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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    OP is a paid government agent probably NSA
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by UNSUB

    See how this is the only response he has? that's because the government gang stalking operation didn't plan for me to bust their surveillance ring wide open and expose their manipulation tactics against the public.

    If you claim they are a government agent they will cause a distraction to draw attention away from the issue and try to turn the tables and make you seem like a crazy person. This is clearly COINTELPRO harassment tactics by a paid crisis actor to keep the information flowing in their favor and always against you, the private citizen.
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by UNSUB So you’re saying this is why we should be nice to WellHung?

    Government agent trying to make users fight with each other as a distraction to cover up obvious police surveillance tactics on this forum
  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    You are just a paid crisis actor and a gang stalker working for the federal government

  6. Ghost Black Hole
  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Ghost Black Hole
  9. Ghost Black Hole
  10. Ghost Black Hole
  11. Ghost Black Hole
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    They will arrest you even if you don't break the law by inventing evidence and paying drug addicts with paper trail free cocaine to generate police reports against you.
  13. Ghost Black Hole

    Prospectus: As targets move about their personal and external environments, their habitual daily routines will be used to auto-generate terrain and environment models for GPS maps in 3D (“Containment Ranges”). Targets can be remote-influenced to point to the corners and walls in their homes, offices or any environment surrounding them to geospatially position their own biometrically-located body (“Biospatial 3D Target Mapping”). The level of dimensional biometric detail around a target’s brain will improve to a level where targets can confirm their own retinal scans by placing their eye next a mirror.

    Biometric displacement of the wireless network envelope around a human target is used to generate a detailed thermal image which confirms the person as alive (“Biothermal Remote Detection”). The ruling classes and their government desire a public going about their daily routines, work and romantic/sexual encounters under perpetual and detailed wireless imaging, not knowing a society which had existed without it. Prison walls have disappeared into invisibility, since the prison is an environment which the population has been conditioned to from birth.

    Once entire populations have been both neurally-monitored through Brain Reading and mapped on Containment Ranges, those in positions of access and control can remote-influence persons to behave in ways which continually re-establish the power model. Whether through government employment or obedience—or the futility of organized protest and controlled resistance—there are multiple methods to perpetually deceive a biometrically-monitored public in a cage of illusions:

    Those in power can subject persons of interest to the most resilient and obsequious recorded brain activity through nationalized EEG pattern cloning, cross-nation EEG pattern theft and identity theft;

    Identity theft of EEG patterns can remotely influence in 1:1 real-time a handler/target relationship (a “Through”) to move a target like a human marionette (motion capture) and to have the target speak through the handler’s mouth (ventriloquism);

    As Biospatial 3D Target Mapping captures the motions of the target in their Containment Field, the addition of an eye-mounted camera can allow a handler to share the target’s vision, controlling their movements and sensing their surroundings as telepresence;

    Telepresence through motion capture (self-generated or through the placement of external biometric sensors) allows handlers to steal the visible information from any private or classified environment, and to use that environment data theft to continuously mislead, attract and deceive other persons within it;

    EEG-recording the brain activity of a person enduring physical torture can be transmitted to the target through a wireless Brain-Computer Interface (“BCI”) as virtual torture. An enemy of the state, or sentenced prisoner, can be tortured during sleep, turning one’s own home into a sentence of an imposed duration. EEG recordings of a torture victim’s violent moment of death can be repeatedly transmitted to disintegrate a target’s personality and sanity, while located in the prison cell of their own home;

    Aggregated Brain Reading will be used on targets profiled to have an interest in certain consumer products, sustaining and generating product sales to any chosen consumer demographic. Those targets will be remote influenced to visit a certain store (physical or online) and locate a certain area in that market to find the designated product (“Remote Target Purchase Acquisition”). The sale must close with a purchase to confirm that the target was not browsing or casually shopping, but was buying as remotely directed. Wireless monitoring of the target’s online shopping activity makes for much more dynamic consumer profiling.

    Once society has been conditioned from birth to allow those in power to monitor, record and archive life-to-death—even allowing unknown persons to observe their sexual activity in detail—what remains is controlling that society to behave in ways which benefit those who define themselves as the leaders of a nation, religion and/or state.

    This will involve selecting persons highly skilled in the military, intelligence and policing aspects of social control; educated and trained in the technological, social and political needs of large (public) Containment Ranges. These select few (“Mega”) will receive their missions and commands by silent orders wirelessly delivered to their brain via BCI in Virtual Telepathy (“VT”). Operations will be wirelessly conducted by VT involving the combined intelligence of multiple allied governments, allowing a Mega to blend into society as any member of the public for optimal camouflage.

