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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    new crypto WASHING your dirty fake internet money in TIDE to HIDE that it came from the bhutanese shadow brokers

  3. Ghost Black Hole
    anyone heard of this?

    Sploo played a lot of OSRS and lived in NY maybe he was real reality

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man runescape was the drug all along.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Im not going on a quest for Triangles, Got damn it!

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man lol "quest". This isnt runescape bitch! The triangles will either get you or they wont. And from the look of it you havent even hit line bc yet

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I'm in school with panic attacks everyday but I'm not a druggo anymore. My life is boring as hell besides dating 13y.o. and the occasional psychotic break and is unmanageable without whole medicine cabinet at once and hoping things will either get better and won't be >tfw no gf for eternities. But then again women are the world's primary source of psychotic break. Idk, life is lame and I'm hoping one day in 10 years I will have 1 functioning dopamine receptor and be able to feel something that isn't triangles. The highs of my life are expressed as seeing the maniac in my eyes and telling girls from 8th grade that I want them to act like a baby girl. The lows include absolute misery and dadfights. Years of bundy abuse has caused me to spend a whole existence as a shell of human who is aroused by empty bags of chips that have been stuck under the sofa accumulating dust and does nothing except play runescape and watch adult swim. You a heroin attic so that's probably worse.

    Originally posted by cerakote i got blackout drunk on nye and almost raped a girl

    i lied to someone about being a virgin

    i nut in my bathroom sink when im beating my dick sometimes

    i bully furries on runescape

    i jerk off so much that i inflamed my prostate

    To the uninitiated, scale theory is the belief that the Gielinor we explore in RuneScape is not a true representation of Gielinor as a planet, instead it's a small, scaled down, version of the world. Scale theory proposes that Gielinor has been shrunk down to suit the confines of a video game which has led to a large part of the natural landscape - open field, rolling hills and maybe even additional settlements - being omitted to create an easy-to-navigate map and, if Gielinor was an actual plane of existence, it would be far larger than the one depicted in RuneScape. This theory is used to explain the multiple illogical, often strange, climate changes that occur across Gielinor and how the distances between certain locations are shorter than described.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man basically throw yourself into a constant state of sensory overload and you'll never get bored. i've discovered the secret to true happiness :) the passive receiver of information is constantly saturated with this excess data so the mind conditions itself up to operate in a state where it perceives the amount that it finds the most pleasurable and energy efficient. for example, depending on my level of energy and mental clarity i might be laying down in the dark or just facebook chatting with the tv on low or reading, when i have more cognitive energy and i feel unexcited i can challenge my cognitive abilities by trying to watch music videos and kartewnz and play dragon age inquisition and have my runescape character create invention materials all at the same time.

    Post last edited by puffy butts at 2017-03-07T10:55:18.546285+00:00

  4. Ghost Black Hole
    crack sigils
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    I have never seen aliens on DMT or any psychedelics. I did become an alien once on a lot of meth

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man This reminds me of when my power got turned off last year, I was desperate to uncuck my life and I stayed awake for weeks using up the last of my meth supply trying to figure out the secrets of economy and survival. Time is THE MOST VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT RESOURCE OF ALL, even without food or water you have abundant time.

    I rediscovered new uses for all kinds of basic elements laying around my house, the copper pipes in my basement upon closet inspection weren't even hooked up to anything so I used them to hack the power meter which turned on my lamp, hotplate and modem and I had internet again.

    I realized the potential and technology behind simple things like aluminum cans and clay and concrete.

    A whole entire world did open up to me. I saw the vast resources contained within my own little world and I became the master of my own domain. I haven't feared survival ever since, I now embrace the struggle because it OPENS YOUR MIND.

