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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    its mostly just people shooting up, there are many cameras
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung WHILE YOU FONDLE URSELF


  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung FUCKING ANOTHER NIGGER.

    thank you for your service
  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Ghost Black Hole

    linux paki stands on a high horse and says DON'T USE THIS wow i'm going to use nothing but Wubuntu now
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    turbulence, like that time you were on a deportation flight from the USA to Poland and hit all that turbulence
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock its simple enough to resolve the same way anyone else gets resolved that use their teeth too much.

  8. Ghost Black Hole
    They put a used needle bin in the park and now nobody even notices the tape FUCK
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai i need to know what movie this is but scronn doesn't know shit about it aghhhh

    might have been one of the "Universal Soldier" films, or some really obscure old B tier shit

    nobody remembers it on the internet lol I can't find shit about it. I found a clip once and found info on a dead wiki before. I think it was about the drug they take making them super soldiers

    it's not any of these
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry What I wonder is why they always threaten to go to cops for any reaosn like even losing ana rgument they always threaten cops even when you ddint even do anything illegal or theyre over consent age why do they use cops as somer sort of weapon?

    Originally posted by Wariat you wre garbage and you look like garbage you are a literal pathology or vermin or untermenschen just like that pic of yours. shut the fuck up before someone ends up head stomping you like you deserve wnd getting rwtted later wnd going to prison for it you rwt bitch. junky rucking untermenschen this is my last reply or even psot acknowledging you. i guarwntee you junky oathology wouldnt say to ke nothing in my face because you know you would end up like luciano. youre loterally a human waste pathology or patologia. probably was born from drug parents multiple kids household you are literally a parasite just like thst pic of yours shows. untermenschen.
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    I thank God every day that I wasn't born in the USA as a black kid named Sherrod sometime after the year 2000

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    I'm gonna make the best craft beef ever and call it "To Get Fucked in the Ass because i'm a little slut" and have variants like "To get fist fucked in the ass because i'm a big faggot" that way you will have to specify that you want TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS not GET FISTED IN THE ASS and all the bros in the bar will laugh at the faggot ordering craft beer
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    I have discovered a wonderous use of technology from my street exploits to keep crackheads out of a given area for when the block gets way too hot and people are shooting up in your backyard

    Simply put police tape up in places you want free from crack heads and leave some of it strung along the ground in a good length so it blows around in the wind and is visible in the grass

    I noticed this is very effective in keeping crackheads away from an area. I have begun stringing police tape up my usual routes and I notice nobody does drugs there anymore they are a few blocks over, like being repelled by an invisible force. More testing needs to be done and I would like to use a shiny reflective tape so it catches the eye easier. Crack heads love shiny things so they will instantly notice it and then get sketched out and leave

    do it like this
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    yes, an amateur one
  15. Ghost Black Hole

    Well, there’s always someone else worse off, right? Here’s looking at you Uzbekistan, the only nation to rank lower than the UK in a global mental wellbeing index. Yup, we’re more miserable than Moldova. Bluer than Belarus. Even Yemen and Ukraine are in better spirits, apparently. First world problems just got real.

    Measuring mental wellbeing is a tricky business. But the US non-profit, Sapien Labs, has had a go with its Mental State of the World report, the latest edition of which has just landed. Using data from 500,000 respondents in 71 countries, it measures how people’s “inner state impacts their ability to function within their life context”. In other words, mental wellbeing relative to the setting.

    The results suggest that despite living through an unfolding humanitarian disaster, Yemenis are functioning better in relative terms than not only Brits, but the Aussies and Irish, too.

    Right. Forgive us for not relocating to downtown Sana’a just yet. Rich Western nations performed poorly overall, with researchers noting: “Greater wealth and economic development do not necessarily lead to greater mental wellbeing.”

    Are things really that bad in Blighty? Is our stiff upper lip truly all a-quiver? The similarly dubious but slightly woollier World Happiness Report doesn’t think so. It ranks the UK 19th in its cheeriest nations index, between the Czech Republic and Lithuania. Still, you’d require weapons-grade patriotism to survey our land and conclude that all is well. The Office for National Statistics recorded an overall decline in personal wellbeing across the UK in 2023. Meanwhile, the charity Mind warns of an unfolding mental health crisis, particularly among men and young people.

    Little wonder, then, that wellness retreats are booming. I went on one last year in Cornwall, run by the ex-rugby pro Anthony Mullally. Mullally’s not your archetypal wellness guru. He doesn’t drink kale or hug you for too long. In fact, he’s 6ft 5, with a Scouse twang, bulging biceps, long ginger hair and the look of a man whose ancestors arrived in England on a longboat.

    His retreats aim to equip the kind of men who are congenitally suspicious of kale with the techniques they need to “stay steady in a chaotic world”. I must say, it’s kept me calmer.

    But stresses abound. Money is tight. The health system is creaking. The sea is full of poo. Our Hogarthian town centres, with their boarded-up shops and rough sleepers, are yet further signs of a struggling nation.

    “We have to find a new identity,” one Ilkeston resident told me recently in the down-at-heel Derbyshire town. It was once an engine room of the Industrial Revolution but is now best known for its cash point – currently the top-rated attraction on TripAdvisor. “Typical of Ilkeston humour,” another local told me. I suppose it’s reassuring that Britain’s sense of mischief limps on.