    To monitor and control entire societies, programmable or automated crowd simulations will be required for the select few to control Brain Reading’s unchosen many. As the public moves through and around state properties, or near Mega operatives, Biothermal Remote Detection will automatically locate and target all biometrically-detectable life forms. With entire populations biometrically identified, select groups can be analyzed to automatically and remotely influence persons within that group to attract, resist or pay no attention to one another in simulated crowd movement (“Massive”).

    Armies, the paramilitary, mercenaries and terrorist groups will be remote influenced as enemies in battleground warfare made irresistible through remote influencing, with nations competing for the most effective combat tactics made possible through BCI-linked military, intelligence and policing minds. The might of nations—and human identity itself—to be determined through physical and mental endurance tests in gladiatorial battlegrounds involving fully- militarized populations.
    Military ideology will saturate every aspect of engineered human evolution through biometric monitoring, EEG reconditioning and remote influencing; luring desperate populations to reduce their numbers in VT-BCI wargames to kill themselves off. The artificial intelligence systems created by the victorious will further reduce global population numbers for a new Earth; sustaining the select few who can survive on the planet’s depleted natural resources (“End Game”).
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    'Homeless Crazy' people are actually RCMP plainclothes using gang stalking tactics, street skits, staged bin divers, drug runners at the subway station all to cover up state funded drug running and terror hoaxes

    here is the same guy being interviewed after the Alek Minassian fake terror hoax attack. Same undercover RCMP agent.

    More Evidence of street skits

    What if government intelligence and secret police placed you under relentless surveillance to drive you insane with it, spreading rumours and lies about you to everyone you came in contact with, using an army of plain clothed and informants to sponge your life dry of all privacy, turning every aspect of your personal life against you? Fabricating cover stories to test surveillance technologies and methods in a criminal conspiracy so deliberately grotesque, no one would ever believe it to be true: a program which transforms isolated persons into domestic terrorists for the political capital required for unending undeclared International warfare.

    It is near-impossible to live in this nation as an honest man, as corruption, exploitation and criminality detests honest men. One is illegally placed under government surveillance to be deliberately ruined, discredited and driven mad with it. These campaigns have been known as 'sluggish schizophrenia' in Russia, Stasi informant campaigns in Germany, COINTELPRO in America and diffuse and disrupt ("D&D") in Canada.

    These campaigns were and are used to discredit and eliminate truthful and intelligent critics of government, the military, law enforcement, organized religion, etc. They justify every preconception one could have about government, religious affiliation, racial identity or whatever targeting profile has been assigned to the campaign.

    The hope is that the target will become discredited by psychiatry or incarcerated once telling others that they are being followed, patterned and mimicked, since psychiatry has no tools for surveillance. The criminal stalking campaign incorporates their target's private home surveillance into plain-clothed 'skits' in public, so that the target feels imprisoned and paranoid wherever they go

    When one reports major crime drug activity in Canada, the regular police gather all the information they can about you. Police drug crews do not show at your door, since they are recruited current and ex-drug addicts, who live a life of deceit, lies and drug abuse. Their job is to control drug flow (e.g. kilograms of cocaine per day to feed Yonge Street), which demands spreading your personal information to government/police-protected drug runners to keep you silent. If their false witness discrediting does not bring you down, your personal information is spread further to tens of thousands of low level drug dealers and buyers via mobile devices, who will pulverize you with relentless stalking for payment in cocaine, heroin, crack cocaine or crystal meth until you are driven to ruin, insanity or suicide.

    Anyone who detects how the Canadian government and its federal and local police distributes drugs will be targeted, as will those who detect how drugs cross American/Mexican borders with spies and plain clothed police acting as tourists. It is done rather simply with a police-linked network of swappable mobile phones (swapping photos of anonymous faces for one-time secure contact), earbuds for discrete directions and backpacks/luggage in a pea and shell game. Anyone who detects this scheme will be pulverized with counterintelligence stalkers who, for the most part, are 'day players' doing a stalking skit for one-time payment in drugs, leaving no paper trail. Whomever you may come in contact with for assistance may be directed to you by the federal police to ensure the vast drug running scheme is neither exposed nor compromised.

    The 11th floor RCMP HQ at 105 Isabella used redundant biometric tracking in backpacks, mobile phones, police wires, button cams and Toronto police CCTV to stage drug deals non-stop. The Canadian, American and Mexican governments have hundreds of thousands of drug users, addicts and dealers to stalk an honest person to institutionalization, suicide or a 'brought it upon yourself' targeted killing. The decade-plus-and-running law enforcement-protected drug manufacture/distribution scheme is a fairly straightforward Hispanic cartel structure, using a 'nothing but garbage and poor people to see here' psychology to hide it in plain sight.
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    turnipip bill Bill Krozbyby alligaytor
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    I have bongs outside all the time you people are a bunch of bitch ass losers
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG Joints are halfway to nigger cigars

    Racist piece of shit
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Benzos are for Cucks
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Real like a henchman
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Tonoplast is my offspring
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