    My delusions are much more delusional on LSD, completely fantastic unrelated to reality like THE MANTIS GOD or the gibberers, Russians in the phones, etc

    Meth delusions are more rooted in reality like "Z is working with an apocalyptic cult to get me to kill myself for membership" because "X Y Z" or like when I thought a viol;ent gangster was gonna murder me because a violent gangster threatened me and then I hallucinated he turned into 20 copies of himself and attacked me like an army of darkness over a weekend.

    weed just made me VERY AWARE of police like OH HELLO OFFICER with an ounce in your pocket and they are going slower now and stop like OKAY THEN and you do a nervous turn into a path that happened to be right there in the most obvious non casual way possible but then they get out and go to somewhere else and you're like FUCK

  6. Ghost Black Hole
    nah son he saying being late will make YOU late

    as in late to life

    as in expired

    as in DAD
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost I call this one THE GREAT ESCAPE FROM REALITY
    it's not actually a moving graphic in te animation but a color swap shift to make the words "move" it is an illusion of the eye

  8. Ghost Black Hole
    my mane said it best
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    who needs women when you have.... the answer .. the key
    To escAPE
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    post some pic u african immigrant that killed real mike and stole his cpu
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    I took pure mescaline and was force contacted by what seemed like God to me at the time, but was beyond my understanding.

    There was a limit and when I hit it I just assumed all spiritual glory upon whatever was possessing me or revealing true reality to me, it was pitch black darkness night and I was looking at a female cannabis plant and could feel it's FEMININE plant energy and see colors that should not have been there or anywhere

    It was a really high dose and I struggle to remember much besides that moment, it was like existence is vibrations, spinning but that moment felt like when bender stops, you throw something HARD to counter the momentum.
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by slide22 Jacob was renamed Israel

    Euro Ashkenazi Kazars are edomites who converted to The faith

    This is why they say anti-semite because Esau was the father edomites. Esau was Jacob's twin brother so both are semites which are the decendents of Shem the son of Noah

    Shem is Semite

    So they use the race card Semite" because theyre not israelites

    sounds like you just made all this up to me, and hate kikes. U a nazi?
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    It has replaced the old flag at least in my country, maybe it is all a 4chan troll. That's a lot of fag poles to climb and change it though so we are gonna keep it for budgetary reasons.

    I remember during the summer people cheering when the palestinians protested during gay pride???? LOL yeah we don't like humans right abuses ROUND THESE PARTS ya fucking jedis can't just treat people like that, I don't care who's land it is GET ALONG YOU TWO!!!


    As soon as it was july 1st everyone stopped caring and just memory holes "the gays", 'something something sideways rainbows', next year will be a 3D holograph to represent all 69 trillion shades of gay.
    MY ASS HURTS!!!!
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by slide22 Ask Luigi how slow I eat

    They kept trying to take my taco platter away which was the most I ate all month

    I didn't even finish the rice and beans and half the taco

    Luigi is super thin and burned through the same plate and 2 beers and left to take a call came back and sat another 15 minutes

    He says you bit his hand actually when you went to reach for a fry on your own plate and that you are wild like an animal, anything gets near your face and you just start chowing down.
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley

    Please don't make things up about the LGBTQA+? organization, we have enough problems without yall just MAKING SHIT UP.

    bro its real who the fuck is saying this is fake , I bet I can find dozens of these just in my neighborhood
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by slide22 the triangle part is the original "Rainbow Power" when I was a kid to indicate the color of peoples skin (not sure why blue, blue blood?)

    but then the Gays stole the theme with an actual rainbow color and umm the original got memory-holed until people like me complained and so they decided to add it to the gay flag as to not be called out anymore

    I think one of the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons from the early 70s (3 is lonely number er sum shit) was where it started? maybe the 60s

    but yeah. Cancel Culture trying to memory-hole everything

    forget the past and it will only repeat itself. it's like they want to set themselves up so they can play victim all over again.

    this is all made up
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by jerryb Put down the pipe bro, don't know what your problem is. My wife and I busted our ass to get what we have so fuck off.

    More like you busted ass while your wife bled you dry
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley well hem akes fun of u for being a loser and having alts

    What are my alts then, list them. I only have 2 accounts and they are well known as mine.
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    arguing over fantasy of who would be "better" for a person and reducing a woman to nothing but superficial values and framing a relationship as nothing but a transaction of who can get more from the other is exactly why you are spending your friday nights talking about two people in a relationship instead of meeting someone to start one of your own

  20. Ghost Black Hole
    good work eric

    wait if you photoshop eric kobold onto the above pic thats a 10/10
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