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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    yes if it's even tangentially related to chemistry I am interested. The next big OTC drug precursor is probably scraping the sandalwood off incense sticks and making MDMA from it
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein Ohh what we makin ❤️

    Originally posted by Instigator I feel like cake.
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Instigator Do you fuyss have cigarette butt enorcements officers who follow you around if you get caught throwing them on the ground?

    The cops here are skitzo and will ignore a woman topless smoking meth in broad daylight but then you will jaywalk at 3am and all the sudden two cars will pull out with lights and sirens on and do a full search and ID check
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    All the butts in my neighborhood are used by a homeless shaman in his tobacco spirit summoning rituals. I've watched this guy for years he just goes around surfing butts, i've never seen him smoke once he just seems to collect all the tobacco and then does magic with it. I bet he's really powerful

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Buttman - This man has a look of desperation on his face at all times and he always hangs around the concrete tree circles walking around them clockwise staring intently on the pile of discarded cigarette butts, just endlessly walking around them like he's trying to summon more. Sometimes he sits down and goes through them one by one. I would toss him a pack of smokes but I think it might break the space time continuum. The man is so desperate he's not even trying to summon a cigarette, just the used butts. I see him almost every day doing his dance, kinda like this

  5. Ghost Black Hole
    i'm more aggressive. How do you think they got the injury in the first place?
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley What do you think about midgets, RS9?

    I call them small hebrews. Hitler would have gassed every last one of them.
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    used needle bins
  8. Ghost Black Hole
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Recognition-Lower

    1d ago
    i am ready to fight anybody bro i actually want it to test my skills out and also attention seeking. so this is great not only do i get to bang a 16 year old ill also beat her dad up as a punching bag for target practice if he chooses to assault me or try anything.

    1 day ago

    He says as he sips his 64oz Mountain Dew and dusts the Cheeto crumbs from his T-shirt.
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Michael Myers That's funny, because I've also studied pedagogy and the literature says that females mature faster than males do.

    at least they don't run faster
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Bill Krozby Glizzys

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Even if everyone around you is fucking the dog and nobody gives a shit and even the bosses don't care, you should always take pride in the work. When the owners come and are aghast they can and will fire EVERYONE in the room chatting around the water cooler but they will come up and shake the hand of the one guy with the broom in the back actually working

    be that one guy. There is always one in every place and upper management only notices them.
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    I fucking hate book nerds like oh i'm better than you because I read books i'm on such a high horse so high class look at this giant shelf of bullshit classical artists like wow nobody gives a shit
    Wow look at the media consumer! I have an entire wall of DVD and VHS and I own every coloring book ever printed and I read EVERY BIBLE and have over 20,000 records, CD's and media files and a home cinema and I sit there blasting my dolby surroundsound classic 90s cop action flicks while listening to Mozart and reading THE GREAT GATSBY wow im soooooo much better than you!! BUY BUY BUY SPEND SPEND SPEND!!!!

    like yes you have read over 1600 fictional books wow you must be high class and way more cultured than me. I am just a retard brown shirt that reads HOW TO COOK METH textbooks and ascii art diagrams for nukes because i'm a huge video game dweeb that has an impure form of media for retard button pushers not shape movers or word rotaters like YOU

    Acid + l-ephedrine + P + sautee 2hrs = pure d-methamphetamine
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    A glizzy is either an hotdog or an extended magazine capacity clip for a gun


    "Ay can you get me some glizzys from the glizzy stand"

    "I got no money, gonna have to rob that guy, hand me the glizzy"
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    r/AgePlay and users like "Comfortable-Top-3822" were horrified by OP's comments and all dunked on his ass

    10/10 gg reddit for a bunch of closet nonces that use reddit they can at least identify when something is wrong. You see there is nothing wrong with age play or people that enjoy it. My dad has always dated 20 year old girls and he's a pervert old man and sometimes people joke that he's a creep but never that he's a sicko

    because for 99% of people it's not a problem but for OP specifically because he's an autistic sperg closet nonce that even most MAPs would find him abhorrent. I blame a lack of "rizz" as the kids today would say.

    That's why chomos are supposed to be scary because they can rizz your scared child into taking their clothes off and doing vile shit.

    But when OP tries it he ends up in a full sprint chasing a girl at the top of a hill shouting "WAIT! STOP! Legal age for sexual consent in Poland is 15 years old!!!!!! Pursuant to art. 200 c.c. anyone who has sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 15, or commits any other sexual act, or coerces him or her submit to or perform such an act, is liable to imprisonment from two to twelve years!!!!!!!" and hoping they get exhausted so he can catch up and tackle them into a bush

    it's a lack of rizz and stamina. If this guy gets running shoes or reads "THE GAME" by neil strauss it's all over
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry name me one thing better in life than this?

  17. Ghost Black Hole
    I pm'd every person in that reddit thread with a link to this thread
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Instead of reading the bible why don't you read a scientific textbook or trade manual and get a #Job

    Welcome to the secular world, kid. nobody gives a shit what happens when you die as long as you don't do it on our property
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    hello to any police officers from the future
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    1 day ago

    As someone who has had an arguably slightly immoral relationship, after reading your comments here, I genuinely hope you star in the next video posted online of a father beating and then shooting the older man who messed with his daughter.

    You'd be well deserving of it.

    Op ·
    1 day ago

    yes and i know all of them. basically i studied them line by line off lawyer pages lol but it all comes down to money or having good lawyers anyway on standby my nigga on standby lol form usa money cali dollars so im good lol my familia got me covered just in case.
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