    Where, you might ask, did it go wrong? Pick your villain. Covid. Putin. Brexit. The wokerati. Austerity. Bojo. Ulez. The lettuce prime minister. The anti-growth coalition. Blair. The internet. Hmmm. The internet.

    Adding to a growing body of evidence, Sapien Labs identifies a link – not just in the UK, but globally – between poor mental wellbeing and the pervasiveness of smartphones and online comms. That young people are noted to have suffered the biggest drop in mental wellbeing appears to add heft to their argument. Ditto the fact that lower-tech countries, such as Sri Lanka and Tanzania, are among those recording better wellbeing scores. Stronger family ties in those nations were also linked to better mental health.

    The internet has a lot to answer for, then. It has, of course, facilitated the home-working phenomenon that hushed our cities post-Covid. It sent dating and retail online, fanned the culture wars, and distracted us, research shows, from having sex. No wonder we’re glum. Has it also robbed us of a soundtrack for these weird times? In the moribund early nineties, there was at least a musical movement to lift the nation. Scant chance of a unifying Britpop 2.0 in the streaming age, with its fragmented, fickle audiences. No wonder we’re in the midst of misty-eyed 1990s nostalgia – when mullets are back, you know you’re in trouble.

    “Everything’s online now, the shops have closed.” It’s a lament I’ve heard repeatedly on my travels across the land for this newspaper. Our sense of place, it seems, has gone. We are adrift in the digital ether. Lost and lonely in our screens. Barraged by bad news.

    Perhaps that’s too convenient a narrative. Like the Mental State of the World report, it tells only part of the story. Another narrative is of resilient communities across the UK, which, like Ilkeston, have stepped up to start newspapers where theirs have folded, grow food in communal spaces, and even take over post offices.

    They have united, too, to save our cherished pubs, bringing these community hubs into the hands of the people who use them. The UK has lost six per cent of its pubs in the last six years – reason enough to be glum – according to the British Beer & Pub Association. In that same period the number of community-owned pubs has soared by 63 per cent. My local, the Ivy House in Nunhead, a lynchpin of our neighbourhood, was London’s first, but not its last. Even Britain’s most remote village, Inverie, has dug deep enough to save its local, The Old Forge, which is reached only by hiking 17 miles or taking a ferry.
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by blackbird Get a jack‐o‐lantern to give you a bj.

    but they have jagged teeth 🎃
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    not really
    Originally posted by Brother kyle shes also my meth dealer.

    Her daughter runs the lesbian mafia

    Originally posted by Ghost the legend of the CARDBOARD BOX FORT!!!!

    . The heads are all flailing wild tonight , I saw this girl that looked underaged weaing very ratty unfitting clothes tearing apart a bunch of walkie talkies in the middle of a dirty construction site at dusk. I heard a loud noise and looked up the boulevard only to see a MASSIVE cardboard fort of epic proportions built over a concrete meridian next to the KFC and there was a half naked obsese woman that had dark hollow eyes and looked like a demonic "WAT" woman and she screamed "THIS IS MY CARDBOARD BOX FORT!!" every time a person walked by.

    also its next to a KFC and its been there for like a week.. there are more popping up randomly too.


    i've had way more wacky and wild adventures like that time I joined a street gang of homeless lesbians called the "Lesbian Mafia" and I watched folx I remember from elementary school in 2nd grade when I was in 6th grade and they were now sitting in a back alley shooting up dope for the first time and tons of girls hooked on dope that would go into crack houses with johns, really fucked up stuff and you think your hoighty toighty rich white european fuddy duddy nightclub downtown lifestyle of chasing teens is hard? You don't know hard pal you haven't gone to a crack house to get your daily fix of dope and seen people smoke meth right in front of children

    you haven't even scratched the surface of what true suffering and depravity looks like. Once you experience that you stop caring about anything certainly not the worthless pathetic crap you care about, you start to appreciate things like eating food and getting through a day without suffering. Suffering builds character maybe that's why I put myself through difficult experiences on purpose

    I guess getting rejected by teens because you're an autistic retard is kinda the same so maybe if you keep it up something will happen but idk I would have probably ended up stabbing one of them by now if I was you so at least you aren't a violent psychopath
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry doing something stupi which is to readd or make a new snapchat and add that 15 now 16 barely year old i made out wiht at the back of my other taxi driver buddys car while he made out with a 14 yr old in front who both lied one year about their age so the one he was messing with could get him or us in trouble and her mom like later saw her texts to me and threatened to take me to court but nothing happened and i dont think anything really would as we didnt bang them or respected how far they were willing to go and it was him not me who had the dope on him giving it to everyone not “us”. anyway, the 16 yr old chick i made out with and i asked if shell suck my dick at the time she said not yet and anyway she and i hit it off for a while but her friend ruined it fucked the whole situation up but im considering hitting her up againd sspite being threatened byc ouirts alreayd and wanting to stay away from this dangerous duo. this is especially true as the younger friend was like eating that shit the dope like she breathed it and you could tell she does it either a lot or has expeirnece with it but this is the bitch or her mom or both making that threat which seems crazy as she seems so street wise. anyway, the other one or legal age of consent and now 16 is the one i was wiht and am thinking of trying again. they live in some small town near Lodz.
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    they are crackheads (probably from all the caffeine they consume)

  20. Ghost Black Hole
    I don't find his coffee videos to be overly complex at all I think they are actually pretty simple.

    james hoggman is nowhere near as bad as others in the "coffee scene" i think you're just hating on him because he's popular
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