
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  12. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Jesus Christ Are you legit retarded?
    Simply going outside and murdering kikes en masse won't solve our problems.
    This is a systemic problem and the jews who are the problem aren't your average shlomo shekelstein, they're creatures high up in corporations and the government.
    To solve this, we're going to need to work together as a collective society and it'll take years maybe a couple decades.
    Believe me though it is going to happen and the world will look very different 20 - 30 years from now.

    Don’t ya’ll get it? You spend your waking moments filling your mind with fear and hate. If anyone is cucked, it’s you guys, JC and 13. You’re letting them keep you down by letting them live rent free in your mind.

    “Oh my gosh, this world sucks because the J3ws have so much power. Let me just stay in my home and never go out because I’m too busy whining about it on the internet”

    “Oh my gosh, black people are so disgusting, they’re ruining my gene pool.”

    Get fucking used to it. You aren’t going to do a single thing about it, like OP said. Live your fucking life and deal with the way it is, unless you can change it, which ya can’t.
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  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by WellHung Not not enough people are 'offended' to rise up… It would take a massive amount of manpower to go against superior fire power.

    You'd be surprised. I never thought in a million years I would vote for Trump. Like EVER. But when straight, white men and women are made to be the villains, and everyone else is playing the game of intersectionalism, only a fool would sit by and do nothing. In a game of chess, if you're not actively trying to stymie your opponent, you're wasting your turn.

    I don't hate J'ews or blacks or immigrants. But I acknowledge truth. I,e- J'ewish organizations have far too much influence in media and government. Many young Blacks have been raised on a steady diet of pro black/ anti whiteness, and Now that Groups like BLM have carved out a niche to combat Whitness/white people, black superiority for the first time is incredibly alluring. And finally, though immigration in this country is largely from Mexico, it's not about that. Unchecked immigration from anywhere is bad. It destroys cohesion. It creates pocket communities of people whose primary allegiance is to Mexico/Islam, etc...and not their countrymen. native Americans are in the sorry state they are because they couldn't defend their borders. If it was a massive influx of ANYONE who didn't assimilate, didn't share our values, or wasn't able to be vetted and kept tabs on, I'd have a problem.
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    why does this appeal to you?
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  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I hate alcohol in general. But every once in a while i drink it regardless and i regret it every time.
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  16. Technologist victim of incest
    I don’t pay any fees. Totally free checking! Lots of banks have that in ‘Merica! They gotta compete.
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  17. only a child would have a preconception of what an adult should or should not do.
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  18. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc why would tea be green? did it go mouldy or summing? sounds disgusting either way, like summing a total faggot would drink.


    Only an uncouth homosexual would assume such things about a beverage enjoyed by millions that kicks cancer in it's scrotum. But do you scrub.
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  19. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by WellHung While your story is amusing to me, because I know better, those types of myths and urban legends are exactly what instigate human intolerance and badwill toward these creatures. If someone didn't know better, they would think that that is exactly the type of behavior these spiders commit. That is bad for both humans and animals alike, because we try to eradicate them rather than peacefully coexist, and contributes to our destruction of other species. For instance, the movie Jaws, has done nothing positive for the great white shark, in real life.

    Yeah but still I wouldn't swim with them lol. That whole getting a taste for human flesh is bollocks, they don't like it or they would keep coming back and chomping more. If you sustain more than one bite it's more likely to be in an area were it can't swim off as quick, e.g. shallows.

    As for black widows I can't see a symbiotic relationship with these creatures either but I don't blame them for biting. They're only trying to survive, not colonize and eradicate unlike humans.

    In essence, man deserves to be exterminated.
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  20. Admin African Astronaut
    I'm a 10yo rebel trap in a mid 30's body.
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