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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    YOu can make more than what you do working a day job if you put enough in
  2. Ghost Black Hole
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    scrawnald trump
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    He's unbanned in less than a week!
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Esplender Have you found that using different game cases gives you a different high???

    no but it gives the highs a different theme
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    i'm half baked
  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    I'm high as fuck
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Franklin, Human Fighter. Folk hero chaotic good level 1. 19 years old 6'3 205lbs

    18 AC
    -1 Initiative

    16 Strength
    9 Dexterity
    15 Constitution
    11 Intelligence
    13 Wisdom
    14 Charisma

    Language: Common and Infernal

    Scimitar +5 ATK 1d6+5 slashing
    Handaxe +5 ATK 1d6+5 slashing

    Armor: Chainmail and Shield.

    Traits: Second Wind heal 1d10+fighter level
    Dueling +2 DMG with single handed weapons
    Folk Hero Shelter

    +1 Acrobatics
    +3 Animal Handling
    +0 Arcana
    +3 Athletics
    +2 Deception
    +0 History
    +1 Insight
    +4 Intimidation
    +0 Investigation
    +1 Medicine
    +0 Nature
    +1 Perception
    +2 Performance
    +2 Persuasion
    +0 Religion
    -1 Sleight of Hand
    -1 Stealth
    +3 Survival

    Always willing to do something epic no matter the danger, like melting tin during a battle and splashing it in someones eyes.

    Always respectful at the tavern

    Lost his family farm to zombies

    Zombies seem to follow him everywhere

    Franklin is renowned for his zombie slaying and drinking abilities. His homeland was overrun by a powerful necromancer and his family farm destroyed by undead. He has traveled and hunted zombies ever since he was 16 years old.

    Franklin is an agent of the Lords Alliance, a group of allied political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity.

    Franklin is my replacement for Sildar Hallwinter in the Lost Mines of Phandelver module. I decided to use Franklin as a hireling and instead of Sildar Hallwinter joining you with no armor or weapons I instead decided to roll a human fighter with gear. He has an explorer pack, an iron pot for melting tin and splashing it in people's faces, 2 handaxes, brewers tools and a box of buttons, the only item left from his childhood.

    I've made it a rule that if Franklin rolls a 20 on throwing the buttons the enemy slips on them and gets knocked down in combat. 19 hits them in the eyes.

    Franklin was hired along with the the hero's to escort the caravan of Gundren Rockseeker to Phandalin
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Yeah homie

  11. Ghost Black Hole
    I have social anxiety disorder and weed is the meds I take for it lol.
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Check my ban history I do not 'tolerate' anything
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    True but it's sooooo awkward!
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    I'll post the backstory and sheet for Franklin my NPC fighter who I based off an old character from a zombie game I made 10 years ago
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra Sacred Flame Catnip

    I have sacred flame, resistance and spare the dying.

    My spells are charm person, disguise self, guiding bolt and cure wounds. I also know command.

    I start with a jar of flesh preserved in pickling fluid.
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    That's how I got a girl pregnant for the first time
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    I'll be friends with him :( I would like to get a beer with spectral and have him tell me all the secrets of totse
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Call me ALPHABET because I'm ALPHA as fuck and you can bet on that
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Fuck you jedi scum go back to Israel
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    I miss fin
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